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Have about five days in the Outback. Flying into Yulara and out of Alice Springs and I'll have a rental vehicle. What should I make a point of seeing?
Abo knife gangs
There is sand for you to look at, and rocks.
And that really big rock you have shown in the picture.
But not much else.
We got Ayers rock mate, big huge rock

Where can I get a cold beer and a sturdy meal?
Outback BBQ bar.

Be warned the whole area is a Disney landesque set up as all the hotels/restaurants are owned by the same conglomerate so nothing truly authentic.

Kata Tjuta is also worth a visit.
Stay the fuck out of Alice Springs right now, read up on it. I hope you don't like drinking alcohol because it will cost you an arm and a leg there also be prepared to lose anything nice.

Uluru would be nice af though, haven't been myself although I not really a country affiliated Australian
Ayers rock is the biggest tourist trap on earth. It's a rock surrounded by endless sand and shitty desert. The outback sucks. Nobody lives there for a good reason.

We'll have a vehicle, so driving a few hours out won't be a problem. Anything of note a few hours outside of Yulara or Alice Springs?
>sturdy meal
owl give yer mah a sturdy shaggin
I went through Alice Springs in January 2023. It was a bit of a dump.

If you're headed down to Uluru, there's a King's Canyon National Park along the way. I thought it looked cool.
>Alice Springs was ranked the 18th most dangerous city in the world in the mid-2024 Crime Index by City, published by the crowdsourced data website Numbeo.
>Numbeo gave Alice Springs a crime rating of 72.1 in the mid-2024 list - equal to the Mexican city of Tijuana, which currently has a murder rate of 91.7 people per 100,000. Ranked only slightly worse was Cape Town, with a crime rate of 73.8
what the fuck

That just doesn't seem possible. Especially since it's a tourist jumping off point.
All the abbos do is get high steal shit and fight with each other.

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