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Is Washington State worth moving too? I want to live in Western Washington, with all the trees.
one of the highest rates of drug use and depression in the country for a reason
the nature is nice, but there is something wrong with the region that gets to people

>t. only lasted a year
It can't be that bad. Right?
You will get SAD, have to stare at a lamp and take pills to not kill yourself. Even if you feel fine other people won't, so everyone is a miserable asshole.
Is this in every city and town in Washington?
I think the PNW has a weird subculture pervasive in it. If you want cloudy and cold, I would just draw a line between Pittsburgh and Boston and live anywhere between that line and the St Lawrence-Great Lakes.
The entire eastern half of the USA has trees everywhere. Move to Georgia if you want trees. WA is depressing and shitty
I want dark, ominous, cloudy weather everyday so I can hurry home and listen to prohibition era jazz in my shitty apartment and smoke cigarettes reflectively on my balcony.

Seems comfy, and as far as muh social life, I have absolutely no desire.
Same anon.
olympia is nice but seattle is best. The small washington towns are just as depressing as small towns anywhere else in the usa
Is it worse than BC? I wanted to make the move there I cannot stand BC anymore and went to Washington once and loved it.
Consider Pittsburgh instead
Um, no. I’m going to Seattle, thanks
thoughts on Spokane Washington anybody if somebody is big into outdoor activities?
I suggest Forks, Washington. That is the town that Twilight was set in.....the dark, cold, mossy aesthetic is what you are looking for. Astoria, Oregon is the best place next to Forks. The only other place that ticks your boxes is the Alaska Panhandle. The AP is where I want to reture someday.
I hate to admit this but I don’t have a car, haven’t driven one for 3 years now, and I really don’t miss it, so these far flung carfag locations I can’t partake in, but I respect anyone who frowns at me I’m not a liberal I just think cars are a pain in the ass
Closer to Montana and glacier, but that's about it. Spokane is a shithole. West of the cascades has better scenery and bodies of water.
Beautiful nature, increasingly melanated and drug-addled population, state government is a dumpster fire par excellence.

>I want dark, ominous, cloudy weather everyday
Western WA has lots of clouds but it's not really "dark" or "ominous" and is basically boring; it's just very overcast very consistently.

>thoughts on Spokane Washington anybody if somebody is big into outdoor activities?
Just keep going east at that point until you hit Idaho or Montana. Better outdoor recreation, not a meth'd out shithole and you don't have to deal with the truly abhorrent state government of WA.
>Even if you feel fine other people won't
This is what's so frustrating. People here are just anxious and completely out there. People and even bartenders who can't look especially new people in the eye. It's such an off-putting feeling to keep encountering this.
And it's only the white people who are like this.

>Western WA has lots of clouds but it's not really "dark" or "ominous" and is basically boring; it's just very overcast very consistently.
>Basically boring
Yes. Southeastern US has DARK clouds that block out the sun so it's actually dark, dump water, lightning rages, but Seattle just.... It's cloudy, very little lightning at all, no major wind, "rain" just sprinkles.
>People here are just anxious and completely out there. People and even bartenders who can't look especially new people in the eye. It's such an off-putting feeling to keep encountering this.
Everywhere in North America is like this now
Bartenders, police officers (I'm not joking), security personnel, restaurant workers, grocery store checkout retards have all been timid or anxious and often continue to be so when I have the misfortune of having to deal with them again.
It's such a strange phenomenon.
imagine having a superiority complex over missing out on things due to your own laziness. no one thinks that you're an intellectual or a free spirit just because you don't have a car
I don't believe that. At all. People like Texans are not complete autistic retards and just will just talk like normal with people. And like I've posted before, it's mostly just the white people who are like this. Even here in Seattle I've had lengthy and friendly conversations with people and not feeling any anxiety or off-putting bullshit but they were all with, you guessed it, non-whites. White people here are out of their fucking minds. Asians, hispanics, blacks have overall been chill and amicable. The white people? Anxious, gay, timid, gay, passive aggressive, and pretty fucking gay.
>those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad
>I respect anyone who frowns at me I’m not a liberal I just think cars are a pain in the ass
Fucking dumb animal I literally inb4’d this kind of response within my own post.
Yea walking everywhere is lazy bro. I don’t feel like being accountable for some faggot metal box and it’s upkeep on gas and insurance when all it would amount to is expediting running errands or commuting to work (maybe)
>superiority complex
Suck my balls weasel lol
Brown people are joyous, exuberant, and love to live and love. They are happy and have many children.
Whites are anxious and afraid. They live in fear, knowing that the state is working towards their eradication. They are afraid of talking to another due to fear of racism and microaggressions, increasingly barred from employment due to ESG policies, knowing that their species is going extinct surrounded by joyous people that hate them.
Oh, how wonderful it is.
Sure. Sensible perspective. I shouldn't judge too harshly some of them and I'll keep that in mind for the future.

But others? They appear to just be the liberal mutant types who have a chip in their shoulder against me for nothing but my appearance.
>Strong white man bad
Or whatever their fucking problem is.
Based and walkpilled healthmaxxing
I also walk a ton and it's a big part of why I'm not a fat disgusting pig like so many others I have the misfortune of seeing daily
choosing not to go somewhere because it's too far for you to walk to is laziness. choosing to not be accountable for maintaining a vehicle because it's a "pain in the ass" is laziness. your inb4 is meaningless because you do not have a valid argument. do everyone in this thread a favor and walk off of a cliff.
>unironically responding to your own post
Move to Ballard
Why Ballard?
Then enjoy not having dark cloudy weather everyday. Only Pittsburgh gets that.
I also don’t have a car and have lived all over the U.S. If you’re not a pussy you don’t need a car anywhere. You just walk. There’s literally nowhere a car can go that you can’t also walk.
>choosing not to go somewhere
Yea the “somewhere” is a remote city only accessibly by car you stupid ape. I’m talking about Seattle. Stop arguing with me for the sake of argument. Fuck cars and fuck you
stop making retarded statements with the expectation that people will sympathize with you and stay the fuck off of the travel board if you're too afraid to travel.
No, ugly
This is probably a case of "you think you want it, but you don't". Shit stops being kino fast and leaves you with SAD. and when you get older you will absolutely regret being dismissive of "muh social life" I guarantee it. Also the vibe in Washington is garbage
What if you're surrounded by trash though? The issue is there's so few people around worth having in your life. So if you're in a social desert, wouldn't it be the correct thing to be content being alone? To be able to keep pushing through the fight of life by yourself while the dregs rip each other up is better than having them in your life. Yes no?
>but there is something wrong with the region that gets to people
Why? Do you not like being upper left guys?
Every single person I've known from Spokane is either fucked from drugs or still on drugs. Take that for what you will.
Honestly man I can’t escape myself. I want a hopeless atmosphere if I’m forced to remain in America, and Seattle seems par excellence.

At some point I’d like to make my way down to Eugene. Seattle doesn’t seem to have a lot of chimps
Michigan has a ton of trees and beaches too, lakes as big and moody as oceans...it's arguably a better part of the country to live than western Washington, if you can handle the lake-effect winters. Lots of little towns up north where life goes on like it has for a long time. Summer rainstorms tend to be brief, but cool cloudy days are common.
These passive aggressive dumb animals with their antidepressants and dogs are such trash.
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OP here. Just came back from in Olympia. Not a big fan. People were nice, city was gay, really gay. Should've gone to Oregon. The cities there were much nicer.
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>from in Olympia

kill me already.
>Olympia was too gay
Too bad you didn't see seattle
I've seen enough of Seattle's gayness on the internet to avoid it.
Washington in general just seems to be more run down and crappy than Oregon
similar with Maine. I think it's the winter, but those pussies out west have a much shorter one so wtf.
What’s wrong is it’s so heavily industrialized. I’m planning on going to pnw again but I’m going to Oregon. It’s prettier more natural (the high rises just aren’t as high) with the economy bleeding out due to antifa Covid and poor government it’ll be looking more ripe to pick in the future. I’m just debating if I want to buy a dingy house or just to wait and buy coastal property far away from people. But I like the Oregon culture too. More weird and slowed down. More liberal just needs a few years of bounce back from global changes.
You look like every young dude in WASA.
How do you like live and pay for life out there without being loaded ? Is it a city or would it be better to have a good in there already ? I wouldn’t mind to commute some time to work if it gives me scenic route and saftey from crime and drugs.
Fuckin mutt faggot. You probably think you’re handsome
Can’t wait to be a security guard in Seattle :)
My buddy out there, I just left a bit ago. He was somewhere doing casino security guarding. Watching the camera for those old Japanese people. It gets real and shit but it’s rare. It’s light work night shifting sitting in a video closet. I’m excited for you if it’s that route.
I don’t have anything lines up. That’s just what I’m intending to do
thinking about moving to seattle, but I see oregon brought up on this thread.
Anyone working on robotics or automation field in oregon ? how is it ?
I found a couple of open position for robotics engineer in seattle, which I think I can easily get. got 3 year experience working in san diego.
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Stay north of Seattle and you'll be fine. Seattle/Tacoma is shit.

Arlington/Mount Vernon/Sedro-Wooley/Anacortes.

Avoid Widbey Island
>Avoid Widbey Island

Navy base. Lots of suicides via the bridge occur. Also lots of Mexicans.
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Is this a decent area anon? Research has shown me this isn’t a chimp-heavy zone.
It'll still be expensive, but you'll be fine.

Arlington/Smokey Point is as close as I would want to be to SeaTac as possible. You can take the train in and out Seattle, and it isn't too expensive.
Ok sorry for all the questions but where is a cheap area with minimal blacks that’s north of the space needle?
I haven't lived in Washington in years, but If I remember correctly, east of shoreline is is fine. Idk what your budget is , but the other towns I mentioned earlier are perfectly fine and low in blacks.
K thanks
Spokane man its the Jewel of America but you gotta be willing to drive. Its like a family/college town with nice river walk and fishing, nearby Idaho, can drive to Seattle, Tri Cities, you are bound to have something to do.

Just bite the bullet and do what you can afford in Seattle otherwise, its got bad vibes but I dunno just go in not trying to be a right wing spooky douchebag and make trouble and whenever you see a fellow White person give them a light nod and remember you cannot get pussy unless you get personally introduced. Get linked in to some organizations and go from there.

If you want to go big, try canvassing for Kamala Harris campaign almost everyone will agree with you, comfy as fuck and filled with young women. pro tip
God this sounds so pathetic. Why the duck did I move here. These people are legitimately freaks.
>Give your fellow white people a nod
These faggots look miserable and walk their fucking dog.

>try canvassing for Kamala Harris campaign almost everyone will agree with you, comfy as fuck and filled with young women.
These people are garbage.

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