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My In-laws booked the family a Royal Carribean cruise without asking and even though I split the cost with my GF I am still kind of pissed. Am I wrong to look at it as the Wal-Mart of vacations? We are going to Bermuda, Nassau, and Castaway Key. They are all so excited about the ship having all you can eat soft serve? My last trip was a complete adventure to Medellin where I had a motorcycle for a month and did coke off a hot latinas ass. Is this going to be a major downgrade from that? I am not stoked to be using the last of my PTO for the year on a holiday I did not plan.
All cruises suck dick. They're not for actual travelers, they're for boomers and retards. I've been miserable on every cruise my family has dragged me on. There's nothing to do on the boat besides drink and gamble, when you're on shore you go to the same resorts that every other tourist goes to.
Quite possibly to two most insufferable dildos on /trv/
Spend time with the family and make some memories. Maybe the old boomer will leave something to you in their will. I can’t imagine being such a twat as the two of you.
There are spergs truly devoted to the anti-cruising bit, having a successful cruise thread must have set them off
People who consider themselves >Real Travelers will naturally hate cruises. They’d rather be eating salmonella-encrusted street food in a backwater dump where it’s 34C with 90% humidity and there’s a genuine risk of being mugged around every corner.

/low energy/ Chads like myself love cruises because you can just chill, get some sun, get drunk, make friends, and hit on pretty girls you’ll never see again. I’m not particularly attractive or charming but I get laid on every cruise. Sometimes multiple times. Royal Caribbean ships are floating cities, there’s a ton to do and a ton of people to meet. Or you can do your own thing and be anonymous. Being at sea and watching the sun rise is extremely kino. So are rough waters as long as you don’t get seasick lol
This. OP- your in laws won’t be around forever. Don’t be an insufferable bitch. Value the time you have with them and enjoy the experience.

Grow up.
Has an OP ever been destroyed this badly before on /trv/?
>My In-laws booked the family a Royal Carribean cruise without asking and even though I split the cost with my GF
why aren't you taking your wife?
Alright I guess you're right. I listened to the Tim Dillon rant about cruise ships and then was upset to find myself going on one.
unironically that is my kind of vacation. I like to wallow in the filth of third world countries and feel better about myself for being a complete loser with nothing going for me other then being born in a first world country. Something about being in a poverty stricken shithole as a better off white dude helps my sense of superiority and makes me more grateful for the hand of cards the universe is allowing me to play. A cruise ship filled with better off boomers will remind me I am at the bottom rung of my society and that I should kill myself for being a toxic, lowlife, abusive, wannabe-conqueror/ complete failure at life
I don't know I have posted some downright heinous things here and honestly should be in jail for some of the things I have thought and said. I don't think there is a post history here as we are anonymous but I am too retarded to know how to verify
I am a semi-queer pussy and don't have the maturity or respect for myself to commit to just one vagina forever yet.
That's what I am thinking. Like I will get off the boat in the Bahamas and stand in line behind fat boomers on mobility scooters and deal with staff and locals that see me as a cash cow to be milked. At least the third worlders in less traveled placed are a little less used to piece of shit Americans. They are more excited and inexperienced at trying to see if they can rob or cheat you out of your money or sperm.
Every single word, link, and image you've ever posted online is stored somewhere. Anonymity does not exist.
with tastes this bad, i am sure you will enjoy the cruise
My wife's family did this exact same shit but it was Carnival, so count yourself lucky.

It reinforced everything that I learned on /pol/.

Get the drink package and just spend the whole time hammered, and do excursions, they're the best part.

I'd avoid the drink package and instead try sneaking on alcohol(not try, just do it - it's very easy). Forcing yourself to meet your drink quota every day of the cruise to justify the package purchase is a slog. If there's a single day package option then go right ahead

Excursions are great but also do your research because you can 100% get it cheaper, even half the price, if you just go independently and book with locals.
how do you have in-laws?
fucking retards, OP shouldn't have to PAY for a shitty holiday he had no idea about
>when you're on shore you go to the same resorts that every other tourist goes to.
spotted the NPC. you can go anywhere you want while on shore, it's your fault for not being able to think for yourself
How absolutely dare you call me an NPC, you chudcel magatard.
Sorry you’re poor anon I hope things turn around for you
Only a poor person would respond like that to having their money spent for them. sorry you're legitimately lower middle class, you aren't shit
>Bermuda, Nassau, and Castaway Key.

I did this exact trip a few months ago and had a blast. Going on a cruise with your family is fucking based because you don't have to be around them very much, you can stay bombed through the whole thing and everyone is in a good mood so everyone has a good time.

You could be some complete faggot about it or you can enjoy going out into the ocean on a floating luxury hotel.
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>My last trip was a complete adventure to Medellin where I had a motorcycle for a month and did coke off a hot latinas ass
>booked a cruise cruise
i actually just spit water on my keyboard from laughing

cruises are just behind "beach / resort vacation" for quickest bore-out possible

unless you are old, fat, retarded or any combination of those, then you are excused

try enjoying the time with your gf and in laws
and take the lessen for next year to plan your own vacation early enough so you have the excuse
>sorry no PTO left
when they inevitably try to force you on another cruise next year
>you could be some complete faggot about it
This is what OP will do without question
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In the same way your in laws don’t know the joy of a wild adventure (or maybe they do) , i think you are going to have fun .

Do you watch only action movies or sometimes a documentary or cheesy comedy as well ?

It will be a different kind of fun , but fun nonetheless as long as you let yourself enjoy it

Btw there’s pharmacies just off the pier at many of the countries you mentioned that don’t have the same laws as the United States , but don’t make an ass out of yourself
At least the time off work will be nice. It does suck that her and family seem to enjoy that I am not too happy about it. "HAHA anon you can't bring weed on the cruise guess no joints for you for a whole 10 days!" I am paying to go on a vacation I don't want to be on and they are laughing at how I won't be able to do the things I enjoy. That being said I plan to make the most of things. Essentially going to just sneak in as much booze and pot as possible and be not sober for the entire thing. Going to starve myself and only eat hotdogs and ramen a week before the cruise so the 3rd rate food will be somewhat enjoyable. I have also never been to Bermuda or the Bahamas so I will be sure to enjoy some new scenery
bermuda will be cool, private island will be cool, nassau will suck. stay on the ship and try to get a port day discount on a massage or something
you're probably going to be surprisingly happy with the dining options. in any case, go to the buffet and get all of the indian/SEA food options, they'll be really good because they'll be made by the third worlders themselves
That is a solid point about the food. I do plan on going for a nice couples massage. As the trip comes closer I am more comfortable with things. I am gonna try scanning FB marketplace for some local excursions.
the more ethnic dining options will be available in the main dining room as well, often labeled as a vegetarian option.
massages are always cheaper on port days than sea days, and of your options listed, nassau is the port to miss. nassau sucks. that said, going off on your own into deepest nassau away from the resorts isn't that far off from scooting around medellin lolllll nassau will be the place that you'll be most likely to find a cheap excursion leading up to the cruise.
in bermuda, rent a golf cart and scoot around yourself. look at the island on google maps before you go and think about where you want to take the girlfriend.
as for the private island, you can't find a bootleg excursion on fb. also, castaway key belongs to disney, not royal caribbean. are you sure you're not going to perfect day at coco cay? which ship will you actually be on?
cruise sounds like an excuse for me to sit and play portable games and read for 10 hours a day while drinking and eating excessively but I can do that a lot of places.

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