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If I want to go to Thailand for 1-2 months, is it worth going out of my to go to Chiang Mai and for how long should I go?

I'm thinking I'll stay in Bangkok for 1 month and then get a round trip to Phuket for 2 weeks, but I'm not sure if it would be worth the quick turnaround of also trying to fly out to Chiang Mai, on the other hand though a round trip to Chiang Mai is only like $50 so it's more about time than money. Is 1 month in Bangkok too long? It's cheaper to book an Airbnb that way but should I stay in Phuket some time instead? Phuket has beach access while Bangkok doesn't, but I feel like I like cities more than beaches anyway. Is Chiang Mai nice enough to stay for several weeks? Should I just do 2 weeks in Bangkok, 2 weeks in Phuket, 2 weeks in Chiang Mai? I feel like 2 weeks isn't long enough to get used to Bangkok
Also would Pattaya be worth staying in?

Dude Bangkok is thee easiest city to chill in. Going from India to Thailand was like transfering worlds. For a big city, its so chill, quiet and easy to ease into. I never left bangkok as i recovered from fucking loud dirty poverty hellhole that India is. Such a great place to reset in Southeast asia. I would start somewhere else anon...Its so easy to stay in Bangkok haha. Use Bangkok as a place to reload and reset after a rough travel experience.

I dont like Airbnbs because they a usually long and you lack freedom. Only use i if you know you are chilling for a long time.
Contrary to your experience, Bangkok is the worst place I've ever been to. Little brown men chasing me down every street telling me I can't walk down a road because it's closed for some bullshit holiday. Grabbing me and saying "you money money. Give money". Everywhere you go having signs with things costing 10x just for having a 3 digit IQ/being white.
You don't sound very open minded
I usually don't prefer airbnb over hotels, but airbnbs seem pretty cheap and nice in Bangkok, although hotels are also cheap so it's either or, I'll probably get a hotel if I go to Phuket. But that being said that gives me some confidence in deciding to stay in Bangkok, as I said, I'm going for the weather and not like for the beach so maybe I'll just go out to pattaya for a day or a few while in Bangkok instead of going to Phuket. At the same time, I had a friend who told me Phuket was like really nice so I do want to go, it would just be a pain to fly. I also feel like Chiang Mai doesn't sound worth flying out for in the end, it's probably cool but I don't know, I might as well just not
Open mindedness doesn't mean being happy with angry little men demanding money from me. That shit doesn't happen in other places in SE Asia at even 1% of the frequency of Bangkok.
hmm honestly good to know, but lowkey most major cities I've been too have scammers to some extent so it's not NOT to be expected
Bangkok is based. It's ugly, hot, crowded, perpetually stuck in a traffic jam and the place fucking reeks. But there's always something to do there. You'll just bump into interesting places at random.
Chiang Mai feels kinda sleepy and small towny on the other hand. Personally I didn't find it super interesting. Maybe if you have a temple fetish, but these all start looking the same at some point. The hike up to Doi Suthep was nice, I guess.
Phuket is a dump. It's a resort island run by a taxi mafia. It's also a Russian colony with kvas and borscht available at every corner. It's not even a particularly pretty place to make up for it, most of the striking pictures you see online labeled as "Phuket" are actually different locations.
Funny, I found Bangkok a relatively honest and trustworthy godsend after Vietnam. There's a bunch of professional scammers spouting their bullshit around touristy locations like the palace/train station etc but they're easily ignorable, just wave them off and say "nicht verstehen" or whatever. I've seen little in the way of casual opportunism where a random stall owner suddenly asks triple the usual price when he notices your pearly white skin. There's official double pricing for government-run attractions but that's pretty much par for the course in SEA.
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Chiang Mai is so isolated from other major cities. One million people live in the metro, but it has only one major highway. I rode in on the train from Bangkok back in March, stopping at half a dozen cities along the way. Hot and dry that time of year.
I'd recommend visiting CM if you want to live cheap and meet quirky foreigners; the place is a magnet for certain types of people from all over the world, and the bar scene is the best in northern Thailand. I'd absolutely fly CNX again, it's a lovely little airport, but I prolly won't hang around the city too long. There are more than enough foreigners already there; the only restaurant in Asia I've eaten at where every single customer was a white tourist. The smaller Thai cities offer better prices on lodging, and farang fatigue hasn't set in, so my presence is noticed (usually favorably). Make no mistake, customer service in Chiang Mai is excellent, but I prefer having the whole restaurant to myself and the owners waiting on me, kek.
Don't go about pissing people off, it's that simple.
Bangkok's major streets are horrendously noisy, but it's amazing how quiet it is down the soi. I'm a light sleeper, and never had to wear earplugs when sleeping in Bangkok. Still, I'd rather spend my baht in the 90% of the country that sees 5% of the tourist revenue.
do you guys recommend any specific neighborhoods to stay in?
Personally I think Bangkok isn't ugly at all. It's the sort of place that looks grimy and run down in google street view, but when you're there it all fits into the aesthetic. I dunno I just dig it.
Chiang Mai actually seemed smoggier and louder to me. I much preferred the smaller towns in the region like Lamphun and Chiang Rai

Yeah Phuket is far, but it could be worth it. Stay away from the sex tourism. Most of it is just so dirty bro. It’s a nasty aspect of Thailand and the majority of the people that work in it are not good. It’s turned relationships into a transaction for the entire country. It’s hard to establish genuine relationships when all the women and ladyboys expect money, even for a simple date. Most Thais are so awesome, kind and welcoming. I never had any issues…unless I went to a place and purchases a few drinks, they “pad” bills, making them really expensive for foreigners. Buy as you go anon.

Still I think Bangkok is one of the easiest places to travel, it’s such a lucrative industry, tourism that is.

You will meet some of thee worst western tourists tho. Man, not all, but some of the English folks I met there were really nasty. Met some bad ass Aussies tho!
I also want to leave the poverty hell hole that are indian cities.They are pretty much finished. Which acommodation would you recommend in bangkok? and you never left? how??
Going to Thailand (landing in BKK) then Manilla this January.
How do I optimally spend 5-6 days in each place? I want to be a tourist and see what should be seen and do what should be done (with exception to sleeping around). All vanilla tourist stuff. Money isn't really an issue.
What cities should I stay in? For how long?
I highly recommend not scampering around like a dingbat. 1 month Bangkok, 1 month on your island of choice. Fuck chiang mai, fuck Pai, fuck all these little weasel nest places
What are you talking about? What's wrong with you?
I recommend everyone check out Chiang Mai. Its a hipster city. Either you fall in love with it or you don't. It also has the prettiest girls since they're Chinese desendents and have white skin. Whatever you do, don't date a white skinned artsy college girl that you aren't ready to commit to or you will live in agony for the rest of your life when you loose her.
I was in thailand in 2010 and chiang mai/pai were my favourite spots
I made awesome friends and we went on great adventures everyday
maybe you hate seeing normal people having fun and enjoying life and would rather be surrounded by worn out sexpats and hookers
*sigh* touché anon
>live in agony for the rest of your life when you loose her

Their existence boils down to 99 baht shabu buffets, "duu Netflik", papaya som tum drowned in salty rotten fish juice, drinking and being glued to their phones. But yes they look cute and giggly. What are you losing exactly?
Lol smoked him harder than burning season
sounds good except for the drinking and phone addiction
Hey anons I'm a super broke guy with a super broke friend and we're going to be able to spend like 800euros a month, is it feasible for us to stay 3 months in BKK in a skyscraper condo with a pool and just have bubble tea and noodles while we're on our laptops studying?
Was thinking of doing this DEC-JAN-FEB to avoid Northern European winter. Could we extend to 6 months somehow? Or maybe do 3 months BKK/Phuket then 3 months viet/indo?
I was planning on making a thread about this but I will ask here. If I’m USA citizen simply looking to relocate to Thailand for 4-5 years where would be the best city to live and work at?
Is the smell really that bad?
>why don't whore fall in love with me?
Weasel nest places?
Just get a new white skinned artsy college girl.
You'll find some pretty smelly areas in Bangkok but it's not awful. Usually no sewage smell, just dank swampiness and food, with some exhaust. Chiang Mai felt more exhausty to me, probably because it's in a valley and Bangkok was breezier/rainier when I was there.
When did you go? I'm thinking about going in mid-late Feb but I'm worried the burning season is going to make it miserable.
I went in October/November and really enjoyed it. Cool storms, dramatic skies, nice breeze, and only a handful of days were rained out. I'm from California though so I probably find thunderstorms neat in a way most people don't, it's got novelty.
As far as I know Feb is still peak season and the burning starts sometime in March
>As far as I know Feb is still peak season and the burning starts sometime in March
That's what I heard initially but I've seen some sources saying they start burning crops as early as January. So I'm not sure if Chang Mai is going to be a smokey mess by the time the wife and I come.
Bangers is good for a week, tops. The blade runner dystopian vibe gets old and once you’ve seen the temples and all the other tourist shit the only thing to do is get hammered and fuck whores. Chiang Mai is a chill college town, not much to do but it’s laid back as fuck and it’s much more relaxing. Don’t go to Pattaya, it’s worth a visit to see the degeneracy but it’s kinda like Vegas in that you wanna do a weekend there but not stay long term.
>Bangers is good for a week, tops.
Just be honest and say you don't like cities.
>Is the smell really that bad?
I don't know what it is but it's pungent. It may not be sewage but there's definitely a smell.

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