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I am a retard and I need to ask this question. When /trv/elling, how do I find someone to buy drugs off of?

Primarily weed but also like acid/ecstasy/ketamine.

But I don't know who to approach in public or at bars and shit. It's not like I see wooks out and about.

Author's note: Portugal
i heard the people pushing drugs in portugese tourist areas are selling fake stuff so the cops dont bother them, aside from the hassle of fighting the gypseys and illegals that would ensue
My buddy was in a bar in Lisbon and somebody tried to sell him weed. he declined the offer. A few minutes later the police came in and asked to search his bag, he said sure, there was a bag of it sitting right on top of his things in his bag.

Turns out there's a reward for turning drug dealers over to the police. So the guy he met was going to sell him the drugs and then turn him in to profit twice. When he refused to buy, the guy just planted them and turned him in any way.

Buddy spent several years in a Portuguese prison. The British embassy couldn't help him.
Ngl the hash i bought in the center of Porto Ribeira was pretty good
This is either total bullshit or happened a LONG time ago—Portugal decriminalized possession of drugs in 2001. Unless the person decided to plant a kilo on your friend, he would have gotten away with possession of an amount sufficient for ten days of personal use with a fine and a referral to drug counseling.
Its a copypasta you fucking idiot LOLMFAO
> Portugal
well can't help you with that, but given you have "Europe" in your title, your best bet is to go to a party city.
In Budapest if you are a young white man, especially travelling in a group of young white guys, just walk around the Pest quarter and the ruin bars after sunset and you'll have taxi drivers roll down their windows to offer you some and gypsies also selling
In Eastern Europe meth and ketamine is currently popular and you'd find it just by going to parties. Given you do not know anyone in portugal your best bet is just to go to the nightlife and hang around that scene
What happens if you're a middle-aged Korean woman in Budapest, especially travelling in a group of middle-aged Korean women?
Oh my god, what if you are a white twink who just wants some weed?! where do you go?!
I made some friends and asked them. The hookups all use whatsapp and have menus of their offerings. You can message them with your order and they will say where to meet; I was blown away by how fast this was, last time I picked up some k and stuff they said '5 minutes, black Mercedes' and one pulled up outside my hotel in that time. I assume they have dispatch and a number of vehicles driving around. This was in Portugal but from what I've seen it's a similar game all over Europe. I had another guy who only sold coke and took longer to meet up but he had a mk4 TDI so he was cool in my book.
Go to university areas. Go to stoners. Profit.

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