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I've been looking into traveling to the states at some point next year, maybe in late springtime.

I've been to several countries in Europe, and the only time I've been out of the continent was when when I went to NY with friends 5 years ago, but this time I'd like to spare 2-3 weeks for a road trip on the west side of the country, ideally from Texas to LA, going through Colorado and Las Vegas.

Is this a good idea? And what would be cool things for an european to do/visit in and around these places? I know this is an extremely vague and general question, but different people will have different views and tastes, so I want different perspectives

Bonus points for cool metal/rock festivals too with shit that I'm hardly able to see here in Europe
Isn't metal pretty big in europe, especially scandinavia.
Some great national parks roughly on your route through Utah but late spring is pretty hot already especially for a european already so be wary of that.
The road up to Pikes Peak should be open, kind of neat, especially if you don't plan to actually hike any mountains.
Check out a baseball game, different atmosphere than other sports (besides cricket I guess), you might like it. Coors Field in Denver is beautiful with great weather and right in downtown. Dodger Stadium in LA is nice too, more famous ballpark and much more famous team. Angel Stadium is the other LA (Anaheim) option and next to Disneyland. Don't know about the new Rangers ballpark in Dallas, heard it's nice but kind of soulless, looks like a warehouse. Baseball games can be a cheap night out if you know how, you can get into Coors Field for $4 and have $3 beers before the game starts.
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I was thinking about doing a scenic drive between Denver and Salt Lake, using the highway instead of interstate. Highway 40 that goes through Steamboat springs.
Not really sure what that has to offer.

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