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So I’m transferring to University at Buffalo because their STEM program is pretty good.

I don’t really know much about Buffalo. What is there to do here? Nightlife, bars, etc.
Oh, and what’s a good place to see local bands? Is there a good music scene here?
A friend of mine went to U of Buffalo. He hated Buffalo but liked the university. As far as I can tell, Buffalo is a stereotypical post-industrial city but colder and more snow.

I wouldn’t even worry about it. You’ll figure out the city soon enough. Just worry about getting involved on campus.
The weather is awful by the way. Buffalo only gets something like 50 sunny days per year on average and gets more snowfall than almost anywhere. So be prepared for rain, snow, or gloom pretty much year round.
not OP but that sounds like my ideal time
is buffalo ghetto?
See, that’s what I mean.

Where do UB students like to hangout at night?
Eh. Yeah, sorta.

Idk. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.
>I’m sure you’ll figure it out.

Never been the best at making friends, and I’m afraid my engineering classes will just be full of anti-social nerds who don’t get out much.
When you get to campus, go to all of the student org/engagement/club etc. events. Pick a few that do something you would like to be good at and go to every meeting and try to get better. Do that for a couple of months and I promise you’ll make friends.
it’s not 2024, literally every timmy is going for STEM
That said, buffalo is horrible rust belt city, and the revivals of these cities is taking the the wrong way unfortunately
Always seemed like an east coast version of a cold Midwestern town that belongs in Michigan or Wisconsin.
My brother majored in industrial engineering there, he said that the professors were pajeets more concerned with their research rather than teaching. The campus is nice but the city is a shithole.
Did he say where all the hot chicks hung out at?
They only thing to do in Buffalo is OD on fentanyl
Been in Buff for 4 years now thanks to UB, I hope you like indians and lack of job oppurtunites, all we have is Tesla and a shitty football team.
Most professors are more concerned with their research than teaching. That’s par for the course at every R1 and R2 school.
If you learn Spanish you can hit the Puerto Rican chicas. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Buffalo is one of the worst cities in the country. I lived there for 6 months you will hate it.

Buffalo isn't just ghetto, the whole city has major deterioration, its straight up abandoned, the whole city is fucked up, one of the biggest shitholes I've ever seen, on par with detroit.
Puerto Rican women are loud, ghetto niggerlovers and Nuyoricans are an even worse variety of that. Gross.
I live near UB but never attended.

Someone please tell me where all the hot Asian international students I see hangout at because I want to get some WMAF sex going!
If you’re heterosexual (which is unlikely) you won’t like Buffalo. I’ve never seen a city of that size with so few attractive women. You can legit go days without seeing a pretty girl. It’s awful.
puerto rican women on the island are catholic and reasonable, once you enter the mainland they become niggers
FYI OP you don’t have to like Buffalo. You just have to like the University of Buffalo. You will spend 99% of your time on or near campus anyway. Basically everyone you know will be a UB student. UB will be your whole life.
join a frat
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Nightlife depends on where you're living. Buffalo is generally a big sports town with many people focused on the Bills and the Sabres (I don't care for either team). University at Buffalo North Campus is in the middle of Amherst who's night life is confined to a couple of bars on Main St and then some on each end of town (Niagara Falls Blvd and Transit Rd). Amherst is mostly suburban and families but there is a ghetto element slowly creeping out of Buffalo. South Campus is surrounded by the ghetto and city campus/medical campus is downtown where there is more to do. You have bars, restaurants, clubs, hangouts, etc. on Allentown, Chippewa St, and Downtown, although I would avoid the waterfront as its been taken over by the ghetto and projects/subsidized housing built on the shore. Don't swim in Lake Erie or any of the local rivers or you'll get cancer and aids. Most of Buffalo sucks, but what Buffalo does best is pizza and wings with more pizzerias per capita than anywhere else in the world. Just a stones throw from North Campus is Elmos on Millersport in Amherst which has great wings, there's Duffs who have multiple locations, Imperial Pizza in South Buffalo, and Say Cheese Pizza on Grand Island. All of these places are bars and popular hangouts too. Even though the "night life" really died after Covid limiting it to those few places I listed there's still plenty to do. My recommendation as a UB alumni is to get involved at clubs and groups at the University and that will help you branch out and get involved. UB itself has a lot to offer but there's a lot of quacks and liberals you have to sift through. Just be careful in Buffalo, the surrounding suburbs are generally ok but the city itself has been in decline for some time and with NYS politics crime is still skyrocketing. Any questions I've lived in Buffalo for years. Also >>2687185 is partially correct, many fat and ugly women once you get off campus. >>2686665 is over exaggerating but half correct.
That's every city in NYS now anon, especially NYC
Most of the city itself yes, the surrounding suburbs aren't bad but I'm still looking to move out of NYS. Been considering New England or out west but IDK yet
Snowstorms are comfy, it only gets bad once you get into March where the grey clouds just won't go away and its cold rain.
Canalfest in Tonawanda, Music on Main in Amherst, many different bars scattered throughout Buffalo, once you get into the south towns it becomes more limited but you have Mickey Rats
Its Buffalo anon, not Tampa there aren't that many
OP here.

Thanks man, this really helps a lot.
Lavender Room
Area 54
Timeless Babez
Casa Di Francesca’s
Amy’s Place
Opinions on Elmwood?
Thanks for the info man.

Any idea on this>>2687183
I’ve seen hot Asian chicks near the UB campus but have no idea where they hangout.
Haven't been down there much lately apart from Jack Rabbit which isn't a bad spot, have a couple of friends who frequent it more often. I don't get down into the city much anymore, I usually hit local dive bars, local restaurants, etc.
If you want to meet Korean girls a lot of them go to church or ministry's on or surrounding the campus. I see lots of the foreign exchange students around Amherst especially, they frequent the restaurants and grocery stores on and around campus along with the obvious locations on campus such as the libraries. Amherst has a very high immigrant population so a lot congregate there but Amherst itself is still in transition from a town to a city and is super expensive. Not much of a night life in Amherst for younger people unless you're around campus or at a few select bars on certain nights. There used to be a Korean restaurant in the UB commons when I went there that was always packed, not sure if its still open or not but I'm sure some other Asian restaurant moved into the space. A lot of the student housing around north campus is packed with them and they'll frequent restaurants and bars in the area, some more expensive authentic/gourmet Asian restaurants have bars that they go to but I usually don't eat at those places. I never went after Asian girls so I don't know what specific places they go to but I would only ever see them out during the day at restaurants or shopping. UB has a very large Chinese population as well, although all the Chinese girls I've met who were attractive had legions of Chinese male simps following them around showering them with attention.
Thanks man, this was super helpful.
RIP Old Pink
I’m not in Buffalo, but I will say, if there’s a big enough Asian student population, especially foreign students, there should be at least one Asian-style karaoke bar near the campus that should be popular among those students.
Weird question, but does have a decent amount of art hoes/alt girls that attend?

I know they have an arts program, but it is still know for being primarily a STEM school.
Idk why I didn’t put it in, I’m asking does UB have a lot of Art hoes/goth girls/alt girls
I only knew of one which had gone out of business a few years ago, I'm sure there's another one but I don't go to that stuff so I wouldn't know where it is
There are, you see a lot of them living in Buffalo too
No, UB consists of foreigners and local commuters. Alt/art attend small schools or live in NYC, not Buffalo. The remainder are normies that joined friend groups in dorms, who now live together off campus.
Okay, so where do the art hoes in Buffalo hangout then?
I don't know, coffee shops?
When you say the Main Street in Amherst, are you talking about Highway 5?

I feel like Maple Road has more stuff on it then Highway 5.
Main St is route 5 but where it runs through the Village of Williamsville there are a couple of bars and restaurants that attract huge crowds. Additionally, on Thursdays during the summer they have Music on Main where a bunch of local bands play. Mostly a middle aged crowd
Probably at the university itself dude. Maybe try keeping your eyes open and talking to people about the good spots in town when you get there? It's not hard, anon.
Thanks man, all this information was super helpful.

No more questions from me.
UB has a pretty big Greek life.

The Asian frats and sororities are Pi Delta Psi, Pi Alpha Phi (This one might’ve closed though), Nu Alpha Phi, Lambda Phi Epsilon, alpha Kappa Delta Phi, and Sigma Psi Zeta.

Note: there’s been some controversy over the frats and sororities at UB. A few years ago a kid died because of a hazing incident (Heart failure from drinking too much or something). UB might get rid of frats over the next couple of years.

Go to Omega Phi Beta for that.
If you wanna be a real weirdo, you can always hang around Williamsville East High. Has the highest Asian student pop. in the county I believe.
Hutch Tech, City Honors, and Sweet Home also have a lot of Asian students.
Only Asians you get around here are international students at UB who barely interact with other students outside their nationality, and the many Burmese refugees they planted here in the ghettos.
>Visiting anywhere in the US
Why dont you visit a better country like Russia, China, Finland, Austria, or...?
Did you even read the OP?

The dude is transferring to that school. I’m going to assume he’s American.
As someone who’s used Tinder and Hinge in Buffalo, this person is absolutely right.

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