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File: breezewood.png (2.13 MB, 1502x1199)
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American here. Really need a change of environment from this place. I used to go on adventures but haven't traveled for years. I'm looking for an easy place to travel from the East Coast. Here are some things that I am looking for:

>pleasant in the summertime
>good local cuisine
>cool history
>walkable (do not want to drive at all)
>any visa needs to be hassle free and quick

I've already done Italy, so I would like to try something new. Please don't be rude; I've been to Siberia, sub-Saharan Africa, etc. I just want a place where I can shut down my brain and become an NPC if possible. Like I just want to leave my hotel every day and walk around and find a place to eat and gawk at historical stuff without being scammed.
File: breezewood_angle.jpg (217 KB, 856x1137)
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Alternative angle of Breezewood shows a quite beautiful rural landscape.
everywhere has fucking trees lil nigga, that doesn't fix horrible urban design
>where I don't have to think for a week
That pretty much rules out any non-English speaking country. I would recommend Scotland which is experiencing more moderate temperatures than the East Coast USA. Spectators were wearing jackets during the Scottish Open last weekend. Imagine doing that in Philadelphia today.
Mexican highland cities? Guad, Morelia, DF, some others?


The top picture is a bird's eye view not a humans. You need to resort to this because you have no real argument
Maybe Puerto Vallarta
its not urban, its a highway exit

There's plenty to criticize about urban design in USA there's no need to obsess over an exit of two highways in bumbfuck Pennsylvania.
No one wants yanks. Stay home.
Take the Amtrak to somewhere in Vermont. It won't be cheap to stay in a redbrick downtown and eat the farm-to-table cuisine up there, but you don't have to deal with airport bullshit.
Scotland makes sense with its proximity to the East Coast. My old boss went to both Scotland and Ireland on his overseas vacations, found both very enjoyable. Of course, neither destination is cheap.
+1 for PV. That's a super chill vacation spot.
Fuck you. Breezewood is based, convenient and comfy. Not always looking for grand culture in a place. Not every place needs to be "stunning." Before getting on the PA turnpike all want is multiple quick food options, and a place to get good coffee. They have that and more.
let's do a reverse
>pleasant in the summertime
assuming this mean not too hot, not too cold this excludes SK, most of Japan, most of China, some parts of southern Europe and basically everything between +30 and -30 Latitude
>cool history
>any visa needs to be hassle free and quick
so we're in Europe
and most likely inside a city
I'm gonna ignore this for now

>for a week
so smaller cities are out

my top picks would be
>Copenhagen (Denmark)
>Bruges (Belgium)
>Salzburg (Austria)

and bonus pick, if you enjoy traveling with trains
>Germany with 49€ ticket through historic towns in Southern Germany (or in the north on the coast)
you can take any train there for a month with this ticket
change cities every 1 or 2 days
This anon gets it. PV is the spot to go to be lazy and shut your brain off. You can sit by the water and read a book or get hammered drunk, or you can do fun stuff like rainforest tours and ziplining and shit
Sounds like basically any standard vacation
>Breezewood is based
Because you are a vapid consumer.
I had 3 dates lined up in 3 nights in PV on Tinder last time I was there. It's worth it to sign up for a Gold Account while you're there. lol.
Best part of the Eastern USA.

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