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I'll soon be spending a month in Quito. Anyone here have experience there?

How's the drinking water? I'm finding a lot of conflicting information.
I was there on an exchange program for 10 months. No, you cannot drink their tap water. Idunno what you are into. Watching local football teams play decent football for half a game and then fight for the other half is fun if u ask me. Or why not join a illegal street volleyball game and do some betting, you can bet pocket change and it's big money to them, that's always exciting. They got nice fruit, get your fruit cheap and fresh from the street kids. Other than that their food kinda sucks. Cabs will always try to rip you off anyway possible, busses was fun when I was there, no doors or anything, you could hop on and lean out while in traffic if that is exciting to you. At least if you are young, or local looking lifting is very common and works well
>No, you cannot drink their tap water.
So what do you do?
Drink bottled or filtered water.
In shot hole countries it's widely available in sizes from 1/2 liters all the way up to 5 gallon refillable jugs sold in every neighborhood.
I will be near the "Megamaxi" store so I'll try to get some 5 gallon jugs there and haul them back to my airbnb. Do nicer buildings sometimes have their own filtered water available? I'll ask my airbnb host
is it worth getting Cabify or should I just Uber everywhere? i'll be in Quito but might do some day trips too
It’s mind blowing that developed nations have had clean and safe tap water for over a hundred years while much of the world has fecal bacteria and other shit in their water still
>It’s mind blowing
you mean mind bottling
How violent is Ecuador these days? Has it gotten better since the beginning of the year? I cancelled my January trip when parts of the country were descending into lawlessness.
Its filled with venezuelans, Ecuador was already dangerous before it got literally invaded by people sent from slums and prisons in Venezuela not to mention tren de Aragua is present since Peru kicked as many Venezuelans as possible from peruvian soil, im a spic and im used to violence and even I would not visit Ecuador right now I hope the arepa scourge leaves at some point but seems like wishful thinking
yeah, well, i'm going anyway
Travelled there solo as a white guy last year. Most places are closed Sunday and walking around feels a bit sketchy. I did meet some random cute local chicks at a bar and took one home and pounded her out. Met another cute girl while there too. The food is okay not my favorite. If you have extra time go to the Amazon and fish piranha
>walking around feels a bit sketchy
I'll be in La Carolina area. I'm hoping it's not too bad. Not sure if i'll feel ok walking at night

>If you have extra time go to the Amazon and fish piranha
I'll mostly be in the city but I do want to do some day trips

I am going to try meeting girls from dating apps and doing some day game at the malls
some countries preserve their watershed areas
others have too much population pressure to do so
>he gets hooked up with random broads in violent foreign places
This is how you end up in the local periodico as "tourist found dead suspected drugged and robbery" you retards are not in your toddler baby safe areas stop being this unnecesarily reckless just to pound some blown out STD ridden pussy you absolute utter chimps
buy "splendor" bottle water, is jew approved so is probably the best kind of water you will find here

>Has it gotten better since the beginning of the year?
the drug lords have calmed down but the country is not really that safe, specially the Coast region + the fucking Venezuelans all around doesn't help the situation

don't go to the Amazon is like 8-9 hours trip on bus just to arrive, go to "Mindo" instead is a tourist friendly place and is a 2 hour trip from Quito
>Travelled there solo as a white guy last year.
Did something change? Are you no longer a white guy today?

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