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any of you flew with these guys? They are offering pretty good prices but there must be a catch somewhere
Usually its an overnight layover.

Otherwise its fine, I mean whatever its a plane just sit in your chair. There’s no real difference between them.
>There's no real difference between them
Get over yourself

I've only flown them within Asia (no long haul) but always had good experience
I used to fly with them a lot when I was frequently going back and forth between Thailand and the USA—they used to have just about the cheapest tickets available between US and a bunch of SEAsian destinations. They’re fine. Never the best, never awful. I don’t know if it’s still the case, but several times when flying with them I had weird, long layovers in unexpected places, like Anchorage, Alaska, as well as the less-surprising Taipei. And I think I once had a layover/change of planes that somehow wasn’t indicated on my itinerary when I purchased it—either Taipei-Hong Kong-BKK or Hong Kong-Taipei-BKK, when I was expecting only US-Taipei-BKK. I only found out when I got my boarding passes. But this was literal decades ago, before the current HK or Taipei airports were even open, and might have been on China Airlines. It also wasn’t a problem.
I'm flying to Japan with them in September, found some good flights
I've been flying with them the last couple years to Thailand with a 2-3 hr layover in Taipei. They're not bad. Definitely better service than any domestic airline. Thinking about switching it up and possibly flying JAL to Thailand next trip.
>tfw such a Tatumbrain I thought the tail insignia was the Celtics logo
>there must be a catch
It's a Boeing.
I've flown with them direct return from Heathrow to BKK a couple of times. Seats and legroom are tiny, as you would expect for an airline designed for dinks. Got the middle seat on my outbound last time and it was horrendous, just no room to move at all. The day before my return flight, some guy tried to kill himself in the bathroom on the same flight. I wondered why there were bloodstains on the floor and toilet seat and saw the news when I got home. Next time I'm paying extra and flying Emirates.

Also, typical cute but impatient and nasty Asian aircrew.
I literally just flew with them yesterday
>flight took off on time
>food was typical asian fare
>service was quick not especially friendly they don't suck your cock for you like Singapore or Japan airlines they just give you your shit with a smile
>im am le skinny skeleton but I flew in economy and was able to lean back without my knees touching if I wiggled in to the right position
>every seat comes with ear buds pillow and blanket
>good selection of Hollywood slop movies I watched oceans 11, oceans 12 and oceans 13 back to back
>most of the other passengers are sleepy old asians so no oooga booga drama
>only 1 kid cried the whole flight but his mom calmed him down in 5 minutes
>we flew near some storms but the pilots managed to dodge the worst turbulence
>bought the tickets only a few weeks in advance but only paid $1,000 for a transpacific flight
they are a good airline. what they really excel at is not fucking anything up for a good price. there are other cheap airlines but there is always some bullshit on every flight like spirit or united
There isn’t. I guess some of them are really shitty and cancel on you, but there’s no appreciable difference in service or product. Point A to Point B in the tube.
Lame 'look how above it all I am' bit but with a hilariously wrong point
Flying with Asians is usually more pleasant than other races.
$1000 round trip? That's awfully steep for a one-way.
They have airbus too
Obviously not including mainland chinese.
I flew on them before. They are alright. I really love their logo. One of the flights departed late without any explanation but arrived on time. Same thing happened on Emirates
They fly the older pre DEI 777s so it's fine
Daily reminder this is you https://onemileatatime.com/passenger-crew-wipe-butt/

BR sets up their flights to connect to SEA transiting Taiwan, so you end up with SEAniggers which are very unpleasant. It's not as bad as CI, which connects to India transiting Taiwan so you actually end up with streetshitters stinking up the plane (or worse yet next to you)

BR originated as the aviation business of a Taiwanese international shipping magnate, Evergreen
I flew business class with them twice, still my favorite business class experience. Good food, good drinks, comfy seats, and really comfy pajamas you get to keep.
Do Indians shit in the plane aisles?
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eva air heathrow to bangkok was like an express trip from a retirement home straight to the brothel. it was half empty tho, had 4 seats to myself to sleep across on the return
They're good but not as good as Korean Air. Stay away from the US and Chinese carriers and you'll be fine.
I flew with them 6 years ago and they were good.
I don't fly with SCOOT simply because they have the Dreamliner 787. The Boeing Dreamliner doesn't have Window Covers and are remote controlled. I flew a 7 hour flight from Tokyo to Singapore from 8am to 3pm and they shut off all the window covers, I was forced to endure all the flight under a dark blue aura. I should not be forced to sleep during a daylight flight.

This image just triggered my PTSD
Fly pt 135 or into an FBO ONCE in your life and you will see what I mean.
I have. Your point remains stupid. Maybe even more so - if you’ve had that experience you’d obviously find Emirates (or, say, EVA) biz preferable to Spirit Air, etc
Well yeah airlines who cancel and delay all the time are bad. That’s the one metric you can really judge them on. Caring about levels of service and amenities across functionally identical products is retarded tier, and like I said once you skip the airport experience its pretty hard for you to ever be able to judge flying commercial on the minute differences between individual airlines ever again.
flew with them once, they're pretty good. Got randomly allocated extra leg room
Flew with them Vienna -> Taipei -> Tokyo and back a year and a half ago, everything was great, would fly again.

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