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Anyone ever travel with someone from the Midwest before? It's like they never tried anything besides fast food before. Spices are a revelation to them. Makes for a good time
Yeah Midwest people (not the "people" here who are incapable of going outside ) usually are extremely friendly and ignorant (not in a bad way) so it's kinda hilarious to have them get massive culture shock
I went to visit some family back home and brought one of my college friends with me and he ended up loving it
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I fucking love how insular Michigan is. Everything and everyone is blandly nice, nothing is remarkable or hyped so there are no crowds of tourists. No scenic rockpiles like the western states, yet it's one of the comfiest states to be wandering around in the summertime. It's only topped 30 C twice so far this summer. Most girls are pale and tubby, awkward around a stranger. People smile and greet you in passing. Not at all exclusive, pretentiously self-righteous or hostile to outsiders.
nice try durpinder
you're not impressing anyone by putting curry on everything you eat
Midwest cucks on suicide watch kek
As it should be. It's just food. Imagine bragging about being able to eat.
Yet Minnesota mogs it still
The best people I have ever known were white, upper-peninsular Michiganders. The worst people I have ever known were Detroit democrats
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Reminder that all of those delicious Indian spices are covering up the fact that the meat is rotten and the chef will never willingly wash the sacred dung from their fingernails
wait just a damn minute! is that the reason garam masala has a noticable tone of BO and Feces?!?
I remember reading that the "white people don't use spices" meme comes from the fact that most blacks and Mexicans only eat with white people in subsidized school cafeterias and in prison.
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no it actually comes from watching white cooking shows made in New England that air on Public Television.
If the only exposure to white cuisine was from Southern Chefs like Emeril or Paula Deen then blacks would be reminded where they learned to cook. Because Fried Chicken and Watermelon is Mississippi food, not African food.
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What the fuck do people think are "spices" anyway? I see spices in white cuisine all the time. Black pepper and cinnamon are perfectly valid spices.

If you go down to New Orleans, white people are just as guilty of dumping entire containers of "strong" spices in their seafood boil, just like the blacks. They probably taught the blacks to do that.
>Denmark bans Korean noodles because they're "too spicy"
>midwestern America is stereotyped as using spices sparingly
>many midwesterners are of Scandinavian descent
I'm an Ohiofag but I stayed in Michigan for a few years and it's astounding how much vitriol there is between two sets of people that are exactly the same.
Whenever people ask me if I like spicy food and how spicy I like it, I say something to the effect of "I like some spice, but I'm not trying to prove anything to anybody."
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The undeniably most delicious roast beef in the world was invented by a sweet white Southern Baptist lady named Robin Chapman in Mississippi. She was trying to make a “less spicy” version of her white aunt’s roast. She invented what has been certified as the most delicious pot roast recipe on this planet.

The Mississippi Roast.
Your post is the most sensible response I've seen on not just this board, but on this whole site. For some reason, a lot of other anons are very sensitive and feel personally attacked when spice preferences are brought up.
no, that smell is from cumin
Denmark banned them because kids would literally drink the sauce packets for tiktok then end up the hospital
I'm le Irish-german mutt and we consider chuck to require salt and pepper but sirloin is already considered to be spiced "naturally" do not ask for clarification
If you're eating meat in India, you're fucking up. Most Indians don't eat meat.
There is some security guard or some shit who does nothing but tries to make bait threads about the midwest and other stupid low hanging fruit.

I live in the midwest and can assure you some of the hottest food can be found around there. I lived on the west coast for a while and am thankful not every mexican place's "hot" is Habenero or fake ass "hekkin ghost pepper 'cha!". At least in Chicago or St. Louis I can find places that have spicy food that has some level of taste while also being something that will burn through anything in your body.
No it's because white people can't cook anything with real taste because their pallettes are fragile. Black pepper is too much for Midwest anons
>We took out the spices because we wanted the food to be blander.
Classic Baptist YT
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Minnesota has nowhere near the extent of sandy coast that Michigan does on Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. Neat little towns spaced along the coast here too, make it easy to meander...the sandy soil means that mosquitoes aren't too bad here in the Mitten. No screens on my van. Still, I'd like to continue across northern Wisconsin and up to northern Minnesota later on in the summer.
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Ohio prolly has a lot in common with the rundown cities of southern Michigan. It's one of my least favorite states, not least because I almost ran out of money there on my first road trip in 2015. So many people, even in the hilly areas. Everyone down there has a "PROUD WHITE TRASH" attitude or acts like they are zonked out on meds/drugs. Lots of aggressive driving and suspicious glares from random people. The Wayne National Forest has very little open land, and the rest of the state is 99.5% private. Summer weather can be just as unpleasant as winter. The main plus is it's cheap to live there.
White people have sensitive guts, which are easily irritated by intense flavors, cheap oil, food left out at room temp for eight hours, chlorinated water, etc. Thirdies have much tougher guts.
When heavily flavored foods taste "normal" to you, white people food tastes like nothing. Coming back from Asia, it took a while for my taste buds to acclimate to blandness again. Hell, even going from Thailand to Taiwan, everything tasted bleh because nothing quite measures up to Thai flavors. But after a few weeks cooking my own meals in America, I could enjoy the taste of egg in egg noodles.
>Everyone down there has a "PROUD WHITE TRASH" attitude or acts like they are zonked out on meds/drugs.
Sounds like you just went to the rundown cities of Ohio, not sure what else you expected.
why didnt they ban the root cause instead?
cumin you ass lmao
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midwest of what? that like Algeria or something?
>uhhhh of course it sucks what did you expect lol
Why do anons always feel the need to add this? I imagine they get the satisfaction of "correcting" somebody on the internet from it, but it's a completely meaningless response you could tack onto anything with no effort
Because it's like going to India and complaining that it's dirty. You're not telling anyone the news when you say that, everyone already knows it bloodclaart it ain't no secret. Just in the same way that everyone expects post-industrial former boomtowns and neglected rust belt cities to be lifeless, backwards and fascinating in a strictly anthropathological sense. Yeah, vast portions of the Midwest are decrepit, boring, shitty and full of retards. Tell us something we don't know.
Dumb kids? TikTok? Either way I agree.
My original post was about how similar Michigan and Ohio are, he ((You)?) chimed in with how Ohio is shit like rundown parts of Michigan, and then proceeded to cite the rundown parts of Ohio. If you want to talk about redundance, look at yourself, retard.
a mississippi pot roast can still be pretty spicy, depending on your pepperoncini and how hot they are.
also, grew up southern baptist in the deep south and then moved to ohio
baptists aren't the ones making food bland, midwesterners are
Visited a friend in the midwest and unintentionally ended up eating a diet so universally greasy that I had a salad in the airport on the way back and I could feel my stomach actively sigh with relief, had not realized how sore it got from the state of the Midwestern diet.
Forgot to mention the visit was just over the weekend, two days is all it took.
yea im so cool ive been over exposed to spice that i need to go to further extremes jsut for something to taste edible
Why does putting seasoning on your chicken scare you so much anon
Anglos don't like your shit covered with hot spices. We like sheep and cows. Meats cheeses ... gourmet food
Liking spices doesn't make you a tough guy.
Not liking spices doesn't make you a tough guy.
It's just food.
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Minnesota sucks from the Somalians in Minneapolis to the balldo man in spicer running a cult the whole place is weird
Don't you need more than 3 people to start a cult?
>a mississippi pot roast can still be pretty spicy
Mississippi isn't the Midwest
Not really. He's just being pretentious from the other direction. Why even think of the idea of proving something to somebody? It's just spice level. Just say "medium" and move along, like when someone asks you what size milkshake you'd like or how many pubes you want on your prostitute.
heat for the sake of heat without adding flavor is just pointless
the original post was referring to a mississippi pot roast being less spicy than the original. context clues, motherfucker
Americans need to stop trying to export their idiotic race politics. I've reached the point where, online, I can't say I'm white because that word means something completely different to Americans. I'm pretty certain blacks who aren't American feel the same way about 'black'.
americans are too retarded to know there is a country outside of america outside of their cnn and fox news. the retards genuinely believe they will be killed in european countries when the us has them ot mass shootings

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