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Ever been there?
Want to go there?
Have questions about Indonesia?
This is the thread
i wanna go but i heard women are prudes there
I want to go but I've heard Bali is played out, it's expensive for non-strayas and girls don't put out (muslims)
Indonesia banned unmarried sex very recently (within the past two years). It's hard to hook up when it's a crime.

In other muslim countries, they have the same laws, but they also have loopholes. You can obtain a temporary marriage license. Then you can legally fuck your "wife," and you can annul the marriage after you're done with her. I do not yet know if you can get an expedited marriage license in Indonesia.
"Indonesian girls are prudes"
Nope. But English skill is a significant barrier to plap.

Food is good, just prepare your butthole. Transportation is.. maybe above average. Train connections etc make it easy to get around popular areas but I have also had significant issues getting transport some areas. Biggest detractor is how difficult it is to get alcohol sometimes.

Bali is fun especially clubs if you like dancing. I watch straight up chads strike out because all they had is looks and nothing else interesting about them so don't be afraid. Canggu has more foreigners but has more relaxed clubbing at old man's, sand Bar (can dance on the beach) and a Mexican cantina. Seminyak was my favorite by far at la favela. There's another club too that's a bit more older and relaxed but not sure name.

Hiking Kawah Ijen is amazing, go be a dumb ass like me and hike down to the bottom no headlamp. Id say mount bromo is forgettable compared to it. If you like caves there's one that you have to rappel down into and traverse to get to the "light of god" that has to make a fucking beautiful photo with right set up.

Surabaya you can skip unless trying to whore. Apparently #1 for prostitute but I don't pay and still got laid. Slow but steady amount of matches. Cities just boring. Malang had a little bit more to do and I went on a couple dates to have company. Rainbow village was pretty good. Jogjakarta has a lot of history and art and university so was nice too. Again just slower on dating apps.

Jakarta/bandung? Bandung has more tourist stuff and is just 30 minutes away by whoosh. Definitely worth a try. Jakartas got a lot of meat but English skills get in way a lot
I will be staying in Jakarta for 3 weeks in august (to visit friends and family). Are there any interesting things to do here? I've never really been to a big city and i'd like to do some city stuff
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Bali is PACKED with Indonesian prostitutes from the main islands.
think I'll go somewhere on Java after all kek
I'll be in Jogyakarta for 10 days in September. I already found someone who will drive me around for 2 days to see some temples, but I don't know what else to see there. Just got myself a homestay in the rice paddies.
do the muslim girls do only oral/anal?
>full of muslims
>except that 1 island that's a cumpdump for aussie backpackers
>$50 fee to enter the country
no thanks
>for prosecutions to start a complaint must be filed by the children, parents or spouse of the accused couple.
unless the parents are against it it's not a big deal
an indo girl online (some kind of partially westernized christian chinese clearly unhappy about living under backwards-ass muslim laws) read the law and told me that even if it happened, only the person related to the accusers would actually be prosecuted, so as a traveling culture sharing enthusiast your only risk is having your brown gf taken away. Maybe she just wanted to placate me so I'll come visit desu
it's a shithole of gigantic proportions. infra is worse than thailand, overcrowded as fuck, women are uglier and more prudish, i seriously see no fucking reason to go there
Malaysia is superior in every way, and still very affordable.
>Malaysia is superior in every way, and still very affordable
How easy is it to get Malaysian minge?
just thought I'd let you guys know that a board called /pol/ is where some people post and that they may also post here. There's one guy that routinely reminds people on /trv/ but I thought I'd give y'all a heads up
damn that's kinda fucked up
Statistically most of 4chan posts on /pol/
What of it?
easier than indonesia, but still harder than the rest of SEA
>statistically most of the world is indian or chinese
the fuck is the point of these remarks? they're not even real people
I am saying that crossposters are so common that there's no point in even mentioning it. What was the point of YOUR post?
yeah me too.
i also have some palace and bromo vulcano planned, other than that idk. we'll see.
see you around anon.
>Statistically most of /pol/ posts on 4chan
ftfy - there's a reason why the sticky redirects pol discussion and why the place is referred to as a containment board.
only new fags and election tourists dont know that
what dating sites or apps are popular in indonesia so i can prepare the terrain
Rent free
muslim dating apps and you'd better look the part
is there a region where women are slim and pretty?
not really
exactly, literally zero interest
Looks beautiful! A bit too far from Jog tho. Thinking of going on a jeep tour on Mt Merapi and seeing some waterfalls in Jog. Will be there the last 2 weeks of Sept. See ya man
lol, i was also checking jeep tours on merapi and im also there last two weeks.
god save us, one day i'll look into someones phone in a jeep and he's gonna browse 4chan.
Beauty. Same time frame as I mentioned? Have already booked airbnb in the boonies as well.
would i be able to find something for long term rental with a private gym there? im not interested in hoeing or anything, just want to live somewhere quiet and comfy and get my shit together while remote working
same time yes. i havent booked yet but the prices are really funny. if you have low demands you can be there for 3 weeks for 50 eurodollars. i'll try to find something better so i dont get eaten by snakes.
I'm a Philippines expat, but this shit always annoyed me. Don't worry about men on Tinder. Most women aren't on Tinder. They don't need to be. They have an array of options available to them if they've a job, go to Church. go to the grocery store, or just out for a walk. I only use dating apps to supplement my dating life, not as my primary funnel.
im thinking of moving there for a year or so. i work remote so no problems with jobs.
how much do you spend per month on average and whats your standard of living.

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