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Is a working holiday visa with 2k€ saved possible and fund the stay/food by working at a combini in Taiwan/Japan/Korea/Hong Kong without turning the entire year into pure suffering?
Which place to stay could I even afford, would minimum wage + max amount of work allowed even make enough money to sleep somewhere alone and have better food than rice & beans?
Am I likely to get rejected as a Neet without any language skills?
Put yourself in the employers shoes: what’s in it for me to go through the trouble of hiring this guy from wherever the fuck who looks and sounds like an incel? He better be really good at something to make it worth my time
>wants to work in a customer-facing role in a country where no English is spoken
>no language skills
Any McDonalds employee I faced might aswell be on a working holiday visa based on their language skills. Ofc 7/11 etc. are in dire need of minimum wagers.

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