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What is you favorite Church or place of worship you've been to on your travels
Most impressive probably was Hagia Sophia.
>reddit the church
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I’m not even Muslim but Al Aqsa was the most impressive thing I saw in Jerusalem. Of course that’s why the Jews want to steal it.
The Cathedral of Toledo blew my 10 year old mind
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I live and often travel in Europe, so I have seen and enjoyed a lot of churches and cathedrals—my favorites are more often smaller, really old places than massive grand edifices. Among the big guns, the Duomo in Florence is among my favorites, for the art more than anything. Even just the doors are worth a trip.

Overall, I’ve been inside few buildings as beautiful as the Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul, AKA the Blue Mosque, just opposite Hagia Sophia. Hagia Sophia is older and in some ways arguably more interesting, having been church, mosque, museum, and mosque again, but Sultanahmet is much brighter and more beautiful as a piece of pure architecture.
the druids, nobody knows who they were or what they were doing
Liverpool Cathedral (Anglican, not Catholic)
Ethiopia followed by Armenia.
The Pantheon. It’s seriously impressive. Pictures don’t do it justice.
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Crna Reka cave monastery in Southern Serbia, hands down.

Biggest let-down. Great Mosque of Kairouan, Tunisia. Infidels not allowed inside. :(
pic not related?

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