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going to afghanistan, shoots guns, and visit gun factory shacks is the top of my bucketlist.

roughly how much would it cost for 2 weeks trip there with a guide & necessary bribes there?

I'm planning on visiting russia first for a week or two
then go through central asian country land border and not via direct flight so my passport won't get flagged (I don't want to explain it when I'm applying for western visa + I'm a muslim which already made it a hassle)
won't disclose my country because I'm a paranoid schizophrenic :) but my passport is good for all surrounding country except for turkmenistan

any suggestion?
>shoots guns, and visit gun factory shacks
would welcome relatively safe (publicly allowed & no need to go to warlord encampment) other country/region too other than afghanistan
>ib4 america
their visa is a pain to get
Go on Twitter and ask Kilometers for advice.

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