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Going to do a 6 month stint in China and SEA.
I need to upgrade my phone anyway and wondering which is better suited for travel?
I know china uses WeChat which is kinda gimped on iOS but am not sure about the specific. Is it really that bad?
Is one more convenient than the other?
Budget is probably around $1000
Appreciate any help anons
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Well if you plan on having sex than iPhone implies higher social status and you will probably get more chicks.
But other than that doesn't really matter. All apps are on both platforms.
Google apps don't really work in china though so iOS is kinda better even though WeChat is worse
As much as I hate itoddler devices if you are in China/SEA it's seriously the way to go unless you get some Redmi device. I have an iphone 8 for specifically Asia travels as it:
>has NFC that works at all train stations to tap and go in asia
>has NFC bands that work at all commercial shops
>NFC works with apps to reload things like day passes prepaid cards etc
>supports the most network channels
>some stupid shops will literally be like iPhone only sign up shit or samshit(fuck you korea)
>some apps just work on the thing to where andriod they do this weird extra detection bullshit

99% of stuff works with a Poco X6 which I would suggest especially if you plan on needing Dual SIMs for something like Back home number + local data sim. Poco NFC has the correct region settings for SEA
iPhones are nice and within your budget they will just cost a bunch more for little gain outside some really wonky situations
Another way to look at that study is that women who are obsessed with their iPhones are all single and can't land a man. Which makes sense when you realize that the only men who use iPhones are usually fags.
android is gay. iphone is astronomically gay and for retards. if you need blue bubbles to get pussy you're beyond saving
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It included sampling of women in relationships as well iirc
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Japan, HK and NK have a high iOS market share.
How is Wechat gimped on ios? Never heard of this.

Wait until you are in China (or HK) to get an iPhone so you can get the dual sim version instead of gay US esim.
not that impressive when 100% of the market is Kim Jong Un's iphone
Sheep detected
I’ve always preferred android. Had multiple androids and iPhones through the years for work and personal use. 98% of women have iPhones and will legit be turned off if you send them green text messages. It’s lunacy but it’s true
Main reason I have an andriod is due to the fast charging and larger battery per day. Unless you own the past 2 gens of iphones the charging is so dogshit don't get me started when it goes in a subway and mildly loses signal for a bit ramping up the power on the antenna. At east my Xiaomi charges 0->60 in 30 minutes which is enough time to have a pint or two
for most of the apps that people use like 90% of the time it will make no difference whatsoever since they are practically identical on both platforms
the apple app store is region specific. when i take my uk iphone to asia i have to always fuck around with the phone settings to see some apps that are specific to those countries. example, there is a discount app from a shop i buy stuff from but it is not listed in the app store for me.
it is a pain in the backside. not sure if the google app store does the same thing
The majority of people use iphones anon it's just "the" phone to most people
Does using an iPhone make you gay, or do gays just use iPhones. A question for the philosophers.
>Does using an lagdroid make you an incel, or do incels just use lagdroid
fixed that for you. What is it with you autists and the projection when it comes to phones?

I've never met a normal person who likes their lagdroid phone in any way, it's always the inferior good (in the economic sense) to the normal good of iPhone normal people use
Yeah my mom always says "why is your imesssage turned off?"
used s23 from swappa

serving me great
I’m an android guy and I’ve had women lose interest as soon as I sent them a green text lol
android is better if you need a (dedicated) VPN
iOS sometimes butchers openVPN or others
they update but it can take a few weeks

just make sure to get a phone that is also available in China
makes repairs easier and you are less likely to run into any compatibility issues (like wrong frequency bands)

also if you don't have a "home" sim
you can use both your sim slots,
one for a chinese Sim with chinese number and cheaper data
and one for a foreign travel sim so no Great Firewall (but less data)

also make sure to preregister for WeChat Pay and AliPay (even if you intend to use the local version)
even if you only use it for DiDi to get away from the airport

if you leave through land borders (not airports)
also get a cheap second "burner" phone you can give security if they want one (they stopped taking foreigner phones and putting malware on it in 2020 but you never know)

anon... that's only in the US
in other parts of the world no one cares
If you're phone is how you display status, you have no status. That's negro-level nonsense.
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Post a selfie with a time stamp. If you look significantly different than this photo, I will buy an iPhone.
****important ****

China doesn’t use E-Sim cards so you need a physical card which iPhone 14 and on don’t have if purchased in the United States

Another great website is

Get a local card with id it’s like 20$ a month for 20gb
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holy cope lmfaooooooo
Android and it's not even close, just make sure you get one with ample bands and also new enough that it has e-sim, and youre set
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Even as a sex tourist the girls aren't going to want you unless you're good looking or visit a very poor country.
As a white male, you definitely don't need a particular phone to land women in China or SEA. You can send up smoke signals and you'll still be swimming in poon. I can't stress how easy it is to land a woman in Asia as a white male. It's honestly unfair. I honestly feel bad for the Asian men who have to watch their women degrade and debase themselves for white dick.

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