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Is Washington State worth moving too? I want to live in Western Washington, with all the trees.
one of the highest rates of drug use and depression in the country for a reason
the nature is nice, but there is something wrong with the region that gets to people

>t. only lasted a year
It can't be that bad. Right?
You will get SAD, have to stare at a lamp and take pills to not kill yourself. Even if you feel fine other people won't, so everyone is a miserable asshole.
Is this in every city and town in Washington?
I think the PNW has a weird subculture pervasive in it. If you want cloudy and cold, I would just draw a line between Pittsburgh and Boston and live anywhere between that line and the St Lawrence-Great Lakes.
The entire eastern half of the USA has trees everywhere. Move to Georgia if you want trees. WA is depressing and shitty
I want dark, ominous, cloudy weather everyday so I can hurry home and listen to prohibition era jazz in my shitty apartment and smoke cigarettes reflectively on my balcony.

Seems comfy, and as far as muh social life, I have absolutely no desire.
Same anon.
olympia is nice but seattle is best. The small washington towns are just as depressing as small towns anywhere else in the usa
Is it worse than BC? I wanted to make the move there I cannot stand BC anymore and went to Washington once and loved it.
Consider Pittsburgh instead
Um, no. I’m going to Seattle, thanks
thoughts on Spokane Washington anybody if somebody is big into outdoor activities?
I suggest Forks, Washington. That is the town that Twilight was set in.....the dark, cold, mossy aesthetic is what you are looking for. Astoria, Oregon is the best place next to Forks. The only other place that ticks your boxes is the Alaska Panhandle. The AP is where I want to reture someday.
I hate to admit this but I don’t have a car, haven’t driven one for 3 years now, and I really don’t miss it, so these far flung carfag locations I can’t partake in, but I respect anyone who frowns at me I’m not a liberal I just think cars are a pain in the ass
Closer to Montana and glacier, but that's about it. Spokane is a shithole. West of the cascades has better scenery and bodies of water.
Beautiful nature, increasingly melanated and drug-addled population, state government is a dumpster fire par excellence.

>I want dark, ominous, cloudy weather everyday
Western WA has lots of clouds but it's not really "dark" or "ominous" and is basically boring; it's just very overcast very consistently.

>thoughts on Spokane Washington anybody if somebody is big into outdoor activities?
Just keep going east at that point until you hit Idaho or Montana. Better outdoor recreation, not a meth'd out shithole and you don't have to deal with the truly abhorrent state government of WA.
>Even if you feel fine other people won't
This is what's so frustrating. People here are just anxious and completely out there. People and even bartenders who can't look especially new people in the eye. It's such an off-putting feeling to keep encountering this.
And it's only the white people who are like this.

>Western WA has lots of clouds but it's not really "dark" or "ominous" and is basically boring; it's just very overcast very consistently.
>Basically boring
Yes. Southeastern US has DARK clouds that block out the sun so it's actually dark, dump water, lightning rages, but Seattle just.... It's cloudy, very little lightning at all, no major wind, "rain" just sprinkles.
>People here are just anxious and completely out there. People and even bartenders who can't look especially new people in the eye. It's such an off-putting feeling to keep encountering this.
Everywhere in North America is like this now
Bartenders, police officers (I'm not joking), security personnel, restaurant workers, grocery store checkout retards have all been timid or anxious and often continue to be so when I have the misfortune of having to deal with them again.
It's such a strange phenomenon.
imagine having a superiority complex over missing out on things due to your own laziness. no one thinks that you're an intellectual or a free spirit just because you don't have a car
I don't believe that. At all. People like Texans are not complete autistic retards and just will just talk like normal with people. And like I've posted before, it's mostly just the white people who are like this. Even here in Seattle I've had lengthy and friendly conversations with people and not feeling any anxiety or off-putting bullshit but they were all with, you guessed it, non-whites. White people here are out of their fucking minds. Asians, hispanics, blacks have overall been chill and amicable. The white people? Anxious, gay, timid, gay, passive aggressive, and pretty fucking gay.
>those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad
>I respect anyone who frowns at me I’m not a liberal I just think cars are a pain in the ass
Fucking dumb animal I literally inb4’d this kind of response within my own post.
Yea walking everywhere is lazy bro. I don’t feel like being accountable for some faggot metal box and it’s upkeep on gas and insurance when all it would amount to is expediting running errands or commuting to work (maybe)
>superiority complex
Suck my balls weasel lol
Brown people are joyous, exuberant, and love to live and love. They are happy and have many children.
Whites are anxious and afraid. They live in fear, knowing that the state is working towards their eradication. They are afraid of talking to another due to fear of racism and microaggressions, increasingly barred from employment due to ESG policies, knowing that their species is going extinct surrounded by joyous people that hate them.
Oh, how wonderful it is.
Sure. Sensible perspective. I shouldn't judge too harshly some of them and I'll keep that in mind for the future.

But others? They appear to just be the liberal mutant types who have a chip in their shoulder against me for nothing but my appearance.
>Strong white man bad
Or whatever their fucking problem is.
Based and walkpilled healthmaxxing
I also walk a ton and it's a big part of why I'm not a fat disgusting pig like so many others I have the misfortune of seeing daily
choosing not to go somewhere because it's too far for you to walk to is laziness. choosing to not be accountable for maintaining a vehicle because it's a "pain in the ass" is laziness. your inb4 is meaningless because you do not have a valid argument. do everyone in this thread a favor and walk off of a cliff.
>unironically responding to your own post
Move to Ballard
Why Ballard?
Then enjoy not having dark cloudy weather everyday. Only Pittsburgh gets that.
I also don’t have a car and have lived all over the U.S. If you’re not a pussy you don’t need a car anywhere. You just walk. There’s literally nowhere a car can go that you can’t also walk.
>choosing not to go somewhere
Yea the “somewhere” is a remote city only accessibly by car you stupid ape. I’m talking about Seattle. Stop arguing with me for the sake of argument. Fuck cars and fuck you
stop making retarded statements with the expectation that people will sympathize with you and stay the fuck off of the travel board if you're too afraid to travel.
No, ugly
This is probably a case of "you think you want it, but you don't". Shit stops being kino fast and leaves you with SAD. and when you get older you will absolutely regret being dismissive of "muh social life" I guarantee it. Also the vibe in Washington is garbage
What if you're surrounded by trash though? The issue is there's so few people around worth having in your life. So if you're in a social desert, wouldn't it be the correct thing to be content being alone? To be able to keep pushing through the fight of life by yourself while the dregs rip each other up is better than having them in your life. Yes no?
>but there is something wrong with the region that gets to people
Why? Do you not like being upper left guys?
Every single person I've known from Spokane is either fucked from drugs or still on drugs. Take that for what you will.
Honestly man I can’t escape myself. I want a hopeless atmosphere if I’m forced to remain in America, and Seattle seems par excellence.

At some point I’d like to make my way down to Eugene. Seattle doesn’t seem to have a lot of chimps
Michigan has a ton of trees and beaches too, lakes as big and moody as oceans...it's arguably a better part of the country to live than western Washington, if you can handle the lake-effect winters. Lots of little towns up north where life goes on like it has for a long time. Summer rainstorms tend to be brief, but cool cloudy days are common.
These passive aggressive dumb animals with their antidepressants and dogs are such trash.
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OP here. Just came back from in Olympia. Not a big fan. People were nice, city was gay, really gay. Should've gone to Oregon. The cities there were much nicer.
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>from in Olympia

kill me already.
>Olympia was too gay
Too bad you didn't see seattle
I've seen enough of Seattle's gayness on the internet to avoid it.
Washington in general just seems to be more run down and crappy than Oregon
similar with Maine. I think it's the winter, but those pussies out west have a much shorter one so wtf.
What’s wrong is it’s so heavily industrialized. I’m planning on going to pnw again but I’m going to Oregon. It’s prettier more natural (the high rises just aren’t as high) with the economy bleeding out due to antifa Covid and poor government it’ll be looking more ripe to pick in the future. I’m just debating if I want to buy a dingy house or just to wait and buy coastal property far away from people. But I like the Oregon culture too. More weird and slowed down. More liberal just needs a few years of bounce back from global changes.
You look like every young dude in WASA.
How do you like live and pay for life out there without being loaded ? Is it a city or would it be better to have a good in there already ? I wouldn’t mind to commute some time to work if it gives me scenic route and saftey from crime and drugs.
Fuckin mutt faggot. You probably think you’re handsome
Can’t wait to be a security guard in Seattle :)
My buddy out there, I just left a bit ago. He was somewhere doing casino security guarding. Watching the camera for those old Japanese people. It gets real and shit but it’s rare. It’s light work night shifting sitting in a video closet. I’m excited for you if it’s that route.
I don’t have anything lines up. That’s just what I’m intending to do
thinking about moving to seattle, but I see oregon brought up on this thread.
Anyone working on robotics or automation field in oregon ? how is it ?
I found a couple of open position for robotics engineer in seattle, which I think I can easily get. got 3 year experience working in san diego.
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Stay north of Seattle and you'll be fine. Seattle/Tacoma is shit.

Arlington/Mount Vernon/Sedro-Wooley/Anacortes.

Avoid Widbey Island
>Avoid Widbey Island

Navy base. Lots of suicides via the bridge occur. Also lots of Mexicans.
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Is this a decent area anon? Research has shown me this isn’t a chimp-heavy zone.
It'll still be expensive, but you'll be fine.

Arlington/Smokey Point is as close as I would want to be to SeaTac as possible. You can take the train in and out Seattle, and it isn't too expensive.
Ok sorry for all the questions but where is a cheap area with minimal blacks that’s north of the space needle?
I haven't lived in Washington in years, but If I remember correctly, east of shoreline is is fine. Idk what your budget is , but the other towns I mentioned earlier are perfectly fine and low in blacks.
K thanks
Spokane man its the Jewel of America but you gotta be willing to drive. Its like a family/college town with nice river walk and fishing, nearby Idaho, can drive to Seattle, Tri Cities, you are bound to have something to do.

Just bite the bullet and do what you can afford in Seattle otherwise, its got bad vibes but I dunno just go in not trying to be a right wing spooky douchebag and make trouble and whenever you see a fellow White person give them a light nod and remember you cannot get pussy unless you get personally introduced. Get linked in to some organizations and go from there.

If you want to go big, try canvassing for Kamala Harris campaign almost everyone will agree with you, comfy as fuck and filled with young women. pro tip
God this sounds so pathetic. Why the duck did I move here. These people are legitimately freaks.
>Give your fellow white people a nod
These faggots look miserable and walk their fucking dog.

>try canvassing for Kamala Harris campaign almost everyone will agree with you, comfy as fuck and filled with young women.
These people are garbage.
What are some comfy cities in Oregon?

Looking into relocating up north and will visit soon to scout areas. Open to anything but Portland since I don’t want to be around trannies.
>rent is high, houses start at $1m for a crackshack
>cost of living is california prices for england scenery
>grey cold and wet 3/4 of the year, The Big Grey leading cause of seasonal depression
>unlike california, doesn't even have good beaches
>all the food sucks, all of it, and if you don't tip 40% the waitress will plaster your face on tiktok to cancel you and throw your food on the ground
>price of a crappy meal starts at $30
>coffee and donut is $9 plus tip, sandwich is $20
>druggies on every corner, every car window smashed out, have to wade through human feces and hope the junkie is zonked out enough to not aggro and attack you while they're passed out leaning into a trashcan
>random hammer and machete attacks from gronks, not joking
>every park filled with gronks living in tents, dozens of random fires a week from gronks setting everything on fire while trying to cook their meth
>locals are all NPCs who wander around staring at their phone all day, if a gronk was assaulting a child they'd walk right past and not even try to help
>den of old money, only way to own property is to inherit it
>if you weren't born here and didn't grow up in an established friendgroup you will never make friends
>not that you would want to because everyone is a passive aggressive virtue signalling twitter literally shaking cunt
>obnoxious mix of bodypiercing-obsessed grunge crustpunks, trannies, tech bros, obnoxious asians with a superiority complex, and stuck up cunts
>tranny flags in every window
>trannies everywhere
>entire areas are no-go zones
>if you call the police for help they will never show up, if you report your car stolen they'll shrug and tell you to buy a new one
>yoofs, kia boyz, miles "the hellcat", whorora avenue, tacompton, not-so-white not-so-center, roving gangs of 13 year old gangbangers committing gunpoint robberies, everything south of yesler being a crime filled wasteland, meme politicians, tax increases every year, dog shit everywhere
>the jewel of america
if by jewel you mean crystal meth
this only applies to black and other swarthy skinned people whose melanin prevents them from absorbing the vitamin D from the clouds
It's funny how nearly every single thing you posted is true in that I would see nearly all of them just by walking through the city one day. I did it again today and yet again keep thinking about moving. I keep wanting to like Seattle. I keep trying. But the longer I stay here the less I like it. The people are so trash and there is so much legit mental disorders all over the place. I don't understand how people can be this bad. It's a great place to keep my face at the grind stone and keep working, but at some point you look up, realize your skin is aging, and wonder what you're working for again while time passes like this.
Vancouver, WA is easily the best place to live in the entire PNW
You mean because it's a tax haven? Washington has no state income tax, and if you cross the river into Portland to do all your shopping they have no sales tax.
despite the FUD in this thread, im still going to Seattle. If it sucks ass, my fallback is gonna be Cleveland.
It's good to still give it a shot. See for yourself. I also used the place as somewhere quiet and private to get over personal issues and just work and grow but after a couple years I wanted to start branching out socially and was consistently frustrated with how terrible the people are. I'm leaving for Thailand in two months and am considering giving Seattle another shot after since to be fair to the city I had a lot of personal shit clouding up my mind and had a rough start. I just think at 35 I probably shouldn't bother so much with social life shit at this point.
Just make money and fuck off. Seattle is still a top tier candidate for that.
based, im going to thailand in 2ish weeks. once ive gotten my fill of cooming ill be heading to seattle. As much as people yap about the weather, i want the dreary overcast, low humidity clime. I don't care about social life so idgaf if its a bunch of turbo leftist faggots. as long as i can carry a baton or a sub 3.5inch knife im ready to rock.

i wanna fuck a few hooks off aurora avenue. im tryin get active
>my fallback is gonna be Cleveland.
Why fucking Cleveland?
California would probably be better fallbacks.
cheap, low population, low cost of living. i dunno, thats a spitballing kind of location. more realistically, it would be denver, but i don't want to go back there. wanna go somewhere new
traffic is hell during daylight hours if you have to commute to Portland
I work from home, you'd have to be desperate to work in Portland
Seattle cost of living is probably 40% higher than Portland. Seattle feels like a much larger city and has better entertainment and all the 'big city' shit. Portland has a smaller town feel and it's less chaotic, more chill. I always preferred Portland to Seattle. Lived in both for a couple years each. I miss Portland, don't think I'd want to move back to Seattle. Grain of salt tho, I lived in Portland 2011-13 and Seattle 13-15 and I've heard both have really gone downhill the last decade
Spokane is an absolute fucking dump. Do not consider living in Spokane unless you're ultra conservative and/or live for the outdoors. Even then, live in northern Idaho instead.
If you avoid Portland proper you'll miss out on most the leftist bullshit. Live in Oregon City, Milwaukie, Sherwood/Tualatin, or Hillsboro. The leftist bullshit is mostly contained to the urban center of Portland and doesn't leak out much into the suburbs.

Outside of Portland, Salem is getting more and more popular and starting to get fairly expensive for a place that was a complete shithole 10 years ago. I always liked Corvallis even though it's boring, nice little quiet college town. Eugene is a larger Corvallis with more meth heads and hippies. Bend is gorgeous but Californians discovered it around 1995 and have destroyed it. Southern Oregon has some cool towns like Jacksonville and Ashland, though Ashland is very very liberal so you'd probably hate it. There's almost nothing in the eastern half of Oregon, very remote high desert that's hot as fuck in the summer and cold as fuck in the winter.
Seattle is hell on Earth. It makes me want to die.

It's painful how true all this shit is. Been stuck here since 2002 and been trying to leave since 2019. It was a shithole when I moved here and it's a bigger shithole now. My greatest fear is that when I die and go to hell, I'll be transported back to Seattle.

>What’s wrong is it’s so heavily industrialized.

If you honestly think that Seattle is heavily industrialized, you never spent anytime any of the Rust Belt states. Seattle's manufacturing industry is small compared to most cities with real industrial bases. Seattle is dirty looking because the locals are too stupid to maintain the infrastructure and too lazy to do any work.
Sounds like Vancouver BC.
The whole PNW is cursed.
If you are surrounded by trash people (and not in jail) that usually always means you are a trash person yourself. Maybe read "how to win friends and influence people" to begin with so your shit personality doesn't scare quality people away.
Can’t wait to move there fellas :)

don't this place is a shithole, the people are passive aggressive af too

>t. lived in Oregon for 20+ years
I think it's hilarious that you believe Seattle people are somehow less shitty and more white than in Denver.
I consider Seattle to round out my “tour of America.” I grew up in DC so I already know how people are over here. They act provincial, stuffy, and sometimes sharp, but have a politeness that isn’t too syrupy and gross like the Midwest. Denver was like Midwest lite in terms of dumb, syrupy nice bumbling idiots, and overall mid and tolerable.

What I’m expecting from Seattle is California douchebaggery but mediated by introverted self-absorbed tech bro dork faggots, and also super leftist Marxist cat shit people with colorful tattoos and hair. All in all, I feel like I’ll get a good understanding.

I’m not really keen to investigate small-town south or Midwest because I get the perception those people are just dumb fluoride cow people
People in Seattle are passive and standoffish and don’t want to be your friend. The Seattle Freeze is real
I’m totally ok with that. I’ve got enough social accumen to come off as pleasant and considerate but I’m misanthropic and don’t want to interact with people deep down so by all means, I want a social ice age
Which works out well because so many of them are total losers whining about the cost of.kiving while the rest of us are growing financially. Locals are losers. If you want quality people in your life you have to talk to the others who moved here and haven't been crushed by the passive aggressiveness and shunning.
Theres dozens if not hundreds of shitty apartments not too much more expensive than 1.2k north of the space needle and away from the yesler "housing development."

i even found two hotels offering rooms for 300/wk which is going to be my entry point. should be fun
You'll fit right in. In the four years I lived in the PNW I made exactly one friend
What's wrong with yesler? There area looks very convenient if you like the Asian stuff in the area and aren't afraid of the street rats. I've actually considered moving to somewhere in that area.
Why isn't the UK like this?
Because Americans are always looking for a reason to blame for their own shortcomings like losers.
Seattle has about 40 more sunny days per year than London and it's not as far north so the winters aren't as dark and dreary
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don't ever recommend anyone live in Astoria unless you hate them. something is wrong with the water there. if i had to guess, it has something to do with historical logging practices. everyone in that town is ancient and twisted in the head or young with several dozen birth defects. not to mention there's not a damn thing to do but smoke crack, work minimum wage or scam the elderly.
...the local pizza is good though
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if you're approachable, probably. you look like the most generic race-mixed zoomer i've ever seen. in fact, do you live in oregon? i swear i've seen you before.
Astoria looks nice until you spend a couple days there and can't wait to get out. Pretty much the case for the entire Oregon coast as well, which is why no one lives in Astoria/on the coast. In 400 miles of OR coastline there are 150k people total
as an oregonian, washington is diet oregon. it has everything we have, but less and, as far as i've heard, more drugs.
growing up in portland, thats hard to imagine, but i can believe it after that one weekend in seattle..
in a lot of towns i've lived in, the most dangerous junkies are white dudes. after that, white chicks.
if there's a silver lining to racial profiling around here, its minorities put a lot more effort into giving the police less reasons to arrest them.
uneducated economist loves it apparently >>2694183
ill take """"dangerous white dudes""" over the most docile black "man" (chimp). its easier to larp as being in the Last of Us
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> its easier to larp as being in the Last of Us
what the fuck does that mean?
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city full of sketchy, disheveled, "dangerous" white people
Exactly, so why don't the British behave like those in PNW and get SAD?
I already told you. Americans are freaks.
All they know is dreary gray shittiness. There's no seasonality to create a disparity. Seattle summers are S-tier then they get horrible fall and winter
Some thread some anon posted that people here are too concerned with self policing. Does anyone have input on this? I've had many people ask me questions or saying things like they're trying to see what would happen and having vibes that seemed like they're trying to sniff out something and get me to confirm some bias they have in their retard head. It's really weird.
Naturally and geographically the best place on Earth, socially and culturally bad. Maybe the smaller towns like Bellingham are okay idk but dont move to Seattle

>Which works out well because so many of them are total losers whining about the cost of.kiving while the rest of us are growing financially.

Only people growing financially here are the tech grifters milking VCs out of money for ideas written on the back of napkins. The economy here hasn't developed beyond that market with the exception of real estate speculation, but that goes hand in hand with money. The jobs here pay fuck all and there's almost a complete absence of a professional work culture; no one knows how to fucking do anything out here because the "fake it till you make it" culture that you see in a lot of technical fields is so pervasive in the area that it's common to meet people who have decades of experience in their chosen trade, but never achieving proficiency at it. With so few experts to find mentorship from, it's impossible to build a career out here if you're not in tech; and consequently limiting your earnings.
Head on down to Kent/Tukwila bud. There’s about 200 square miles of industrial and commercial activity down there

It's not any better down there. Kent is literally the 10th fastest growing city in the country according to the 2020 census. COL is as bad as any suburb of Seattle and the wages ain't keeping up.
there are trees in eastern WA as well, just not everywhere, plus less browns. Move to ID at this point
I frequently come across higher value people in the many cities across different states and countries I've been in. Here I can just be outside and casually overhear many people talking about their therapist, or their antidepressants, or something stupid about politics like men taking credit for women's achievements, some guy randomly offering to help some woman correct her form on some exercise in the gym and she was appalled he would dare butt in, or just seemingly always trying to sniff out "fascists."
It's the people in Seattle that are the problem far more than I am. You freaks need to get your shit together.
It's a huge part of PNW culture to police each other passively and try to get other people in trouble (without confronting them).
It's gay as hell and why NYC is much better, at least people there will mind their own business.
>I want a hopeless atmosphere if I’m forced to remain in America
If you want to feel hopeless you're better off finding a small former industrial or agricultural town with a failing economy and abandoned houses and shuttered businesses. Plenty of them around in the midwest and southwest.
These faggots always have the same response too. Local faggots will try to gaslight you, as if them being weird asocial hostile passive-aggressive freaks is your problem, and that you have something to do with it. Or more importantly that you are the problem for noticing they're a bunch of cunts.
Nah, they're just a bunch of mentally unstable assholes trying to control each other.
>police each other passively and try to get other people in trouble (without confronting them).
This is EXACTLY what I have been experiencing. It's garbage and I hate these people now because this pathetic behavior is pretty common.

And this too!

These people are rats. I don't get why these freaks act as they do and how they're allowed to be here. Trash like this should have gotten managed out a long time ago but it seems to be the dominant behavior and culture here. It's garbage. It's dystopian and dysgenic.
they sound like angloids
Nah, those falling-apart BFE places are perfect for anti-social cats who prefer no interactions with strangers. Nothing inherently hopeless about that. And not every impoverished town is a hopeless shithole. Independence, Kansas has been losing people for seven decades now. Median household income is $47K, compared to the $75K average in America. Yet it remains a very nice place to live. Somehow most downtown storefronts remain occupied, probably because rents are in the range of $300/month. Main Street bars still have $2.50 happy hour beers and 99 cent wing specials like it was 2014. The city park is huge and lovely. Hell, the town even has diversity, a smattering of blacks and browns. The Mexican torta food truck was pretty damn good, cost $8 and the guy loaded it with delicious grilled beef.
>And not every impoverished town is a hopeless shithole.
Yeah, people tend to forget that statistics are bullshit. I grew up in a place that is a crime-riddled hellhole in the poorest county in the entire state by the numbers but the whole time I was growing up there I never even heard of anything more serious than a DUI or a fight at the local bar - and incidentally, that latter place is where like 90% of all of the violent crime in town was. People sold produce using honor boxes and left cash payments under a rock on the front porch. Obviously it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows but god damn.
Where in the PNW would you find a "vibe" of a town, scenery, population like in the "Life Is Strange" videogames and/or "Stand by Me" (1986 movie)?
>Is Washington State worth moving too? I want to live in Western Washington, with all the trees.




Olympia is a fucking lunatic faggot shithole owned and ran by kikes. I had the misfortune of living in that shit hole for a year and I'm there a few times a week now. Literally the most institutional Democratic shit hole where all the faggot politicians are along with one of the most obnoxious populations of faggots and homeless. Not as bad as Seattle but pound for pound just as annoying and fucked.


I lived right on the main street in Olympia for a year. It was amazing the kiked faggotry of that fucking rat nest shit hole. They would put the fucking flags up on the mainstream for whatever faggot globohomo bullshit the kikes were pushing that week. So we got faggot rainbow flags, Ukraine flags (what the ever loving fuck), Earth flags for Earth Days and so on and so on... it was funny because on July 4th, they put American flags out for like a day and you could just feel how much it pained these filthy fucking kikes. But the faggot flag and earth flags stayed for a over a month.

One of the most vivid memories i have of that time in that shit hole was watching a bunch of filthy fucking jew rabbis riding around the streets for Hanukkah with a gigantic police escort... really just a display of who owns that fucking shit hole.
Lol seething local. Get fucked loser. You're getting colonized by indians and everyone else and you're so fucking mad.
Is anyone going to tell him about 99?
Isn't the whole point of Stand By Me that the past is a foreign country and you can't go back to it.
That said, the little towns in Oregon, like Coos Bay, Astoria, feel like they haven't changed since 1959 or 1989. The Sierra towns like Bishop and Truckee in California also feel this way. Crescent City also.
Thank you for your reply.
>Isn't the whole point of Stand By Me that the past is a foreign country and you can't go back to it.
I honestly haven't thought that deep into the story of the movie. To me it was a beautiful slice-of-life story of a reminiscing, near middle-aged father forced to reflect on his childhood and his history due to the loss of his old friend from school.
You seem mentally healthy!
People often either act like you don't even exist or you may get passive aggressive snark. Act like you don't exist to your face but then try and fuck with you in the background. Like the other anon said, people try and get you in trouble without confronting you. Either ignore you or fuck with you is what they like.

And it's people who moved here doing it. These miserable fuckers.

Live in Olympia for a year, faggot. Then get back to me. I was a liberal until I lived in Seattle and Olympia. Now the only sane decision is genocide of all leftists. You will feel this way too if you spend any length of time there with an IQ over the 100.
>with an IQ over the 100
That must explain why the industry outside of foreign tech workers is so bad here. Locals are too low IQ lmao. Also makes sense why they seem to hate anyone successful.
Just avoid oak harbor. The rest of Whidbey is great
seattle is top tier
>Nah, they're just a bunch of mentally unstable assholes trying to control each other.
So that's what they're doing. I've noticed a bunch of these people will be passive aggressive and if I simply ignore them and go about my business over time they start ignoring me or brushing me off and avoiding eye contact.
Is that the game these dumb animals pull? Passive aggressive bullshit to try and control you or else you get shunned?
Pathetic lol
it's really not that bad. out of all the "bad" parts of america, it's definitely nice.
I've always thought about going to Washington, there's other places I wouldn't mind moving too but I like that the weather doesn't get too hot, coming from a place that barely has winters and is too hot in the summer. I'm also a winter lover too, plus I'm looking for an environment where I can grow trees and crops for myself with pretty stable temperatures
>seattle is top tier
in what categories of life?
I tried it out but couldn't get the place to stick for me

Limited fun with dating, but great tabletop game groups.
fun bonfires, good thai food
Nit OP, all I do is get terrified on super strong weed and go on very long walks

I am in Denver but its far too much concrete for me

How would I fare in Seattle
All concrete in Seattle unless you live in the outskirts. Probably similar to Denver in that regard
>I am in Denver but its far too much concrete for me
Go to volleyball at cheeseman park.
I didn't like that seattle has way way more rain. denver at least offers clear days and, IMO, better housing
rain doesnt bother me but a laser tier sun does
>rain doesnt bother me but a laser tier sun does
PNW in general is worth a look for you then.
seattle has better thai/other asian food by a lot, as it's a hub for chinese/indian tech workers
It seems to bother others here though. You'll be surrounded by miserable and passive aggressive cunts. >>2684192
>something happens in public
>this guy takes out his phone and starts recording
>says "Yooooooooooo!" and "Bruhhhh!"
>"Hooly shiiitt bruhhh"
>Did he just--- bruhhh
I avoid others it sounds like they are similar people to me

All the industries out here are sorely lacking in qualified and skilled professionals, and that goes double for tech. Any highly technical profession can be easily bullshited because of the high barrier to knowledge, making it more difficult to call people out on being incompetent and being shitty at their jobs.

That tangent aside. In the PNW, it's common to meet people out here who have been in their trade for decades, but never achieving any real level of expertise in it.
How walkable is Vancouver? I'm torn between it and Eugene though I like Vancouver more due to being closer to a major city.
Not walkable in the areas I'd recommend living, all of which are more on the outskirts. You could probably get by near downtown.
This summer in Pittsburgh has been fantastic. Not The weather here is pretty schitzo for half the year, but it's not all clouds and gloominess.
The people are way less miserable than in Seattle though.
That’s just left wingers in general. They want everyone to be identical and socially punish outcasts for being different
Isnt that like the rainiest place on earth

#9 in the US, so not the rainiest in the world lmao. But yes it is rainy half the year like most of the PNW.
Downtown is exactly where I'm looking actually. I expect homeless dope fiends but are there bigger issues there?

That's because Pittsburgh is a real city for normal people. It's not a haven for neurodivergent retards.
Seattle area is known for having one of the worst dating scenes in the country.

>FOB H1Bs men and incels working in tech outnumber the local women
>local women are hyper liberal feminists, drug addicts or fat Mexicans
>fridgid personalities all around
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Bumping for insight on Vancouver if anyone has some to add, I'm going to be visiting in-person soon but info is nice as well.
Ditching Seattle plans?
Nah, I'm not one of the anons that was talking about seattle.
Not bigger issues, mostly stuff like property crime. Rarely violent crime apart from family related murder suicides.
I'm not a big fan of downtown though. It might be cheaper than Portland but that's about all it has going for it. I'm guessing you don't have a car? Areas that are less walkable are much better around here like salmon creek, camas, ridgefield, battleground,etc
>I'm guessing you don't have a car?
Correct, walkability is pretty much essential for me. I like downtown too just because it is so close to Portland for flights and concerts, etc.
>cheap, low population, low cost of living. i dunno, thats a spitballing kind of location. more realistically, it would be denver, but i don't want to go back there. wanna go somewhere new
I thin Denver is superior for long term life, but if you're just passing through do whatever
Please trv/bros, be honest with me, is it really THAT bad in Seattle? Strongly considering moving there from my small Mountain Time Zone city.
COL will be 1.5-2X Denver. Move to Vegas instead, way more security guard jobs.
>Strongly considering moving there from my small Mountain Time Zone city.
If your best motivation for Seattle right now is "consideration" from the middle of nowhere...well there's your answer. It's HCOL USA. A consequential place to impulse move to.

It depends on what your priorities are I suppose
There is no such thing as COL

I can rent a room for the same price in any city in America and I can eat goyslop for the same price anywhere in America.

COL only begins to exist when you begin to attempt to purchase things that will offer you social credit with others. Don't do that.

I fucking promise it costs the same to be a bum everywhere.
Depends on how you define city. Cleveland is a city but an apartment in downtown Cleveland will be a fraction of the cost of downtown Seattle. You will also find way more quantity of cheap apartments in Cleveland, and the quality will be better for the same price.

I can find a room for $600 per month anywhere in America.

In fact, it is easier in Seattle than it is the rural shithole I grew up in because nobody rents rooms in rural Kentucky.
I am currently paying $465 in a wealthy part of Denver
What is this NeverTraveller B.S. What you get for your money varies tremendously across America, both in accomodations and in food.
This statement completely ignores the vast disparities in room size, house amenities, general upkeep, and desirability of the setting that $600/month will get you in different cities.
Virtually no landlords rent at below-market rates to the general public. I pay $500 for a one-bedroom apartment in Chaffee County. It's awesome, but entirely irrelevant to someone looking to move here, as the owner only rents to employees working for one of his family businesses.
Post a room in Seattle for 600
"A room" is different than an one bedroom.
There are quite a few on craigslist at this very moment

Because I'm not retarded

>vast disparities
idk man $465 per month gets me my own bathroom and a nice bed in cherry creek, a quite nice part of denver is that not enough
>what you get for your money varies tremendously across america

literally only true if you do faggy ass tourist shit go live like the fucking rats and you pay rat price anywhere you stupid bitch
>idk man $465 per month gets me my own bathroom and a nice bed in cherry creek, a quite nice part of denver is that not enough
With roommates?
nta, but yes.
no 1bd to yourself goes for <$500 in cherry creek.
it would be a room in a shared house
>room in a shared house
>he's in his 30s
Dude you are traveling are you not do you need a royal fucking carriage???

Seethe, you can live in the nicest parts of America if you want

My roommates are awesome we go skiing
Former Denverite here

Hats off you you. That’s a steal
Because people assume you have to spend a lot and just accept it

You don't there are options all over the area
>mexicans have been doing this for decades
>traveling is signing a lease to live in Cherry Creek
American "vagabonds" everyone.

>seethe, you can live in the nicest parts of America if you want
No you can't, you got lucky and found a good deal on a roomshare in a nice neighborhood. That happens, but rarely. The average roomshare in an urban area (an actual city, not Cincinnati or Denver) is like $1200 now.
>Signing a lease
>For a room
Bro have you ever used craigslist in your life

There are dozens of options all over denver and seattle at this exact moment, there are more options in these cities than there are in rural Kentucky
>you cant live for $600 a month in rural Kentucky
>Seattle and Portland too

Go, go and leave your corn fields and hollars! Go live with the fancy people!
I had one of the search criteria as "private bathroom" by the way so not even sharing a shitter!
I lived in Washington State for most of my life. People always say, "I love rainy weather" "I love the trees" until they move there and realize they haven't seen the sun in 10 months and everything is slightly damp and smells like mold. On the good side though, most of the people that live there are pretentious assholes so you won't have to worry about having a social life.
Have fun living in a trailer with a sex offender or in a roach flophouse with 10 pajeets.
Bro are you fucking retarded? I am in a zero crime neighborhood with people I get along with. I step outside and I see the mountains from my porch. I am close to everything.

You snarky authoritative reddit losers are just trying to keep people from having a good time
>bragging about the view from Denver
Now I know this is a LARP.
The front range is sick it already snowed once on the mountains couple days ago

I come from Kentucky, a 3rd world country, I Was impressed by Kansas dude

The mountains too. They always talk about how nice it is to look at the mountains. The ones who gush about the mountains, rains, and forests, without fail, tend to be NPCs. Because aesthetics is the most important thing to these retards.

>NPC detected

How the fuck does staring at mountains and forests, materially impact your day to day life? They don't, you think they do because you have little responsibilities and obligations in your life to occupy your attention and time.
>He doesn't go hiking as often as possible

Lmao you are not even human

>He doesn't go hiking as often as possible

>you have little responsibilities and obligations in your life to occupy your attention and time.

Way to prove my point
>material gains
>responsibilities and obligations

I think you are foolish
Piece of shit city dweller. Seeing you call others NPCs is rich coming from a soulless worthless drone like you
Packed my shit into a storage unit today and left. Fuck this place and I won't likely live here again unless I'm getting paid mega money.
>Packed my shit into a storage unit today and left.
>I won't likely live here again unless I'm getting paid mega money.
Why even store the stuff then, unless you've got some irreplaceable stuff you can't carry off with ya?

What would mega money be? I'd estimate like 300k, which is what a lot of level 2 big tech engineers in the city would be making. Seattle makes little sense unless one is in tech or being sugar momma'd daddy'd by someone in it
>Seattle makes little sense unless one is in tech or being sugar momma'd daddy'd by someone in it
*yawns loudly*
Bad news but every single corner of America is expensive now

Cost of living is a myth you can live like a bum everywhere or spend every penny of a 10,000 monthly salary everywhere
Maybe 10 years ago, but there is definitely no cost of living difference between some random Iowa cow field and the west coast.

In 2024 you are making $20 an hour and paying $1200 rent in all places no matter what.
This x1000. These COL fags don’t realize a single man can survive on 22k a year. That’s with your own apt etc.
please give tips on doing that
Not that anon but you're too much of a princess why even ask bitch
>no health insurance
>no car therefore no gas/insurance cost
>eat one homecooked meal a day during your normal schedule
>simple pleasures
>no going out and spending money on stupid shit

Everything beyond this existence is strictly and solely for the sake of getting a mans pecker played with by a western whore
There’s no way West Coasters are this delusional.

And being a NEET is a dead end


Life happens in the city and it's where all the economic opportunities are. If want to stare at an empty field all day and waste time, that's on you. Most people don't share in your preference. There's a reason why cities are crowded.
Mountains get boring quickly. I've lived close to them my entire life so I don't really see them. The irony is though that the ones going on about MUH MOUNTAINS are the ones that never leave the house.

You often here these doomer sentiments from West Coasters. The whole region is utterly fucked by shitty tax policies; NIMBYS obstructing new housing developments, and Chinese millionaires/billionaires buying up real estate to hide their assets from the CCP.

>The irony is though that the ones going on about MUH MOUNTAINS are the ones that never leave the house.

And they never going hiking either. It's all about aesthetics for these people.
Mindless drone bug man detected
>Muh dead end

I possess none of your soul, your values are not mine, leave me
>He doesnt hike minimum 20 miles a day

How do you live
Is there ANYTHING good about the place? Im moving there next year I need a silver lining bros..........
I cant wait to rock up to Seattle with no job lined up and just take a steamy liquid shit on all these nose-upturned dork faggots chirping about muh cost of living when they think the baseline is having a car, health insurance, an apartment in a “safe” area, and all this other safe and sound pencil neck bullshit to exist comfortably in the US. Can’t fucking wait.
>muh rain
Cool, I’ll read the man without qualities during the ambient patter of rain you spiritual impoverished fucking losers.

Suck my fuckin dick

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