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>Noooo, you can't just visit our city and leave a lot of money here

Fuck you, I'm booking my ticket to Barcelona right now.
I'd be ok with them saying that, if they said it about migrants as well. Not ok, like I wouldn't think they're assholes, but ok, like they at least follow logic.
Catalans are so fucking retarded that we have reached a point where it is better for the rest of Spain to let them go and fuck themselves up
>Fuck you, I'm booking my ticket to Barcelona right now.
I'm not, it's insanely expensive now.
>refugees welcome
>tourists go home
communism is mental illness
Their reverse psychology worked perfectly on you smdh
I've been to Barcelona, no one complained.
negro your money isnt wanted we don't want more faggots through airport over here
Sex tourists are bunch of rapists that create dadless cities while you make working for locals insufferable just touring around. Nobody invited you here, you just showed up
Fuck off. Or can I take a shit in your kitchen and throw a dollar on the table, bitch?
someone post the refugees welcome, tourists leave graffiti cant find it
>seethe at some foreigners larping as digital nomads working at cafes
>vote for that are bringing in your replacements
>choose to live in massively popular tourist destination
>get mad at tourists for visiting
Why are Barcelona residents so fucking stupid
This board literally consists of retards who somehow think they are better than everyone and deserve to do whatever they want anywhere
> I can go and rape all the women and just leave my kids there
> noooo niggers can't come to my country and do the same thing wtf that's unfair :(((
When Americans aren't happy about where they live, they just move.

When Europeans aren't happy about where they live, they just endlessly whine. If you don't like living somewhere experiencing significant tourism, just live somewhere else lol.
>just live somewhere else
That's exactly what they are mad about...being displaced from their city by wealthier tourists.
>they just move
Freedom of wealth, any wealth, to do as it pleases, that is prime in America. Other countries, the role of the aristocracy is much more entrenched and suspicious of change. Rootless Americans don't fight to change things when they have no personal investment in a place. Towns merely a collection of resources to be exploited, endlessly replicated across the map. It's amazing how different towns are in those parts of America where "everyone here is from here". A place built over time by unique local personalities, versus scientific, centrally planned development.
>spain shuts down tourism, only business travel allowed
>busineses see retarded government decision and leave
>anon becomes a male prostitute
>s-s-still voting red!
>That's exactly what they are mad about...being displaced from their city by wealthier tourists.
Well, they can't legally stop people from northern Europe from coming, and banning AirBNB isn't going to do jack shit (which may temporarily slightly reduce prices but then spur development of hotels), so it seems their only options are to build up with high rises or accept that things are going to be expensive.

Frankly, its not the end of the world. There are other people I feel much more sympathy for than people who had to move to a nearby city because their city was expensive.
Why are they more entitled to be in Barcelona than anyone else?

Spain is in the EU so all EU citizens have a right to freely move within it. If Barcelona is a desirable place, maybe its spaces should go to the highest bidder. Ideally they would be able to build more housing to keep up with demand, but if its limited the highest bidder it is.
Be extreme leftist that say nothing about the massive delinquency brought by moroccoans to Barcelona with rapes, pickpocketing and daily assaults.
Say something against people that cause no problems and bring money to the city.

This is the paradox of the leftist mind, truly a retarded modern species.

They are just 300 people (probably with political funding by extremist groups) in all Barcelona. A newspaper went there to make the picture and make it viral. Nothing else.
>when they have no personal investment in a place
Mfw buying a house is once in a lifetime event for a Europeon and this is their personal investment in it..... I truly understand why your life is based in Quesadillatrinidadsantosmaria and you're comfortable dying there while the world passes you by, contributing to the community by sitting on a bench and drinking iced latte. Young people all over the world move to cities, or wherever life takes them, grandpa. We're not tied down to the local field tilling the tobacco. Those "Barcelona locals" you're referring to probably moved there last month from La Sacra Mierda because nobody cares about their "anarchist alternative lifestyle" in their little hovel, or remember the 40s and don't want Legion Condor back.

t. a non-retarded European
>When Europeans aren't happy about where they live, they just endlessly whine
American liberals are no different desu. Just look at Reddit. And it will be even worse after Trump wins in November.
I can understand them, most Spanish port town get plagued by huge ass cruise ships docking for a day, dumping 5k+ faggots per ship who shit up everything for a couple of hours don't spend a single cent (not even a coffee, as it's free back on the ship) and repeat, the rest is simple 19€ multiple a day Ryanair/Easyjet flights from all over the UK loaded with the worst trash known to humanity to trash the city for a week.
Well that's people claiming they're going to leave the USA, which is very difficult due to visa restrictions, language barrier, and the fact that they will likely make significantly less money wherever they move to.

Americans do commonly move between states and regions, however. When they're not happy about the city they live in, they move to another city.
Young people want to live in Barcelona because they can make 3 times the amount of money in the service industry as they can in the rest of the country right now. But where do they think that money comes from? The backpackers and hostel travelers don't eat in the nice restaurants. The Airbnb people are middle class and they're the ones spending all the money, but they're also the reason you can't find an apartment to live in.
The simple solution is to build new affordable housing outside the city and everyone commutes in to work. But that's not what's going to happen. In their stupidity, the city will ban short term rentals instead. Then all the money will be start to dry up and they'll al be poor like the rest of Spain and they won't be able to afford the apartments anyway. A bunch of Chinese investors will show up and buy all the apartments up for pennies on the dollar and rent them out with jacked up prices. They'll all live paycheck to paycheck until the day they die.
The impact of AirBNB is exaggerated

Banning it will have no long term impact on housing market because the demand for short term rental doesn’t disappear. The effect is that a new development will be a hotel rather than an apartment complex. The only options are to increase supply in Barcelona or to increase supply in nearby cities and run extra trains for commuters into Barcelona. Establish commuter towns. Or ban tourism, but that’s against EU law and would probably lead to economic collapse anyways.

Another option is to increase other industries and raise the purchasing power of Barcelona residents. New York actually has more tourists per capita, but it’s not noticed because New Yorkers don’t have lower purchasing power than the tourists
It may be exaggerated, but the impact is still substantial. Investors are buying up every building in town in Barcelona, Prague, Venice, Portland Oregon, Edinburgh, etc etc. But that's only a bad thing if those cities aren't building new housing on the edge of town for commuters, which most of them aren't doing. Which is why it's a problem and people are pissed. But the anger is misplaced at tourists.
New York also has high tourism and banned AirBNB. It hasn't done shit to reduce to rent prices.
The spanish are right, Eurail was a mistake.
Spain didn't share the revenue of tourism, making life totally unliveable for locals in places like Toledo. Not just major cities, small towns
What the fuck kinda cuck shit is this?
Kill yourself
>When Americans aren't happy about where they live, they just move.
ah, yes, the people that abandoned their OWN cities when they saw one nigger move in, basically giving it away for free.
escaping is a bitch move
>The simple solution is to build new affordable housing outside the city and everyone commutes in to work.
as if hospitalet, badalona, montcada, castelldefels or even mataro weren't being used for this already. housing prices in those places are also going up like mad
you're fucking retarded
Very original opinion, literally nobody else has ever said this before.
>businesses leave
And this is bad because...?

>Leaver is shit service sector job employing moroccans
>business owner isn't spaniard, it's some german faggot syphoning money out of spain
>le tax revenue goes down, making the pool to steal from smaller for politicians

Boohoo, le free market failure means less niggers and trannies. Cry me a river faggot.
>Bro, let's just build more housing
>Huehuehuehue We urr immigrant, we cum for affordable housing
>We wunt monies, we buy house and rent huehuehue
>Gee, housing ran out again, I know, let's build yet more housing
When does it come to an end retard? You will kill your stupid country. You don't need more houses idiot, you need less people.
I'm from Spain. Those fags that say ''don't come here'' go to other countries as well when they are not in their shitty fucking city.
So go there, don't feel intimidated, and defende yourself in case you get assaulted.
Honestly all Spain should do about tourism is tell cruise ships to fuck off and stop filling Barceloneta with fake sand. Barcelona is fine as a historical-cultural city, past beyond a certain level of wealth all a place earns is a steady supply of drug traffickers, sex traffickers and the shittiest immigrants to man the crime industries.
You are either an American or retarded, probably both.

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