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What are some common scams you should know about when traveling?
The second we got off the train in Venice, a dude approached us and tried to pickpocket us while we bought a ferry ticket. But I liked Venice. We wandered through the back alleys exploring for 2 days. The crowds over by the palace are ridiculous though. But skipping Venice is a mistake. There's no other city like it.
Anyone who speaks to you unprompted is trying to scam you and you should never ever engage with them
Also don't get in the fucking tuk tuk
>Anyone who speaks to you unprompted is trying to scam you and you should never ever engage with them
very firstie post
>go to america
>1.99 for something
>go to cash register
>over 2 dollar
Never again going to that $cam country for holiday, I've traveled the world and the US just makes up prices as they go to get you even if the place doesn't require tips they run up the price.
"Buddhist monk" slips bead bracelet on your wrist then asks for donations for temple. Real monks don't do this. Hand the bracelet back and if they won't take it say thankyou and keep walking (then you can leave it somewhere if you don't want it).
>Anyone who speaks to you unprompted is trying to scam you
as soon as someone starts trying to talk to me, i instantly hug them as if theyre a long lost friend, and start patting them down, digging into their pockets, and take out whatever theyve got. they can do the same to me but none of my valuables are grabbable.
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I'm the son of a single mom who is awful at getting out of scams. As a kid when we went on holiday I cringed every time she got locked into a conversation she had no business being in. She speaks half the European languages and kept telling me: when a scammer shows up I will just pretend not to understand him. While in Switzerland she was approached by some cult weirdo selling mind healing books or some shit like that and she just instantly outed to him that she spoke French and German AND didn't tell him to fuck off. After 10 minutes she buckled and bought his retarded book. It's been on her shelf for 20 years unopened. I hate this woman so much.
as the son of a dumb mother I feel you bro
this is probably the thing I hate most about travelling. I’d like to engage with locals without having to go through the “is this a con / robbery / scam / fraud?” mental checklist every single time. there must be some places in the world left where someone saying hello isn’t setting you up for a picked pocket. Annihilates the vibe
my experience is that people approaching you at hostels and bars are not scammers. It's only the total randoms in the street that see you by yourself looking at a building and suddenly talk to you.
>What are some common scams you should know about when traveling?
when someone approaches you to acquire your business its a scam or at minimum ripoff
If a brown person tries to speak to you in a non-brown country, it is definitely a scam.
Also, be sure to research the brand name of an unknown ATM before you use it. EURONET ATMs are notoriously shady but im sure there are many more.
This youtube channel is a good resource on spotting and understanding scams that occur throughout Europe: https://youtube.com/@honestguide
Encountered one of these in Ueno Park
basically any brown person coming up to you randomly and being weirdly friendly = you're about to get robbed. Especially if they are nafris.

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