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File: iconOfTheSeas.jpg (493 KB, 3840x2160)
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The gf and I are looking to go on a cruise that fits our specifications, and having serious issues finding it. I would appreciate some advice. Here are our requirements.

>No blacks
>Not overrun with kids (small, white families are fine)
>Plenty of stuff to do and good food to eat
>Not sitting poolside in chairs all day (we can do that at home)
>Departs and returns on the East Coast of the USA

We don't really care where the cruise goes as we'd the boat itself to be entertaining enough that the destination is just a bonus. We don't care about room size or location as we will only be using the room to fuck and sleep. I can drop a lot of money on this cruise if I have to, but I would like it to be worth the cost.

We were interested when we saw the new Icon of the Seas from Royal Caribbean, but every review has lamented that it's just a week of watching unattended black kids shit in the pool and the workers taking all day to clean it. That is the scenario we'd like to avoid.

Any suggestions? Oh, also, I will not be tipping anyone. Wagies can ask for a raise if they really need it. I'm not their boss.
Just go on a rich / old people cruise. Celebrity virgin etc. Regent or viking if you're actually loaded and want to chill. Note that this only works if you don't mind spending money and being around people your grandparent's age.

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