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25 yr from east coast US looking to travel somewhere new in September/October
I'm from the US, been to Japan 3 times, been to Central/South America so I want to go somewhere new
I haven't been to europe before so likely looking for somewhere there but want to avoid immigrant infested areas (even though I'm latino)

Specifically looking for someplace where:
1. I can relax without needing to think at all (or at least minimally) about crime, being annoyed etc. even as a colored guy (ex: like how Japan is)
2. Can get around easily without needing to drive (a given in Europe)
3. Not a beach/resort area

Is Switzerland basically what I'm looking for? Is it the safest country in Europe while not being racist? Maybe some other european country?

Don't really have specifics for what I want to do outside of simply exploring and relaxing
Come to India brother. We only rape white women
leave women alone
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Slovenia was quiet, quaint, and lovely. Ljubljana is the country’s biggest city but it doesn’t feel like a big city. Great food too. Otherwise I’d say Lyon was pretty chill. And I went right when those riots were taking place last summer and nobody at the bouchons really gave a fuck. Just stick to the city center or Old Lyon and you’ll be fine
What were your favorite things to do in Slovenia?
Slovenia actually was a country I was thinking about because it might be fun to cycle around
How much do they speak english?
They have a big castle complex on a hill overlooking the city. Walking along the riverbank and people watching is pleasant. I walked around at midnight and didn’t feel unsafe at all. Trying different food and beer is also an activity. You can probably catch a bus to other towns and lakes in the area, but that’s not what I personally did. Their English is pretty good. Rule of thumb, is people under 30 can speak English, over 30 is hit or miss.
Switzerland is very expensive even by European standards. If that's not an issue then by all means go there. Cheaper option would be Austria. Both countries are chill, people mind their own business but still are friendly. You might wanna think about renting a car tho, driving around the mountain range is an experience.
Both have low immigration and low crime. You will be judged as a american first before anything else :D
Also what the other guy said, most people around 30 or lower will be able to speak understandable english.

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