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I'm turning 37 in 6 months. I spent the ages of 29-36 travelling the world. I made 4 million dollars in crypto during the 2017 bullrun and quit my job to live the passport bro lifestyle.

I'm not an incel, I'm well educated, 6'1, and fairly handsome. I had a preposterous amount of sex, both with civilian women and asian escorts (mostly Japanese and Korean).

The first few years feels amazing. I have never felt so wonderful and free, and it truly was the best way to spend my early 30s... but it all comes at a terrible cost, which is that you've fucking left reality behind.

There are logistical problems with living a passport bro life.

1) You're going to realize a first world lifestyle is better than living in some shithole SEA country, and to afford that you'll need real income at some point, and if you want to live in Japan you'll still need about a normal US salary to live comfortably.
2) You give up your American roots, which are the best in the world. We have the best education, best upbringing, best culture, etc. You only realize this when you spend time abroad. Very few countries can compete with US culture, I think the only ones are France, Germany, England, and Japan. Every other culture sucks ass and is retarded.

But that's not what I'm talking about. If you're a true passport bro like me, someone who is semi-retired and invested wisely (my NW increased to about 6 million since I started travelling, and I make about 200k/year in passive income), it's going to ruin your fucking life.

I can't ever get married because I'm used to the degenerate coomer lifestyle. I can't ever get a regular job again because I literally have no reason to work anymore, since I have no family. You're just stuck in this mashmellow river of good food and good fucks and it's addictive, but at the same time your soul knows this isn't what is good for you.

I'm not saying a 9-5 is the best choice (it's not), but if you spend your youth travelling and doing whatever you want, realize that at a certain point you won't be able to come back to society. It will doom you and your bloodline.
I'll never afford to leave the US anyway but I'll keep your advice in mind in case I win the lottery.
Interesting predicament. That is a large sum of money that you claim to have earned but stranger things have happened and its not impossible.

If you are well educated then you could teach English. Even a 'lowly' ESL teacher, as long as they're personable, can make real connections with their colleagues. During summer break you could coom to your hearts content around the globe but during school season you could put down roots in a place. He knows, you may even meet a female colleague who captures your heart.

I read a post on 4chan a while ago by someone who claimed to have founded then sold a tech startup and has enough money for a couple lifetimes. He said that he still has a 9-5 job because he needed a sense of normalcy.
That’s really not a lot of money. I sold my startup for $2 billion.
what the fuck is a civilian woman

you mean as opposed to a cop woman? an army woman? a supreme court judge woman?
There’s like 3 anons on /trv/ who made 7 figures from crypto and 350 anons who claim they made 7 figures from crypto
>both with civilian women and asian escorts
I think a civilian woman is one who is not an escort
thanks for the warning ill keep it in mind when i find 4 million dollars down the back of the sofa
>I'm not an incel
says the person acting and typing like an incel
Shut the fuck up you stupud rich piece of shit that much money would change my life. Fuck, $100,00 would literally be enough to change my life. Not evewrybody is luckyt and rich I ahte you I hate you I hate you FUCK YOU.
Its always either that or the got into tech before or in the beginning of the boom and got a 300k job right out of college and are now millionaires. Funny how everybody on 4chan is rich and handsome, isnt it?
From my exp meeting up with 4chan anons over the years, most are like 4 or 6's outta 10's but use the "Well white man and has cash" to add on +3 or 4 points to make themselves 9/10's.
I would break down trv in
30% I've met don't have crypto fully funding themselves as virtually all still live at home paying 0 or near 0 rent for the areas they live.
60% do some job or are in a 'gap year' from school/work/etc still living at home where travel once every few months is easy due to their lack job and income requirements
10% are actual digital nomads or people who have some kind of job where travel for work is important, merchant marines, digital nomad, IT guys who got reassigned, truckers, etc

Anytime I hear someone tell me "well I have X in net value" what they mean is they are sitting on a lot of shitcoin that if it just hits .01 SUD whoo baby they made it! J-just wait!
>We have the best education, best upbringing, best culture, etc.
You're a fed shill aren't you
>Every other culture sucks ass and is retarded.
Good God lol. This culture of vulgarity and antisocial shit can't possibly be that good to you. But then again you've spent a solid chunk of your time traveling and not fighting your way through American society so you don't really even have the perspective on how bad things are. There's a reason most people are mental, drugged up on shit like anti depressants, killing themselves, or dreaming of escaping it all and traveling the way you have.
OP isn't a fed he's at best recycling some bait at best or most likelyjust some 36 y/o who's having a tissy of a midlife crisis realizing some shit out there.

I'm leaning towards the later of him traveling off and on for a few years but not really doing anything to improve his self worth rather just stick to slums and cheap hookers.
Is it any wonder why you're poor when you type like an uneducated nigger?
Have you met English teachers? They're retarded. I worked in the finance side of media and while I'd never go back, it was fun to be around those types of people and occasionally see famous people. People who move to Japan to teach English are literally fucking losers and I'd rather be alone than have to suffer drinking a beer with them.

it means non-whore you retard

many people made a lot of money from crypto, it's really not that unfathomable

imagine actually meeting up with some IRL from 4chan.


lmao, even

Am I wrong? Sure if you grow up in the wrong side of chicongo, anywhere else in the world besides somalia will seem better... but if you grew up in the middle class suburbs, or upper middle class, you have the best upbringing and culture in the world.

Europeans, for the most part, are uncultured arrogant retards, feeling pride in accomplishments their ancestors achieved and yet doing nothing on their own. They know a lot about Europe but not much about anything else, and I find most Euros (besides Germans and English, and Scandinavians) to be annoying and stupid as fuck.
I’m the guy who sold his startup for $2 billion.
I started my company in 2002 while I was in college. I remember working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week for 8 years. In the early days, my employees took vacations, I covered them. I build the company based on my vision. Before I took the company’s stock public, it caught the eye of one of the larger tech companies and I they generously offered me what I wanted. They kept most of my employees. I chose to not stay because I just made $2 billion.
how would $10,000 change your life?

Literally just become a server at a nice restaurant and you can make $200-350 per day.

Work less than 3 months and you'll have 10k.
what country do you live in?
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>I'm not an incel
>proceeds to post and type like an incel
>yeah OP this sounds like a you problem
>No guys you all seem stupid haven't you guys noticed stupid shit! me me me my opinion is what's right! wake up sheeple!
OP assuming you aren't just bored stuck at some airport shitposting to kill time...

If you actually spent 7 years traveling with 4 million in the bank, but you somehow didn't for a second take in the world that was around you failing to understand YOU ARE A TOURIST. I don't know what to say, you're a literal mouth breathing NPC.

I've been at this for almost 10, every country I go to I figure out a reason to go. Some part of the culture, events there, friends I've made during my longer stays when taking interest in hobbies I have and keeping up on facebook/discord/etc. All play into helping me develop as a person and at the end of my travels I still have gotten something out of it in growth of myself.

Yeah no shit retard, you're entire #2 point is that of a true NPC mindless retard who probably never did much anything outside what school told them to do. America is fucking great if you didn't figure that out in 1/2 a year abroad you are truly a gorilla nigger IQ. It has a ton of faults but it sounds like you're too stupid to take into account things like cost of living to income, how much the US brain drains countries for their graduates, and so on.

If you are turning 36 and just now coming to terms with this holy lol you're actually pathetic, you can't get married because you enjoyed cooming. It's because your a retard. You sound exactly like one of those pol idiots who are "really really 6'1' and handsome but the mutts at home didn't understand u :(". Go touch grass idiot just because you lived in an apartment in Thailand for X then visa hop'd posting online and "exploring" by hiring a hooker for the night, isn't really a fair take at the world.
you think I'm reading that gibberish? imagine saving that image on your computer and using it online and thinking anyone would take you seriously in the slightest
Wow, extremely relatable post. I'm 29 I'm not semi-retired by any means but I'm well into coastFIRE at $560k~. Software Engineer that's moving to Bangkok next month to work abroad without my employer knowing. Will digital nomad until I get fired and then plan on doing TEFL for a few years to essentially do the exact same thing as you. Coom / drink and live a life that's just not possible back home even with the relative success I've had.

I have no desire to get married and have no real desire to even find a long term girlfriend or have kids. I just want to go wild until I get bored.

I want to follow in your footsteps OP, would you still advise against this? I'm literally depressed / bored out of my mind in western Europe, there is no comparison. I would rather save $1k a month doing TEFL so I can live in Asia than keep my 6 figure salary and have to stay here.
>You give up your American roots
Oh no the horror…Seriously American culture isn’t that fucking stellar, it’s mostly consumerist shit with cheap quality food and crappy social settings. I’d rather live in any Western European country, each one I visited is more vibrant than the U.S. Some of the big cities in the U.S. are cool but Europe and I’m assuming Japan are just leagues above the U.S.
>2) You give up your American roots,
Not American
Would give them up in an instant if I was
Death to the Great Satan, inshallah
pay my mortgage please mate
If this isn't a larp, then 4-6M is plenty to have at least one kid, even two or three. Quit complaining son, having a family or not is totally up to you
Living my dream.
Got any proof? Why are you even on /trv/, you can hop on your private jet and be anywhere in the world in 24 hours or less. Your travel and /trv/ travel are completely different spaces.
I also have 7 figs in crypto but I'm 5'4 indian and only been with 1 girl (my vietnamese wife) for the past 4 years. I also live in japan, kinda funny how we're polar opposites OP. I've always wondered what life would be like if I never met my wife and just decided to fuck bitches like you. I am also severely autistic and it's extremely difficult for me to actually spend time with people I don't like tho so I'd probably have to turn into an alcoholic lol
I'm not an entrepreneur but I'm trying to grind to wealth, what tips would you give? Currently I'm trying to find bug bounties, some of them can give you millions but they're very hard to find. I have a strict routine and try to improve as much as I can so I was wondering if you have any mindset or general tips godspeed
It's going to be great for 3-4 years, like seriously amazing. The problem is that you'll eventually get bored.

At this point, having sex with a girl has the same level of intimacy as shaking her hand. The plus side is that I'm completely unphased by women at this point, no matter how hot they are. I've had sex with so many hot girls within 5 minutes of them coming to my apartment (escorts) that sex is actually meaningless at this point.

You're going to turn yourself into a sex fiend and while it seems fine at first, you'll never be able to look at women the same. I honestly don't think it's a healthy mindset to fall into because you'll never be able to stay with one girl again due to addiction to variety. I did have the desire to get married and start a family, but due to fucking so many girls I've lost it. You don't want to end up 45 and alone, so I'm trying to fix myself now.

So yes, I do advise against this. You're opening pandora's box and you won't see the ill effects of it until you're my age. If you're going to do it though, keep your high paying remote job. Asia is more expensive than you think especially if you want to be cooming with a different girl every day.

I find Europeans to be very annoying in general, unless they're British, French, or German, or Scandinavians. Most have a peasant mind set and are backwards and racist (not in a good, funny way, but in a low class way)

The best way to grow up is like the kids in stranger things, like in a middle or upper middle class american suburb with no blacks or hispanics.

It's really not if you live in a major US city. I live in San Fran and the cost of raising one child past college is probably like 2 million dollars.
No offense, but if I was short and indian I would not do the passport bro life. The reason I fuck so many hookers is because hookers love me. I'm actually tall and handsome so we have a lot of fun together. If they don't find you attractive, it'll be transactional and you'll end up having a bad time. You might even feel worse afterwards because you'll realize that even a whore can't stand having sex with you. You must be tall and at least decent looking to take advantage of passport bro lifestyle. I spend most of my time in Korea and Japan and I'm able to mog local men to comical degrees which temporarily boosts my ego until I realize I'm a old fuck who wasted his early 30s cooming himself into oblivion (seemed like a good idea at the time)
I want to add that on my travels I've met a lot of rich guys like me who did the same stuff. Some of them got married and they all cheat on their wives like crazy. It's actually kind of a bonding experience because they know I'll keep their secret and we just go out and do degenerate shit.

Even though I partake in this, I don't think I'm ok with it. I grew up in a very loving and stable household and I would never want to cheat on my wife if I got married.

However, you can talk all the shit you want about having standards and morals, but your behavior is what dictates who you are, and my behavior points to me being just as much a piece of shit as these people I'm judging. So just be careful how you approach your 30s if you're still young
You can't say it's extremely relatable and then disregard all of OP's warnings. You'll find yourself back in the same mindset 2 years in.

I had a similar experience to OP but a bit younger and then managed to get out and back into 'reality' so take it from me too. Got married, had one kid and another on the way and god do I miss parts of that life and travelling but as a whole, my life now is way better and fulfilling. The sad thing is you don't realise it until you take the plunge and settle down, all you can do is just listen to most people's experiences and trust them. Granted I don't have a traditional 9-5 and can afford to work from home and have my wife stay home but my life is so much better. Different but better.
I speak Japanese and I'm generally able to make friends easily, I'm just very picky who to choose my time with. I'm probably just horribly insecure due to bullying growing up and thus unless I experience that sort of degenerate cooming to gratify my ego I feel like I'm missing out. Which is weird because I somehow have everything I ever wanted, I don't even like whores or sex but somehow I still feel like a loser. Women have told me I'm decent looking (at least my wife says that all the time) but the main issue I have is being a manlet, is it actually so crippling of a disability or am I just mentally ill? I can't cheat on my wife, like I mentally can't go through with it without killing myself. Call me a beta bitch but I just don't have it in me. My wife does everything I ask for and generally is an amazing life partner, but I still feel inferior if I don't coom in many thots. Guess I'm just mentally ill even though I kinda have what you want and you kinda have what I want. Grass is always greener I guess
I think I do very well with the kinds of girls who aren't into degenerate stuff but man due to the evils of the world's I can't shake my inferiority off, I don't think it'll get better unless I somehow fix my own mental state tho
Found the problem. Blaming your issues on outside factors takes away your control over the situation.
Seek Jesus
>incel larper
if not
>incel got lucky but his inceldom got the better of him after 7 year of dopamine overload and tries to pass is shit as """Advice"""
take drugs, go to school or pay someone to make you think for yourself. You not an expert at anything, you are just full of yourself.
>had 4m
>make 200k passive
0/10 biz bait

OP is larping and has 0 idea what he is talking about. If you are literally too stupid to realize that the grass isn't always greener where by traveling is not the solution to your depression; you deserve the stupid shit that follows.
You really should elaborate what's so great about it and why america is in such bad shape.
>1) You're going to realize a first world lifestyle is better than living in some shithole SEA country
You know the only ones who think SEA is goat are coomers who've yet to lose their V cards, straight up uggos, shut ins who see the world through pol, or poorfags right? Maybe a combo of all four.
>if you want to live in Japan you'll still need about a normal US salary to live comfortably
We got an Einstein over here! More money = comfy living!??!
> You give up your American roots, which are the best in the world.
Debatable to some but overall America offers the most opportunity compared
>I can't ever get married because I'm used to the degenerate coomer lifestyle.
No it sounds more to me like your just a sexpest with a very narrow view of the world echoing stereotypes you got from int.

If you have 200k passive income with more in the bank, there is no reason you can't get married with an airtight prenup if you have to for some reason. Those often are about 2k, which is 1% of your passive income. That's only if you need one, if you traveled for 7 years and still have that kind of $$ coming in you could easily pick up a 22-23 y/o fresh out of college girl ready to follow you and call you do it all. However, you type and sound more like a fresh out of college "took a gap year" anon who is coming to an end of their year of party. Decent bait 3/10, knowing trv falling and hating people who travel constantly or digital nomads (specifically that one security guard), I predict this thread will hit >400 replies.
>had 4m
>make 200k passive
>0/10 biz bait
Since the height of the 2017 crypto bubble bitcoin has gone 3x and the S&P500 is 2x, so if he sold all the crypto or only part it should be at least 6M now. Many people consider 4%/year of invested assets to be a safe withdrawal rate to not go bankrupt, which for 6M would be 240k. I'm assuming that's what OP is counting as his passive income
Idk blowjob bars in Bangkok are pretty great. Imagine getting your shit sucked and throated for $35 bucks a pop (and that's at the most expensive japanese style salons, you can get dome for way cheaper)
yeah, but where is the love in all of that?
Again, if you're tall and handsome, you do experience love from hookers, which is what makes it all so dangerous.

Hookers, especially pretty ones, are still human women. They still enjoy having sex with good looking people and will perform 1000% better if they are attracted to you.

My friends who are short and average looking don't always have good experiences with hookers, and I'd say they rarely have great experiences. I've had hookers stay over night for free and we fuck a few times and get breakfast in the morning.
Why do I need to go to Thailand or abroad to have a girl suck me off? I can do that at home.
Because you can have a girl suck you off for breakfast, then go to the gym, do some work, get another girl to suck you off, then go to dinner for under like 30 bucks lol
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>don't go out and enjoy things because it makes the prospect of wasting your life wageslaving even harder to accept
gee thanks confucius, what a profound insight into the human condition. Truly a shocker that once you experience how good life can be outside of the "correct" path society insists on it's hard to put the blinders back on.

You are the dog that caught its own tail and realize how pointless the whole pursuit is. You have escaped the daily grind needed to meet your basic needs and are left rudderless because you have no goals besides those externally imposed on you by the nature of existence in our current social structure. If you need economic precarity to incentivize you to work does it not suggest that there is no inherent meaning or satisfaction in the work? If you can simply pay a beautiful woman for sex does it not suggest that sex itself should not be the goal of a relationship?

You have the luxury of unlimited free time, figure out what YOU want to do with it now that you're free of your chains. Many people are never forced to really examine that because the rat race consumes their entire existence and, quite frankly, they're more comfortable submitting to what they believe is the natural order of things than having to confront the inherent lack of purpose in life. I can't tell you what you want but you can at least set some short term goals, climb a mountain, run a marathon, read some good books, learn another language
You sound like a very interesting person and well rounded individual. How many STD's you carrying?
I meant love as in both love each other. What you describe is nice but also kinda awkward. It's not like you gonna hike with them later.
actually none, surprisingly. I also don't use condoms.

The only thing I've gotten is HPV but everyone gets that eventually and it doesn't really affect men.

Just make sure you use high end escort services, if the girl looks sketchy just use her mouth as a hole and avoid ass/pussy
What age did you get out though, and how long were you with your partner until you got married?

I know I'm going to have to do this at some point but honestly after grinding my balls off for my entire late 20's I don't think I'm in the mindset to commit to anything yet.

>The problem is that you'll eventually get bored.
My plan was literally to do this until I get bored, then accept reality, go back home, get another SWE role and then work & look to start a family.

I think my brain is already broken like yours, I did 2 years in HK when I was 19... I don't think I was with a single girl for more than a month. Some weeks it was 4-5 different girls on different days. I know what this feels like and it's a high I've been chasing ever since I've come home.

Then I returned to western Europe and I can't even be bothered to even try hard here because I know how easy it was before. I'm so disillusioned by marriage and committing to one women.

If I don't do this I'm going to be on my death bed with a lot of regrets. If I leave and it's shit and I'm bored after a month I just come home, buy a house and a life of normality like everybody else.

>cheat on their wives like crazy
If this is Japan or Korea, I imagine they're all doing the same...
It all boils down to the simple fact that some people can enjoy hedonism, while others always struggle with the existential implications of a life of mindless fun...or simple burnout of dopamine receptors.

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