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>Be me
>Not a trust fund hippie
I was looking through travel sights when I saw tickets from SF to India was $530
I don’t like India but I like Far Cry 4, and tickets to Kathmandu are $330.
Is Nepal the same as India? on a “what you’d see online” basis
take india
reduce the land area to something like portugal
add some massive mountains
subtract the good spicy indian food
subtract sweaty feces people
subtract the honking, polluted dumpster fire culture
add poor communists

you now have nepal
add even more dust
I'd add that Nepali food is pretty decent desu
Momo is good stuff
People will say you deal with less bullshit in Nepal than India, but that was never my experience.
That honestly sounds like a pretty good trade. I can get Indian food in any Western country and communists aren't that big of a deal if you aren't forced to live in the country they fuck up.
How are tickets to india $500, tickets to Japan are like $1000
Supply and demand. More people want to visit based, civilized Japan than look at streetshitters and be pestered by aggressive hawkers
It's worse than India.If you're talking about Bihar,UP then not but I am tired of this retarded dying cunt and don't come here and give money to this fucking shitland please
>t.frustated nefoli
just go to thailand anon.this shithole has nothing to offer except some nature and mountains which can be done in less than a week.
>muh buddha muh nature muh trekking muh mt. everest muh gorkhas
fuck these cocksuckers

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I went OP, did 3 weeks on a study vacation in Kathmandu, Pokhra, Chitwan, if you have any questions ask away
I haven't been to India but my close mate did, and from what he told me Nepal is definitely an entree level India.

Ill answer questions but cbf typing up a big story so ask away.


I went there a few years ago right after India and liked it a lot. As others said, it's India without 99% of the issues that make India a giant shithole. I would never set a foot in India ever again but would go back to Nepal immediately.
they are heavy dumplings. one of the worst global dumpling options.

go to india. kathmandu is a dusty indian town with terrible infrastructure.
Are you people legitimately delusional?

I've actually been to both countries, and Nepal is less-developed than India in almost every respect. For example:
>reduce the land area to something like portugal
>add some massive mountains
Add? India has them, too.
>subtract the good spicy indian food
You find plenty of spicy food in Nepal.
>subtract sweaty feces people
At least 50% of Nepalis are indistinguishable from Indians.
>subtract the honking, polluted dumpster fire culture
And that's how I know you've haven't been to Nepal any time in the recent past. The entire country's infrastructure was devastated by the 2015 earthquake. There are probably fewer than a dozen traffic lights in the entirety of Kathmandu.

The road between Nepal's two biggest cities--Kathmandu and Pokhara--is two lanes wide. I'd estimate that 10-15% of its length isn't even paved--it's just gravel, dirt, and dust.
>add poor communists
Poor (legal) communists control the government of Kerala, and had a monopoly on West Bengal's politics for the better part of a half-century. Poor (illegal) communists have been waging a low-intensity guerrilla war against the Indian state in dozens of districts since the late 1960s.

Anyway, see: >>2687820. This is a perfect description of Kathmandu--it's a Tier-II/Tier-III Indian city, albeit with much, much worse infrastructure.

Don't get me wrong, though. I've been to India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Each of these countries is worth visiting if you're into broadly South Asian culture, history, languages, people, and/or landscapes. They all have something to offer (though Nepal, Pakistan, and India are borderline objectively more interesting than Bangladesh).

But anyone who thinks Nepal doesn't have most of the same problems as India--right down to creep, touts, and con artists--has either never traveled to either country, or is looking back on Nepal's comparative rural tranquility through rose-tinted glasses.

The point is that Nepal, despite being poorer than India, looks and feels like Switzerland compared to it.

Are there touts? Yes, but mostly at the airport. Will people stare at you? No, not really. Is there trash on the street? Nothing comparable to anywhere in India. Is it possible to visit the country without being groped, stared, yelled at, bombarded by car honks? Absolutely.
>Are there touts? Yes, but mostly at the airport.
And all throughout Thamel, the area surrounding Durbar Square, the entirety of central Pokhara, and so on and so forth.

>Is there trash on the street? Nothing comparable to anywhere in India
Pakistani-tier logic.

>Is it possible to visit the country without being groped, stared, yelled at, bombarded by car honks?
It's almost like Nepal has many of the same problems as India, yet benefits from lesser population density in the only parts of the country that foreigners visit (i.e., Kathmandu, Pokhara, and the mountains--and absolutely nothing outside of those three general regions).
You sound like a disingenuous redditor.

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