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Thinking of moving to Canada from my shithole cuntry.Since I heard PR is preety easy there and a lot of immigrants,housing crisis and all but don't care since west is wild west rn everywhere.Maybe I am thinking of going in student visa as many others.Which state and city should I go in leafbros?
Canada has no jobs and is full of jeets. Pick literally anywhere else.
Is this really true?I don't know why I don't want to believe it since PR is easier there.But okay suggest me any english speaking country which is nice then.You can't because every country including USA,Australia is the same now.
Canada is nice I went to toronto and found it really easy to get visa and the government will give you money for housing. There are a lot of indian groceries and people so I felt at home almost
Thank you for the reassurance anon.I hope you have a great time ahead.But I am not planning to go to Toronto or Vancouver but somewhere else where there's lesser population and affordable cost of living,rent.
What is your ethnicity? We would be glad to have some more whites here, but the housing crisis isn't something you can just dismiss. You'll be paying 50% of your income on rent for a subpar neighborhood and shoebox.
Even the traditionally affordable areas like Alberta (Calgary) have seen record rises in rent the past 18 months.

Canada uses millions of pajeets as a form of quantitative easing - soaking up the excess money supply created during COVID. This has deleterious effects on anyone who is not filthy rich, and you will notice your quality of life suffer
You’re ten years too late. Literally worthless to come here even jeets are leaving well not enough. There are no jobs at all.
I am CS major from uni.What about STEM jobs too?
>CS major
If you like busting your ass in a construction site then yeah there is a job for you.
There are no comsci jobs because pajeets came and lowered coding salaries to $60,000/year. I have a comsci degree so I know
All of Canada hates pajeets with a virulent passion, your people have ruined everything.
And beware, there is an entire business of Punjabis scamming other Punjabis into immigrating here. They promise untold riches and hang billboards in rural Indian villages but it's all a scam to take your money.
Why not go to South Africa or Kenya? They speak English
What would you suggest me to take then?
CS is much more than codemonkey job.And,I am not from India but from europoor.But I get your point about jobs.

>Why not go to South Africa or Kenya?
SA is fucked up already and electricity cuts tells me they are africans after all.Kenya is just too much rural cunt for me with no good pay which I would prefer to visit but not stay.
I don’t even know why would a europoor even bother coming to this country. Wherever you’re from is almost guaranteed to be better at this point. You’re just having a grass is greener mentality because I can assure you the situation here is dire. There are very little jobs to be found and if they are found they are cut cornered by Indian nepotism and lower the salary of it.
i work in construction here in canada and I've seen a large influx of ukrainian and russian immigrants
some of them don't even speak english
but they all seem happier here and are grateful to have come here
I think it's terrible because it's all I know but I've never had to live and work in russia or ukraine
so maybe the grass is actually greener here
Why in the actual fuck would anyone want to live in Canada at all?
It's a frozen boring miserable shithole. Let's cut the act too: Canada is NOT a white country. It's a mixture of East Asians in Hongcouver and South Asians everywhere else.
2 million for a house and the only jobs are shitty low wage labour jobs.
I don't know man. I got the UK passport and honestly, people on here think Europe is a lot nicer than it actually is. Europe and Canada are both shitholes.
>All of Canada hates pajeets with a virulent passion, your people have ruined everything.

I heard white men love Indian women. And there are few white women dating Indian men.
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>All of Canada hates pajeets with a virulent passion, your people have ruined everything.

Canadians love Indian. That's why there are so many Indians in Canada. No fallacy in my logic.
Ukraine is a war torn country and Russia is basically a dictatorship. Yeah I would imagine they are much worse than here. I’ve worked in construction too with a ton of these guys. Some are alright but some have this stupid mentality of “oh in Russia it’s actually better” despite making a living here.
This, honestly have to be stupid to make the move here depending on what you do.
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Greedy white boomers have robbed Canada by voting for laws that benefit them. White Canadians deserve everything that is happening in Canada right now, including being poor af

White boomers voted for jeet migration, therefore WHITES should have no right to say anything
No one cares about huwhites and their dying population unless it's cutie slavic besuties.
Heard getting PR is easier there? Otherwise why would jeets spread there like roaches overnight.
yes jeets run student visa scam. they give out college "diploma" without attending class. jeets stay in canada for 5 years, converting their student visa into PR then citizenship.
>No one cares about huwhites

huwhites themselves, especially those in the milit*arrrily and police force. can't wait until canadian milit*arrrily turn 95% poojeet. canada milit*arrrily force is still promindently white
Where are fellow leafs moving? My short list is Taiwan, Spain, Thailand or Malaysia but not sure where I'll go yet. Would like recommendations.
> europoor
Ok man come on over. Newfoundland might be a good idea for cost of living. For computing I would recommend going to Quebec, they have a lot of embedded systems jobs and the housing crisis isn't as dire. However, they are also very insular and hostile to anglos so you better speak French

Eastern Europe eventually, but that's because I have some connections there
Canada has no opportunities and Canadians as a whole are unfriendly and insular people, the men like to wear dresses and the women look and act like men. Dating is not possible outside of hookup apps.
Come here if you want to be an incel NEET and waste your life.
came back after 2 years abroad and downloaded hinge. what a nightmare. 7 dates in 2 months, probably ghosted 15+ times. damn are those apps bad for mental health
>, there is an entire business of Punjabis scamming
covers it
>want to be an incel NEET and waste your life.
truly the patrician choice imo
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Don't bother coming if your going to try and get PR.
Our stupid government is finally starting to change laws and flush the poo menace.
did you go on date with whites, asians, poojeetas?

White Western women are some of the worst in the world. Particularly if they are from the fringes with no third world borders…like Canada, upper US, and especially fucking Scandinavia. Fucking browns hang these sluts and act like they are hot shit, it’s EASY dude, you have not accomplished anything. Go to the Middle East and make love to a local, now
THAT takes skill.
yeah, right.
by the way, here comes you next wave of 1M poos!
Don't forget to tip your government!
this is pretty true, the cute jeetas get snapped up and the white women basically don't go out with indians, in fact they don't go out with anyone, they are pretty busted. like half of all white guys I know are with non-white women

you also gotta remember that white canadian women don't really take care of themselves or at least a very large proportion of them don't. they are largely unfuckable, this further drives up hoe-flation in Canada. Also there aren't as many female immigrants as male immigrants, its pretty bad. But I am six foot finance chad so I don't really have any problems but white women are noticeably undatable for the most part of the attractive ones have too many options
like i just installed the dating apps and within 2 days a chinese girl and an indian girl asked me on a date lol, both pretty attractive. Thanks Trudeau!
wake up, jeet
im white
I bought just a little few shits in a SuperC for 110,34 CAD.

We're fucked up in this country dude...

You think Pierre & company, will do something?
I'm going to Rwanda, unironically.

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