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Is it a bad idea? I'm going to Philly in 2 weeks and was planning on driving there and flying back since I've never driven across the country before. It's a 12 hour drive and I'll be all alone. Will I regret my decision?
I’m not sure if there is an age limit to post here.
Are you an adult?
Yes (26) just a loser faggot that's never driven out of my home state. I should clarify that we went on road trips when I was a kid but obviously I wasnt driving and wasn't alone
You might get some actual responses if you told us anything about your route other than ending in Philly
If you can visit national parks like Shenandoah or whatever it might be a great time
Will I get shot in Philly?
If you're 12 hours out, you're probably coming from Louisville, Chicago or Atlanta. They're all just as crime infested as Philly. It's also a terrible time of year for weather there. Go to the shore instead.
You'll be fine just avoid the highway bandits, they might clamp to your car and board you.
As >>2687005 very astutely observed, I am indeed driving from Atlanta
>I am indeed driving from Atlanta
Are you black?

Either way, yes you should travel, even if it happened to be a terrible trip, it would be a great life lesson. No trip is ever wasted.
Is there a reason you need to go to Philadelphia? Have you ever been to Charleston or Savannah?
TO be totally honest, the USA is good for road trips, but the midwest kinda sucks, Appalachia can be interesting though
Visiting my sister, trust me there are other places I'd much rather visit in GA alone. Ive wanted to go to Helen for some time now but don't have anyone to join me
You could take a route through Asheville and it would only add 45 minutes to the whole trip. Honestly, you'd be skipping some cities with traffic and it might even be quicker. From Asheville you go north and link up with the 81. The 81 is a lot more scenic. If you want to take a really scenic detour on that route, drive on skyline drive through Shenandoah National Park. That would add another 45 minutes, but also very worth it. Google it.

The 95 from Richmond through DC can be absolute hell. If you catch it during traffic, you might be sitting on the highway for 2 hours longer anyway.
You'll probably regret it when you realise you have to do the trip all over again to get your car back.
Im renting a car, my shitbox SUV would perish driving out of state
For the expense it would cost rening a car one way from ATL to PHL, you might as well just get a round trip ticket. Otherwise, do the road trip round trip. Make sure you get a car with adaptive cruise. If it's your first time driving any length more that 2 hours, your ankle and knee will be sore as hell. Not to mention your rear. Get out and stretch every few hours. Watch out at rest stops and truck stops for homos, serial killers, and homo serial killers.
If he's renting a car and not planning on stopping anywhere, he should absolutely fly. It would be cheaper and 10 times faster.
It's just boring.
do it, simply for the fact that it's something different and out of your comfort zone. if it induces a sense of nervousness, lean into it. dont overthink it
Hook your phone up to your car's audio and keep it charging. Set up a playlist of podcasts of things that interest you. Buy a 4pk of redbull and consume at your discretion.

You're gonna be fine, kid.
I'll take the rest of your advice but energy drinks fucking suck. I'd sooner drive drunk
I hate driving more than 2-3 hours in a day. Maybe you do too, or you can handle it. It's very possible to have a good time, driving while listening to your favourite playlist is enjoyable. Make sure you stop off some national park, or waterfall or musuem or something. Go to restaurants in the evening, then find a motel to sleep at. See if there are some comedy shows or small concerts along the way.

Try to talk to people your age, especially girls, for some reason it's easier to have sex when you are on a trip.

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