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are pocket translators in 2024 a meme?
should I just use google translate overseas? I need voiced translation for Turkish, French, German and Spanish.

I'd rather have an offline solution.
I'm willing to pay for an app or device
I'm pretty sure you can download languages for offline use on Google Translate.
Everything offline is a meme in 2024. The hardest part is finding a place where there is no internet so you can justify your purchase.
>I'm pretty sure you can download languages for offline use on Google Translate.

100% true. And while Google Translate still yields some weird results (it’s not yet great at many Asian languages, although this is partially because of choices made by users; the AI attempts to render a lot of small English function words that don’t really exist in other languages as literally as it can, so you can wind up with junk prepositions or auxiliary verbs that don’t work in the translations, and sometimes the syntax winds up wrong), it’s gotten noticeably better very quickly.
Bur does it work with voice recording?
What about chat gpt?
Google Translate has a conversation mode that translates back-and-forth between two languages just fine
Offline mode Google Translate is very noticeably worse though.
i have this exact pocket translator
I first started traveling in 1989 - to Eurail'd for 2 months. Loved it. I loved learning a bit of the language before arriving in the next country - showing respect for each culture's language - always keeping my language book in my pocket. Yeah, it was all fucking bullshit. Flash forward today, and I don't give a fuck anymore. I've perfected a type primal sign language and have next to no patience for anyone who doesn't understand it. I speak English without asking if they do and if I get the spook eyes and simply revert to pointing at the fucking thing. I've never had any problem with this approach.
This thread reads like an ad

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