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I want to go to Thailand but I'm not sure if it is worth it
Depends entirely on what you want to do there.
I just want to chill, maybe walk around
And you need to go to the other side of the world to do that?
People go to Thailand for partying, beaches, living cheaply while earning a western income, or cooming/experiencing something that is hard to find in the west.
Chilling and walking around sounds like a colossal waste, but it's your money man
It's a new place to walk around tho, the USA is bad for walking around
>partying, beaches, living cheaply while earning a western income, or cooming/experiencing something that is hard to find in the west.
stop trying to sound cool
I’m an American who has never been. I love Thai food. How much better is real Thai food compared to Americanized Thai?
I've also never been but it's probably just dirtier and lower quality in Thailand if we're being honest
North America is a great place to walk around. What are you even saying?
>stop trying to sound cool
For describing normal SEA activities? What even is this bait?
I feel like Bangkok would be a cool place to just get beer and walk around go to 7 eleven though, I'd prob find cool stuff and meet people
Oh yeah, that's pretty fun. Personally I prefer Japan for that kind of stuff. Drunk salarymen and otaku are always down for some mischief. This is how I ended up in some random ass Myanmar restaurant at 3 am with a bunch of drunk guys. We couldn't string coherent sentence due to language barrier, but beer and noodles and karaoke closed the communication gap
It's better, but mostly because the ingredients are much fresher. That's true for prepared foods, but more true when it comes to fresh fruits and products made with them (smoothies, shit like that). With that said, you have a higher chance of food borne illness than you do in NA, but imo not much higher.
There's more variety than you'll be used to and it won't taste exactly like you're used to, but the aromatics will be more prominent/vibrant and the techniques slightly different (read: more "authentic"). It's also significantly cheaper than American Thai food is so if you don't like something it's not like you paid $15 for it.
Yes it is and yes you will, but keep an eye out for police looking to pilfer you. You'd be surprised how many laws exist which are unenforced until a tourist with money is involved, namely public drinking. You'll get bored of Bangkok quickly though, it's at most a 4-day city and that's being generous as well as taking into account possible day trips.
Do not, under any circumstances, think you can get away with drinking in a cab or in any car, really. I'll tell you why:
>Flying out of Bangkok after a month in SEA, I come back to the city for 2 days before it's time to go
>Go out with a friend for a last hurrah on Khao San because he particularly likes it there, I'm not a huge fan but the whippets are cool I guess
>Meet a bunch of people, drink with a group of girls who can speak English and probably wanted some dumb tourists to pay for their night out and for some pussy
>Friend and I decide to head back, I still have a beer in hand when we grab the cab
>I ask if it's cool to bring the beer in, he says whatever
>Finish it along the way but don't throw the bottle because I don't litter and I mean where am I gonna put it anyway?
>Outside the hostel, on Silom road, there is a roadblock
>Cops see the bottle and ask me to step out, pull me over to the median and show me the law I broke
>Turns out drinking and driving is equated to having an open container in the car, both carry 6 months in jail and an 8k baht fine
>I clarify with the cop that I could "pay the fine" straight up and be done with it, he confirms with a giant smile
>Ask friend to take out money for me since my wallet is in the hostel and he heard everything
>Cop takes the money, counts it twice and then takes half
>Cop smiles at me once again, thanks me and tells me to be careful and obey the laws
Let this be a warning: these dudes will rip you off with a smile and go home to buy their family 800 pairs of flip flops. Be smart, don't get caught but pay up if you do.
Don't do it.
When I went to Thailand the people at the airport put drugs in my bag and started threatening me with jail. They brought in big security guys and were gonna call the cops and one of them threatened to snap my spine. Eventually they extorted me for 700 USD and told me I had to leave the country immediately. Had to buy a new ticket and couldn't get a refund for my hotel.
Thailand, not even once.
>getting filtered this hard and this quick
The brown sideways pussy alone if worth it
>How much better is real Thai food compared to Americanized Thai?
It's not that much better, if at all. It is insanely cheaper though.
Thailand is quite walkable, if you can get used to the heat. Your foreign ass will have the sidewalk to yourself, because Thais don't trudge the pavement like peasants if they can help it. Of course, they already know where their favorite eateries are, and you don't, so you gotta walk around and find 'em.
North America is lovely to walk around...if all you want to do is trudge mile after mile of empty sidewalk.
You can't make blanket declarations on the quality of Thai food in Thailand. How good you eat in Thailand is entirely dependent on your ability to judge what is on offer and make your choice. Personally, I am happy with working-class Thai food. Is a 40 baht grilled fish in a sun-warmed plastic bag sold by an ancient street vendor equal in quality to a grilled fish platter at a Thai restaurant? Of course not. But being a low-value person myself, I enjoy spending my food baht with the lower-class vendors and eateries in Thailand.
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Picrel confirms the existence of DUI checkpoints in Bangkok.
Even where public drinking is allowed, like Taiwan, lack of public trashcans means that you have to litter like a douche or carry the empty around for the next half hour like a conscientious fool. Best is the little beer shops in Thailand which have tables and stools outside.
Fucking normies can stay in their beach coom party containment zones. Thailand is one of the best countries in the world to visit if you are a non-social introvert. Most humans are uncomfortable around quiet strangers, but in Thailand a foreigner who speaks little is treated with respect.
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>it's at most a 4-day city
I was thinking I'd stay in Bangkok for 1 month and pattaya for 2 weeks
I've read that Thailand is dangerous and has terrorists in it
He's full of shit
Four days is what, 12 meals in the foodie capital of the world. Barely scratching the surface.
It's like a 24 hour flight from the east coast, where would you even go after a 4 day trip to thailand? Ho chi minh or something?
>North America is lovely to walk around...if all you want to do is trudge mile after mile of empty sidewalk.
Go out in the wood retard. The US has over well over 1M acres of public land that are beautiful. If you just want to get fucked by a ladyboy just come out and say it retard.
You've never been there. Outside of Bangkok pavements barely even exist.
what about pattaya
How do you get around then. I want to visit Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok, Chiang Mai etc
Bicycle or scooter. Easy to rent and fun to ride around in the hot climate. Also if you're OP, >>2687175 is being kind of a faggot, Thailand is a great place to wander around and vibe in
there are pavements in the main arteries (beach / 2nd / 3rd / central / south road), some of which are barely functional (random big fuck you holes, missing tiles, and construction shit like pipes randomly sticking out, and other such ankle-breaking obstacles) which can be clogged with street vendors and packs of stray dogs in the case of central and south pattaya roads
in the rest of the city you just walk on the side of the road and keep your head on a swivel to not get ran over
that being said it is very walkable and a large portion of the city's streets are calm and relatively quiet, you just shouldn't zone out while you're walking and shouldn't be afraid of vaulting over sleeping soi dogs or pressing yourself against a wall to let a thai mad-max style vehicle pass you by in a narrow street or step in front of a motorbike when pedestrians coming from the other direction are forcing you off the side of the road on the busy streets like soi buakhao
Just came back from a trip to Thailand in April. Quality of food 100x better for 1/10th the price. I've been going to Thailand for over 10 years, never have been sick or worried about food cleanliness once.
Going to Thailand (landing in BKK) then Manilla this January.

How do I optimally spend 5-6 days in each place? I want to be a tourist and see what should be seen and do what should be done (with exception to sleeping around). All vanilla tourist stuff. Money isn't really an issue.

What cities should I stay in? For how long?
Honestly anon it’s fine for that. I’m a coomer. You can go around trying food, wandering around different districts n stuff. The cooming stuff is very self contained
>North America is a great place to walk around
Not compared to literally anywhere in the Old World it's not
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Pretty easy. If they're sitting outside, yelling "massage?" at you, and wear short skirts like picrel, then it's happy ending version. If they're wearing traditional clothes, it's normal massage.
Just walk around Nana for happy ending version.
google r Thailand redcat for a good guide on that stuff. He provides maps and everything
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That's recreational walking...besides, most places in America you have to drive to the trailhead in order to walk in the woods. Urban walking to access necessary services like bus stations and restaurants is a totally different ballgame.
You've never been there. Picrel is a typical street in a Thai city (Khon Kaen). Lampang has excellent sidewalks. Kanchanaburi is somewhat less pleasant to walk.
Except if that's a fetish don't bother with the happy ending places, just a tourist trap. Do you really want to be horny with your dick out and negotiate for a crappy handjob ?
If you want that go to Madame Claude or Analisa.
If you want to fuck cuties go to Soi 24 where there'll be around 80 girls outside so you can get the one you like, I recommend Mango.
If you want good service and filthy stuff then Snow White, Cherry or Tulip. Most are milfs and overweight but the skill is insane and you can do whatever you want to them.
Those are all for 1200 to 2400 baht the hour. Paying more usually isn't worth it except if you like huge silicone tits and bog faces.

How do Thai men not go psychotic dealing with these dirty dogs
The thai boyfriend is the one dropping off his gf to work on soi 6 and pocketing half the money from the farang husbands and sponsors
I dunno how you can “out of sight out of mind” the fact your gf is getting creampies by dozens of men possibly several times a week or more.
She brings back home free extra protein every night. Just stick a straw in there and slurp.
Imagine the gains
same thing happened to me
Thailand is a good place to walk around thoughbeit. Because you can walk at all hours anywhere in the country basically and you're gonna be fine. I wandered Bangkok back streets at all hours of the night as well as all around the countryside and islands. It's comfy.
Your mistake here is thinking they care about the slut in the first place.
Ameritards always cope with "b-but America has empty fucking forest!" Yeah retard, everywhere has empty fucking forest, every continent has beautiful mountain ranges, that doesn't somehow contradict the dogshit urban design in the USA
>It's not that much better, if at all
thats some spicy bait there sir
So the Thai guy hollowly stays by his girlfriend’s side for a little yaba money? That’s sad

Speaking of, do any of you know where to get adderall in Thailand
for business? if otherwise, skip the phils entirely and extend your stay in thailand. 10 days is like the minimum for thailand to prevent emotional breakdown at the prospect of leaving.
the thai boyfriend typically is the sleazy piece of trash who doesn't give a fuck about the girl in any other capacity than how much money she can bring him from her bar girl job, while the whore gf is the one who takes care of him because that's just "how it goes"
it's not him who stays by his girlfriend's side but the other way around
most massage ladies on nana are post op ladyboys
Is just doing Bangkok as a base with various day trips for around 3 weeks a decent enough start to travelling in SEA?
I only have 4 weeks vacation every year.
no developed nation tolerates public drunkenness. if you want to drink and litter in public go to africa or haiti.
I will drink publicly in thailand 100%
this lmao. Thailand made me hate walking. The heat, the stench, and the shitty traffic all combined to make me not to walk more than 10 feet outside.
The scampering Scott’s in this thread drive me up the fucking wall. Choose a fucking location and just rot there. The scampering has to stop, why the fuck do you wanna keep GETTING UP and MOVING to another place. Get a fucking hotel and just rot in bar downstairs and saunter around with glazed eyes and RELAX and ENJOY your vacation.

Stop fucking scampering
Had another threesome at Tulip, I'm amazed it's not that popular and coomers queue instead at nana and soi cowboy to get attitude and starfish experience for 10k baht.
One of them was 29 and looked like a punk Asa Akira, one of the wildest I've fucked. In the shower she was already putting my finger in her ass while the other sucked my dick.
They didn't care about each other's spit and would just lick my dick balls and ass alternatively without interruption. Fucked them both around 10 minutes each and asked to finish in mouth.
But they went for a double facial instead, one jerking me and looking at me begging to cum on them while the other sucked the tip.
It was mostly just a show and I don't think they got much sexual pleasure but who cares, I'm not some boomer going "DATY" for 20 minutes and bragging he made a whore cum. Not a coomer either, it's just a hobby.
Do you mean the tulip massage in that immediately comes up when you google search tulip message bangok? Interesting
I enjoy eating pussy and, in certain cases slobbering all over their butthole, but they have to be on the paler side with soft skin and East Asian aesthetics
Fiwfans, good for a short vacation or nay?
Stop trying to cheap out. Pay up you fucking farang
Okay, so gogo and soapies? I think I'll be in Thailand for 5-6 days, and I don't mind splashing cash for fun experiences with 8-10s that would be exorbitantly expensive stateside.

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