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File: Melona.jpg (34 KB, 747x421)
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Where do I find friends to travel with? I had a huge hiatus and now I'm back in college but all the clubs seem to be closed for the summer.
You don't have friends to travel with, because you don't have ANY friends. There's a reason for that.
I had a few but they all moved away.
yeah don't worry it happens, my friends got a baby and others don't have any vacation off work coz the boss is a Satan, it's not just you we live in a fucked up schedule that's all about money.

Everyone's busy? Go anyway.
Yeah but I wanna talk and shit and be with friends.
I guess if I go alone can I go and hang out at a hostel bar?.
hostel bar
group activities
walking tours
long distance trains and buses
When you’re in college, travel friends are just normal college friends (rich ones).
I fell ill and they moved on. I'm goig to campus now to see if a group scoops me up.
You can use those sites where broke chicks look for guys who can fund their mutual travels. Quid pro quo
What's sad is that out there some broke betabuxer without honor would go for it.
Nigga asked for a solution, he didn't specify that it should be good, or honourable.
There has to be a better way.
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Do you really want travel friends if you have no real friends? They slow you down, they have different pans, they eat slowly, they get tired, etc.

If you really do, you could try an organized holiday by some agency where you have a program. They obviously make groups, and you will be with some randos.
Otherwise, a Chinese tourist picked me up while exiting the train station in Lugano, and asked if we want to see the town together. This probably only works if it's a one way trip, as otherwise you would stay in different hotels.
>slow you down
Can't stand this. When I do my euromaxxing, I love to blitz from city to city and experience as much as possible. Newfags are doing shit like booking extra nights, while I'm already 2 cities ahead, sleeping on Flixbuses, and getting rare sidquests in.
wya OP I’ll go to France with you
Find them online

I did, and traveled all over the world to meet up with them
Just solo travel and meet people abroad. I've gone traveling with friends and they've only been a hindrance and a setback. I love hanging out with the bros, but abroad I want to vacation on my own terms, and the bros will inevitably get pissed when you decide not to waste an entire day waiting for them to wake up from the drunken stupor from the night before.

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