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is there anything you would like to know about Russia? I can take photos and videos of ordinary places or travel around Russia to non-dangerous accessible places (subject to payment of the road).
Potentially almost any safe trash at your expense. I'm a little bored.
I use Google translator so that your eyes don't suffer too much.

p.s. the worst Captcha EVER
What's the current dating app meta? Excluding VK.
I have a few questions about russia

How is life in russia?

Do you like living in russia?

What do you mean by dangerous areas?
What are they and why are they dangerous?

Is it true you guys have infrastructure issues? Like Not having electricity all the time? Or is that just propaganda?

Is it difficult to own land in russia?
In America land is unobtainably expensive because The Jewish regime doesn't want us having families

I've heard my whole life about how much it sucks to live in russia but is it really that bad? Ide like to visit an orthodox majority country some day because i am orthodox and america is eating away at my soul and sanity.
Nothing worth using, all of them are trash.

>Not having electricity all the time
Literally what?

>Ide like to visit an orthodox majority country some day because i am orthodox
Most people here are not religious, so Georgia would be your better bet.
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Traveling with Russell on Youtube does this also Sam's Russian Adventures on Youtube. Really opens your eyes to the real Russia outside all the Western media and propaganda. I was blown away just how beautiful the architecture and stores were in Russia. Being from America it looks like Russia is doing just fine under sanctions. You guys seem to be thriving!
>Is it difficult to own land in russia?
not possible for foreigners, you can own apartments

>Is it true you guys have infrastructure issues? Like Not having electricity all the time? Or is that just propaganda?
Russia is a huge exporter of energy and grains, they have more than enough electricity and food
If someone wanted to live a traditional lifestyle (e.g. farmer/honesteader), how difficult would that be in Russia? In USA it’s pretty much impossible now due to land prices
Aside from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Golden Ring, Kazan and maybe Sochi, which places do you recommend me?
Also, why don't you make a tourism tour on where did former Politburo big men live? I know that Beria's house became the embassy of Tunisia, and that's it.

part 1
Living in Russia is normal, but if you compare, living in Russia is good. I was in the Philippines and I can note that living in Russia is many times more comfortable. I don't think there are any more significant differences between life in the USA and in Russia than there are between the Philippines and Russia.
In my opinion, Russia is a fairly developed and civilized country. I don’t think that in terms of providing the majority of human needs, Russia is different from Europe.
Now I will not write about the advantages, but about the facts that I discovered after a trip to a less developed country.

1. Our public transport is very developed, so you can easily get by without a car.
2. we don’t have any power outages (1 kW*h costs about 5 cents)
(but I should note that due to Ukrainian attacks on infrastructure, there may be short-term disruptions in frontline cities)
3. We have very good, stable and cheap high-speed Internet (I have 100 Mbit at home, but somewhere you can get 1 Gbit, it’s just not necessary). I pay about 2-3 dollars a month for it lol.
4. there are enough food and grocery delivery services
part 2

5. The stores have a fairly large selection of vegetables and fruits. Fruits are SWEET and they don’t cost much more. For example, in the Philippines, watermelons are unsweetened, the only sweet fruit was Mango. I didn’t even come across our variety of berries there. If you want, try going to "kuper.ru", choose some Moscow, Lenta or Auchan store (hypermarkets) or Pyaterochka or Magnit (supermarkets) and see what is available in vegetables and fruits. But there is seasonality - potatoes usually cost 25 cents per kilo, but out of season they cost 2 times more. Watermelons are also not yet in season and are not as sweet and cost twice as much (seasonal price 10-20 cents per kilogram).
And so on.
You can see the variety and prices yourself through kuper.ru, probably in any city in Russia.

I would like to add that Russia is similar to America - we also consist of many subjects and regions. Despite this, we Russians are pretty much the same. We believe that the main thing is that the person is good. Different regions have different mayors and different conditions of the city, but I don’t think we have any devastation or slums. That is, Russia does not have its own Skid Row.
part 3

We don’t have any homeless people lying on the street in large numbers. I feel safe in Russia, in my city.
But again, cities may differ and areas may be so-so. I live in a small provincial city with a population of less than 1 million people.

About dangerous zones - front-line zones (territories bordering Ukraine), Crimea - areas that are subject to shelling from Ukraine. Plus, I would not want to go into specially protected areas - military bases or other places associated with this. I don’t know of any other dangerous zones in Russia. True, I’ll clarify. Russia is the biggest country. Like the United States, Russia's population is poorly dispersed, with much of Russia's territory uninhabitable due to permafrost. In addition, there are many places in Russia far from civilization, some of which can only be accessed by helicopter or in winter when the rivers freeze. Russia is different. Perhaps you can find analogies in the USA.

I apologize if I express myself in incomprehensible language, I try to distill thoughts into simple, straightforward phrases that do not fit well together, but are able to convey the idea. Therefore, the text turns out to be chopped up.
part 4

regarding electricity and infrastructure - in Russia such problems could have existed 20-30 years ago. I live in an apartment and it is very rare for there to be no electricity. BUT. Every summer we carry out scheduled work to maintain the central hot water supply in working order so that there are no problems in winter. The so-called pressure testing, if I'm not mistaken. Therefore, in the summer, perhaps in any city in Russia, hot water is turned off in small areas. But this can easily be solved by installing a boiler. I'm lazy and don't have it, although it's cheap. I can just go to my relatives for a bathhouse. The main idea is that I don’t think that we are very different from Europe.
We have central cold and hot water supply, sewerage, gas. I don’t use gas because it takes a long time to heat water, although a cubic meter of gas costs about 10 cents. For living in an apartment I received a bill of about $50. Of these, electricity is $10, hot water is $10. In winter it is more expensive due to heating - about plus 50 dollars.
I live alone, in an apartment.
part 5

In Russia, owning land is as easy as buying a car in America. In 1 day you can buy land from another person and register it in your name. The land is worth differently everywhere. Very different. A country house can be bought, for example, for 3000+ dollars. Land closer to the city where you can build a house could cost you $10,000 or more. But. I speak from the position of a citizen; for me, buying land means putting a couple of signatures and waiting at the multifunctional center for the provision of public services (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%BD%D0% BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%84%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%BA%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BB% D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D1%80) it’s not long in my turn to register the transfer of ownership in 10-30 minutes .

As for families, this is a sore subject. In Russia there are about 80% divorce rates and girls have high demands and competition. Not everything is rosy. Although the girls are beautiful, yes.
part 6

Living in Russia is absolutely NOT bad. Everywhere is quite clean, tidy, and cultured. I wouldn't say we're very orthodox. We have very high freedom in society. As a rule, marriages break up when the girl files for divorce. In traditional countries, it seems to me, there is more patriarchy and struggle for the family. 1 marriage for life. Unfortunately, this has not been the case for us lately.
At the same time, even though society does not approve (encourage) gays, we treat them loyally (the main thing is that the person is good), provided that the person is not an asshole and for some reason tells everyone that he loves penises and that everyone needs try. I think it's like with vegans - you can be anyone and do anything as long as you don't harm other people or make them uncomfortable with your actions.
But people won't like it if 2 guys kiss in front of everyone. It's funny, but guys and girls usually don't kiss in front of everyone. An ordinary civilized country?
part 7

if you want to visit Russia or travel around it in the near future and you are a good person, I can keep you company. I haven’t traveled to Russia yet either. The only thing is to first study what is happening with the visa regime now.

For the rest, it’s better to do it before the fall - 1. while it’s warm everywhere 2. before the political situation changes.
and the proposal is relevant for all good people without a stone in their bosom.
Oh! U need to watch Justus Walker (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm7SCpAUHK_9A8XlCQOAehg) he is american literally a farmer who lives in Russia.
and land prices for agricultural work are much lower. a hectare costs about 40-50 $ yes. really.
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>is there anything you would like to know about Russia?
why do you guys have so much AIDS? you know that's the faggot disease, right?
>you know that's the faggot disease, right?
In the West, maybe. Surely not in Africa (the main hotbed of AIDS) and definitely not in Russia, where it's due to the intravenal drug epidemic in the second half of the 90s.
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>second half of the 90s in russia
absolute kino
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Russia is a very big country. It all depends on what interests you. Mountains, seas, forests, architecture, cultural places, houses of writers, museums, people. Decide for yourself what color you need. Yakutia, where the Yakuts live - it’s about deer, nature, the Yakuts and their national culture. More than 190 peoples live in Russia. Almost each of them has its own traditional culture and flavor. We are all Russian, but our cultural background may be different. And now I want to choose a direction, staying in each “state” for another day and going to the next, seeing how Russia, nature and historical cultural features are changing. Today you eat borscht, tomorrow you eat bishbarmak, the day after tomorrow triangles with chak chak, and a week later you eat deer meat or the brains of some animal with the Yakuts, because tomorrow you want to go to the Evenks to try their stroganin and see cultural museums. Do you know what I mean? )
I hope I can attach pictures. And now you are traveling around the country - there are girls everywhere, Russians and they think like Russians. Attaching photo. p.s. I took the photo from VKontakte, i cant be sure are they real, but its just for example.

Unfortunately, this is not a disease of homosexuals. despite the fact that the disease is transmitted through damaged mucous membranes, the chances of infection during anal sex are higher than during vaginal sex. but it is also possible to become infected through normal sex. but in Russia in the 00s, there was a widespread problem with drugs, which was a common cause of AIDS. At the moment, I don’t think that the AIDS level is significantly higher than other countries, since there are no reasons or significant preconditions for this. I recommend double-checking the source.

Is video quality still this high in your country?
Land is cheap but not very fertile in most parts of the country. Check out this guy's channel:
He's Canadian so can't legally own land in Russia, but was able to circumvent it by starting a 51% Russian-owned joint venture.
what do u mean? )
About Sakhalin Island
I haven't been to even 5% of places in Russia. All that is known about Sakhalin Island to the ordinary citizen is that
1. crabs and other seafood are caught there
2. Japan is very interested in the islands located next to it
3. Sakhalin is located in what we call the Far East
4. To get from Moscow to Sakhalin, it will take 6-7 days by train or the same by car, and you will have to travel 9,700 km.
5. when it’s 10 a.m. in Moscow, 6 p.m. on Sakhalin
that's why Russia never sleeps. we take turns sleeping

I was the one who posted this reply.
Thanks a lot for the information.
I'm assuming you've been to the country yourself so feedback is very much appreciated. I am interested in relocating to a new country from the United States and Russia seems like a firm candidate.
All I honestly want is a shack on / near the beach some day. Somewhere safe with rich culture. I just want to go fishing, sailing, go to church, and play accordion for the rest of my days and never have to look at another pride flag again in my life.

You mentioned Sakhalin Island
I'm not sure what that place is but ide be interested in finding out about more specific places with a strong connection to life by the water. I know Crimea is pretty much a no go zone at this time but I'm open to any suggestions if you know of any. I very much appreciate your feedback.

I'll put a name in the name field for the sake of recognizing my posts
try reading this site in English https://sutochno.ru/info/morya-rossii

what climate zone do you prefer?
By today I have already come across a couple of news about power outages in a couple(2-3) of areas. I'm sure it's short-lived, but it happened. There are 89 regions in Russia
news has just appeared that there are problems with the failure of one power plant of 1.5 gigawatts
4 seasons. Somewhere normal. Not blistering cold and not blazing hot.
How common is it becoming to have friends / family members who died in the war? Is it something like

>"hey I wonder what Andrej from high school is up to"
>"he was blown up in Ukraine"
Four seasons means blistering cold AND blazing heat, dumbass. Winter and summer.
most the people who die in SMO are like 49 yo drunks who live in the middle of nowhere, not anyone Moskva/Piter twinks posting here would ever meet irl
>How common is it becoming to have friends / family members who died in the war?
Very uncommon (in the big cities at least)
No what that means is
I don't want to live at the north pole.
I also don't want to live in a desert.

Where I live has four seasons.
To me this is normal.
To you it has extremes.
This is because you are a little bitch.
I'm an American moving to Japan but I really want to go to Russia. Having passport stamps that are US military related from previous employment at a military base, do you think am I going to have issues with immigration?
Where I live in America has a ton of Ukrainians and they're so beautiful. I'm not really attracted to Asians but every Ukrainian girl I flirt with always rejects me. My dream girl would be half Russian half Japanese.
I was thinking of visiting Vladivostok for instance. Also, how could I get a job??
Russia is not US, they don't care about your previous stamps
Nice to see a fellow Russell and Sam enjoyer
why are russian girls such whores?
Could someone go deep into Russian forests and build without detection
How do Russians feel about Edward Snowden living in the country?
russian men are drunkards with aids. gives russian girls the ick
it's the same reason catholic Latinas and pinky's are whores every Sunday they go to mass and worship a "virgin" and their mantra is to not think about sex which is the horniest thing you can think about
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as a T50 brownoid, would I be welcome as a tourist in Russia?
Have sex, incel
Do the women like American men?
no everyone hates mutts

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