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I just finished a eurotrip, now back in the usa, bored with nothing going on, just made money when i got back and thought about finally fixing my teeth.
I always had a problem with my teeth and the only way the dentists told me to get the smile i want is by getting veneers. itll cost me 10k-20k here in the us. someone recommended Medellin Colombia, cuz its cheaper, will roughly cost me 4k to 5k. including flight and hotel.
is Colombia worth a visit?, and what aree the things i should do while im there?
>and what aree the things i should do while im there?
if having plain food is not exciting enough for you, you could always get mugged and scoped
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trips of truth damn. any suggestions on where to go for dental tourism?
Common choices are Thailand, Mexico, India, and Turkey.

medellin is a great choice for dental tourism. they have top notch dentists. colombians in general have much nicer teeth than americans. there's plenty to do while you're there. just google it or watch a video. as long as you have some street smarts you'll be fine. the guys that end up scoped are the ones picking up cheap hookers not people getting their teeth fixed.
For the best balance of cheap and safe in Europe, try Hungary or Poland. Turkey gets suggested a lot but heard too many horror stories and I have my own from non-dental healthcare there.
panama. me and my dad went there to get some dental work done a few years back. no problems for either of us
korea is best for teeth. thailand i would choose after that. many of their dentists are trained in the USA.
protip: find panamese jew dentists. i love panamanian jews because they all speak spanish and they respect americans :-)
Thailand is legit. My crown fell out first day in Bangkok. I initially panicked then a quick Google maps search bought up dozens of local clinics. I literally walked 2 minutes around the corner from my hotel, walked straight in off the street and the cute young female dentist fixed it there and then for about 20 dollars. Back home in UK it would have cost me at least 5x that and I'd have had to wait.

When I return, I'm definitely getting whitening done. Thailand is fucking awesome in many ways.
>Back home in UK
Somehow, you just know
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havent been in any of the 4, but im not touching india, never saw anything there worth visiting or looking at.
yeah it got recommended to me by a friend. im not a sex tourist, and i dont even drink. this trip idea came to me after getting quoted 10k-20k to fix my teeth here in the usa.
Im very insecure with my teeth and decided to finally focus on fixing them. veneers seems like the only way.
hungary got recommended to me a lot, im getting a quote from them now. poland too, might as well. i already got back from europe, i dont mind going there again.
what kind of work did you and your father get. i need veneers, and i can surf there after the procedure.
S.K. i would assume to be the top, cuz i heard that Kpop kind of fucked up the beuty standards there that surgery is the way to go for the majority of the younger generation. thailand feels like Tourist/Expat heaven now, ill look further into it.
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Currently in Atlántico. Part 2 of dental work. 3 bone grafts, titanium pins and a root canal. Healing process is done. 7 months later and I’m back here in the tropics surrounded by Latina hotties awaiting the final process.
>just do your research and go where your gut tells you. Saving about 50% - 60% over having it done in the USA and sexy women. Woot
Food is damned good here too
India has loads of great places to visit. Jaisalmer is like an RPG desert castle in real life.

That said, it's not a place I'd go to for surgery. I went to a hospital after getting bit by a dog there and it looked like Silent Hill.
>i love jews
good goyim
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latinas are like a drug.
Ive got
in the running, Hungary is the best when it comes to dental work. im still doing research and making sure this whole thing wont cost me too much.
I’d like to get all mine ripped out, just denture me up at this point.
i understand. good teeth helps a lot.

Greece has low prices and western tech
word. but isnt it expensive this time of year because of the tourists?
Dude are the horror stories over compensation and lack of awareness on the patients part or is it just a bad dentist?

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