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I'm going to Budapest soon, and am wondering on stuff to do, and not to do, places to visit etc.

Any general tips you can give? Will be staying for 4 days
Ruin bars, parliament, spa, is the starter pack
not this guy, but i recommend Szimpla Kert ruin bar, and the Rudas baths
Leila's Lebanese was great. We had good drinks at the Rumpus Tiki Bar. The Városligeti playground was fun. lol. I like just walking around the castle district. The girls in the bars are hot and easy.
There's fuck all to do besides getting drunk and hitting on local women
Seconding this. You can spend a whole relaxing day at Rudas. Be sure to bring your own flip flops or whatever. They have bars in the facility so you can get drinks while relaxing. This place Levant Lebanese Bistro (located across from Millennium Court Marriott Executive Apartments) has killer flat bread/lebanese pizza.
There are many nice sky bars to enjoy views - The Duchess is a good one.

I enjoyed the Terror House. Also Hospital in the Rock was a great bunker tour. You can spend so much time walking, especially I suggest walking up the stairs just on the Buda side of the Danube to the Citadel. Even if the Citadel is still closed (it was in early 2023) the views are great.
Rudas is an easy recommend, hell yeah.
Seeing fisherman's bastion is worth it, a lot of the food places in the area are great, there's also a good pastry shop
Budapest local here, 4 days is a really short amount of time to spend here, so if you could specify what kind of things you like to do during your travels, I can give better recommendations.
What I can tell you about even without knowing your preferences, are things to avoid:
>Váci utca, it's your basic bitch shopping street with all the overpriced globalist shit and local tourist trap restaurants run by organized crime.
>"""Authentic""" Hungarian restaurants in general, most of them are criminally overpriced and the food is garbage, finding good places that serve real Hungarian food is pretty hard actually, but I might have a couple of recommendations if you or anybody in this thread is interested.
>Taxis in general, most of them are scummy as shit and very overpriced. The public transport system we have here is pretty adequate, I recommend getting the BudapestGO application for this.
>Széchenyi bath, while I'm sure it looks nice on some Instagram pictures and the building itself is actually quite beautiful, it's in a very crummy state right now unfortunately. As other Anons suggested, Rudas mogs the absolute shit out of every other spa in the city, if you're looking for a nice soak I can also wholeheartedly recommend it.
These were just from the top of my head, feel free to AMA.
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I found the ruin bars to be extremely annoying and full of British hogs. All the bars were packed, service was bad, and drinks were nothing to write home about.
Pretty sure I got a foot fungus from there.

For me I enjoyed the Church of Our Lady, the area near Fisherman's Bastion, and the Museum of Fine Arts. The food and drink was still pretty cheap. If you have any interest in Nobu the Omakase in Budapest was literally 1/4 of what it would be in America.
lmao, 2 days is too much. Budapest is one of Europe's most underwhelming capitals.
>muh swimming pool
>muh big generic government building
>muh bridges
and then you're done.
You must really suck at traveling or never actually been to Budapest, or both.
There was also a neat cave church at the south end of Citadelle hill when I was there.

I didn't even know that was there, somehow completely missed it. I went to Veli Bej, partially because it still has its Ottoman dome mostly intact and part because it seemed like it would be far less crowded.
Nah, you can do 3-4 days easily, could even do more but it's still all worthless because Budapest sucks. Nowhere else have I been hit by the Paris syndrome as hard as there. The only real redeeming point is the wine. Drink lots of tokaj to forget about the bad parts.
Come on, let's hear your spiel about how underground, edgy and '''hidden''' your top 5 ruin bars (as voted on by Tripadvisor) are!

Captcha: TY 4 JAP
Who hurt you?
>"""Authentic""" Hungarian restaurants in general, most of them are criminally overpriced and the food is garbage, finding good places that serve real Hungarian food is pretty hard actually, but I might have a couple of recommendations if you or anybody in this thread is interested.
I wish I'd had some recommendations before I went last month. Found a couple of half decent places eventually, but most were shockingly bad.
Am I retarded but aren't the ruin bars literally all in that same small area? It's like a club with 3 stories.
Don’t feel bad. Most major European cities are like this.
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>Am I retarded but aren't the ruin bars literally all in that same small area?
Pretty much, most of them are in the so called "Party district", which is actually the historic Jewish district i.e. ghetto. It's just a bunch of old as fuck, crummy buildings and dirty, dogshit-stained streets full of leftist hippie scum and some grumpy, leftover senior citizens by day and drunk as fuck foreign Chads and Stacies by night. I try to avoid it as much as possible, but it can be fun.

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