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What are popular tourist destinations you would never visit? I personally wouldn't choose to visit Argentina, Brazil, and Germany because they just seem boring, and like inferior versions of neighboring countries
Temple Bar
Blue Lagoon
Nassau Bahamas
Blarney Stone
London Eye
Vatican City
Mona Lisa
Anne Frank House
Anywhere in India
Anywhere in China
Mount Everest
Bondi Beach
Miami Beach
Martha's Vineyard
Niagara Falls
Atlantic City
Disney World
Disney Land
Times Square
Mall of America
Atlantis Resort
Madame Tussauds
Checkpoint Charlie
Wall Drug
St. Peter’s basilica is a pretty amazing thing to see. And photos can’t do justice to the scale and magnificence of the place.
I suggest you reconsider that one.
Germany? I would recommend Bavaria, which is southern Germany. Munich as a launching point, then see Neuschwanstein castle.
Maybe Octoberfest?
>Germany boring
Nope. Fuck Catholics.
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Those churches lose their luster when you consider all the children who were sodomized inside of them
The OP question was..where would you never visit. You’ve been honest with your response. It’s silly for me to try to convince you that your are wrong about some of your selections, but it’s fun to do that anyway.
Niagara Falls. I got a hotel room facing the falls, and arrived at night. I entered the room and it’s one of the few times I gasped. The falls were lit up and it was one of the most spectacular things I have seen.
Then I went downstairs to the casino and had fun drinking and losing money on slots.
Next day, on to Toronto for more travel delights.
90% of Europe, especially Paris, Rome and Venice. Seen enough of Europe to realize it is an overrated overpriced shithole. Maybe only the Balkans/Turkey seem worth it.
Anywhere in the USA except maybe Utah or Colorado (only for nature though), since it's a vast expensive cultural wasteland.
Anywhere in Australia for the same reasons.
>Dylan shitting up threads again
Don't think I'll ever make it to Gold Coast or Sao Paulo
People coming to 4chan and then complaining America has no culture will never stop being funny to me
This site is based on 2ch which is Japanese.
It was created by Americans for Americans
4 seconds later
Yes, 4chan was created by Americans to discuss degen weebshit with each other
I have zero interest in visiting Thailand or any of the typical places westerners with yellow fever go to
London, Berlin, Naples.
Amsterdam - expensive, shitty weather and not even good for the meme things it's known for
Mexican beach towns - cursed by being too close to the US and/or ran by cartels
New question. Does anyone else boycott travel destinations after having bad experiences in the past?
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im boycotting spain because my family kept taking me there every year growing up
I’ll never say never. But I have no interest in Australia, which has all the culture and history of Orange County, California (this was actually the opinion of some Australians I met with a home in SoCal), nor do I have any desire to go to Florida, which has always seemed trashy to me. I might feel differently if I were really into the beach; I have aunts and cousins in Florida who couldn’t imagine living anywhere else, and I have Australian friends who are lovely people despite the stupidity and alcoholism. But neither destination speaks to me at all.
anywhere can be fun if you're not a mopey faggot and you avoid criminals
Virtually all "natural beauty" destinations. If you've seen one beach/mountain/valley/river/glacier/etc you've seen them all.
Argentines are some of the absolute worst, saltiest fucking posters on this miserable website, so that alone deters me from ever going there. Anyway, what type of a loser nation puts foreign territory on their banknotes as wishful thinking that they'll possess it one day?
India- all of it. Jamaica. Any African country save for South African. Mexico. China. I'm pretty open about seeing new places but not these.
Irony is that if the Argentinian just accepted that they were brown they could just walk into the Falklands and claim it as theirs and the local white cucks would kiss their asses.
Man, I don't know what you're smoking. Going to Southern Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego in the fall has been a bucket list trip for me since I was a kid.
Is peak Evropa.
>Vatican City
>Checkpoint Charlie
Have visited. They're good. CC is just a part of Berlin.
>90% of Europe, especially Paris, Rome and Venice.
I live in the Balkan part of the balkans, and I also have been in Turkey, and those places are heaven on earth. Not the refugee part, don't strawman me. You're just an edgelord.
South Asia and anything south of Morocco in Africa. I don't give a fuck if you had a nice trip to India, Bangladesh, or the Congo, they're shitholes to me with nothing of worth.
As a Balkan enjoyer, I fully agree. Whatever you're looking for in western europe, the balkans have it 3 times cheaper with less tourists. They're the only countries worth visiting nowadays
Obviously, but time and money are limited so you don't want to waste it going to dumps like Johannesburg South Africa
Paris probably? The demographics aren't what they used to be

I used to want to go to the amazon rainforest but not anymore probably, too many bugs, too much fungus, might run into an illegal operation, etc

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