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in Miami in the US

Only $149,000 for a studio... It's so cheap

the equivalent in France is Nice

Nice salaries are less than US salaries...

https://www.leboncoin.fr/ad/ventes_immobilieres/2626299384 200k for a studio.........
Taxes and overpopulation in urban centres. Primarily taxes.
Also houses arent built out of cardboard, so more building cost
Why taxes increases the price of the property ?
Regular property/land tax that you gotta pay even when you literally own the property.
Can get high in some places, at least in my cunt the communes decide over the amount
KEK This is how they keep the migrants sleeping on the streets
>overpopulation in urban centers
Well fortunately France just voted for more mass migration so that will surely fix this problem!
French houses are actually an investment because they are not made from cardboards.
When you see stones on the outside, the house is actually made from stone, unlike in the US where you will have a "stone looking" cladding and literal shit behind it.

Also, France is the center of Europe, if you are based in Nice, you are two hours away to major italian and swiss cities by car and to every european capital by plane.
What else? France was there 2000 years ago and has been pretty stable, property wise. Some people live in castles their ancestors owned 400 years ago.
>Only $149,000 for a studio... It's so cheap

it was built in 1957, looks like a converted hotel room, it was for people who would come to miami for a week, not live in
will probably be torn down within 10 years
Yeah, it's more mind-boggling to think of how much people are paying for shitty mass-fabricated homes in Sun Belt subdivisions.
France doesn't have a culture of constantly moving to new places in pursuit of opportunity, where houses are merely another commodity to be bought and sold.
Of course Americans, being anti-social at heart, like living around a random assortment of strangers, because strangers don't interfere with your life.
No friend. This motel was designed to survive any hurricane and also a thermo nuclear holocaust. It will not be demolished unless a sinkhole opens beneath it and swallows it up.
>France doesn't have a culture of constantly moving to new places in pursuit of opportunity

They used to. And then all of the places and peoples they exploited turned on them and murdered them from Haiti to Viet Nam to Algiers.
Because it's a beautiful country worth living in despite all the retarded shit you hear from /pol/.
Miami is a fucking shithole.
It's cheap because of the condo assessments which you'll be forced to pay double the price of the condo
And the over $300/month HOA
You’re legit retarded and naive. Lmao Go ahead and buy it sucker. You’re gonna regret it pretty severely.
This, and that apartment is gonna fuck OPs life up so bad. What a retard. An actusl internet retard. I honestly have to laugh at the fucking retards I see on here making terrible financial decisions.
You’re a fucking retard for comparing miami beach to the french riviera. Not onpy is the fremch construction much better, but the riviera is like socal if it were still white. Miami beach is so fucking damgerous and nothing but wetbacks and niggers. Enjoy buying an unsellable worthless crumbling apartment in a dangerous area, retard.
Brown boy’s angry lol
>Thinks the south of france is white
Lol, lmao even. Better brush up on your darja before visiting.
I was just there, most people are white. You’re comparing a whote country that has some immigration to a 99% brown area in what is basically a brown country. Miami has jews, castizo wetbacks, 90% browns and blacks and zero actual white people.
because the boomers own 90percent of the housing in this cunt and overprice everything on purpose

they should probably gone in around 15 years and property prices will crash, unless one of our freemasson ministers decides to turn all of it into commie social housing
I lived in southern france and was raised in france and honestly it's not that bad of a thing (marseille is the only exception). North africans make up for most of the immigration and nice, toulon and nimes are still 85% white
Americans aren’t anti social you’re just a faggot

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