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>ruins your flight

If you bring a baby on an airplane, I genuinely hope it gets cancer and dies before it turns 5. Signed, everybody.
That was you once, anon
Don't you have any headphones?
You put dogs in the cargo hold, why can't you do the same for babies?
I can understand a short flight, but people who bring babies on international flights to go on vacation should be hanged. God help you if you forget your noise canceling headphones.
I am a Filipino American with a Latvian wife. We flew from Manila to the USA when she was 6 months pregnant. After she had the baby in the USA we flew back to Manila. I bet a lot of you white dorks were seething when a Pinoy chad with his white wife had our baby. Hopefully you caught AIDS from the cheap tondo whore you paid to fuck you.
Most powerfvl race.
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This you? I warned you before if you shitposted on 4chan again I would fuck with you IRL. Last time I gave you a chance because you had a newborn, but it looks like you didn't take the threat seriously.

I already know what building you live in. I have infinite free time and am an obsessive sociopath. It's your choice if you really want to antagonize me.

she's a russian jew and her family lives in israel
she isn't white
To start with, I'm forwarding your retarded internet shitpost to her as an image capture.

Tomorrow, I'm driving over to stake out your apartment and figure out your schedule, and to follow you around and see who your family is, and then I'm going to send them your posting history as well.

Your producer and everyone at the studio (if you can call it that) is going to get your posting history also. We can see how you fare when everyone around you knows what a sniveling little ratfuck you are in private.

You'll never see me and you will never know who I am. You won't catch me, you won't be able to do shit about it. You were warned and now you're going to experience consequences for your behavior.
>You put dogs in the cargo hold, why can't you do the same for everyone else but me?
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Normally people who are more important (in their heads, at least) than anyone else fly private.
Cargo flights are greatly superior to scheduled passenger flights.
>no TSA, no queues
>all your luggage at hand, no arbitrary limits
>easy access to cockpit
>comfy seats with nobody before or behind you
>self service catering at any time
>fast track immigration
They only lack alcohol and IFE, but nothing your own computer cannot fix.
shes whiter than your slum whore, you pathetic dorker incel
how exactly does one book a cargo flight?
>be pilot or dispatcher
>select flight and list for jumpseat
let’s unwrap this

-cuckshed has no child
-cuckshed is estranged from his family
-cuckshed cant drive
-cuckshed is a coward
-cuckshed’s whore has black nipples and a dirty brown pussy that looks like the prolapsed asshole of a ladyboy

-Eugene has a child who is a member of the elite ruling tribe of the planet.
-Eugene has a wealthy family
-Eugene is a social media influencer
-Eugene is living the full University experience of his youth
Eugune is enjoying pink nipples and white pussy

looks like Eugene clearly wins

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