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File: Irish+and+US+Passport.jpg (124 KB, 1024x768)
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Just got my Irish Passport(thru grandparents), should I use this to travel with instead of my American passport?
If you want to go to Iran or Cuba, yes
Are they stupid or something?
I've got a UK one and it's nice to have, but not a big deal in most cases.

Just remember it's illegal to enter the US without using your US passport, even if you're a dual national.

Nope, same restrictions apply no matter which passport you use, even if you're not travelling from/to/through the US and you do everything on your non-US passport, it's still illegal without declaring your purpose for your visit with the US government.
>Just remember it's illegal to enter the US without using your US passport, even if you're a dual national.
this is a stupid law but I guess I get it.
>Nope, same restrictions apply no matter which passport you use, even if you're not travelling from/to/through the US and you do everything on your non-US passport, it's still illegal without declaring your purpose for your visit with the US government.
and this is just fucked up. That's like North Korea-tier shit. USA is supposed to be the land of the free but it's illegal for me to leave the country if I'm going someplace they don't like?
I don't think the US is part of the UK any more, they had some minor disagreements.
Speaking of North Korea, your government bans you from going there, very free indeed.
I mean, you just need to declare your purpose of visiting cuba, most people just say the generic "supporting the cuban people" excuse and provide "support" by purchasing souvenirs/cigars/etc while visiting cuba.

> The 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba are:
> random shit
> more random shit
> support for the Cuban people;
> other random shit

But yea, the US department of state rules apply irrespective of the passport you're using as it applies to US citizens, not simply people travelling on a US passport, so using a 2nd passport doesn't negate you being a US citizen, and thus subject to the requirement to declare your visit/intentions.
The UK? Yea
>this is a stupid law but I guess I get it.
Ireland is one of the few countries that allows Dual Irish nationals to travel to/from/through Ireland without their Irish passport. I know with my UK passport I have to use it when entering the UK.

Though you would need to get a stamp on your non-irish passport if you wanted to use it for entering Ireland without your irish passport, and to get that stamp you need to prove irish citizenship (usually with a current/expired passport).

tldr; it's a niche thing and Ireland is one of the few first world nations I'm aware of that allows it.

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