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Is Mexico City of any value to visit.

Also, how likely is my dark haired Caucasian girlfriend to get raped and beheaded?
>Is Mexico City of any value to visit.
If you like big cities, it is unquestionably worth visiting. Massive, lively, grungy, and sophisticated. Has some of nearly everything, and the world’s best value-for-money subway system. If you find big cities unpleasant as a rule, you might not enjoy it and should stick to other parts of Mexico.
>Also, how likely is my dark haired Caucasian girlfriend to get raped and beheaded?
Not at all likely. I mean, if she’s planning on scamming gangsters out of money while you’re there, I guess it’s not completely impossible. But the city has, in general, always been at least somewhat safer than its reputation, and it’s gotten noticeably less dangerous year over year for a long time now. Watch for bag snatchers/pickpockets on the metro, keep your wits about you at night, and stick to wealthier/busy/touristed/policed neighborhoods and you’re not likely to encounter any danger at all.
It has a glowing reputation for travel that I think is a little bit much. It's interesting, but not THAT interesting. and it's really better if you speak the language. It's a top 3 city to visit in North America but any Asian megalopolis will be cooler to visit, same with the cooler European cities
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Different anon, besides the museum and Teotihuacan - anything else to look at to satisfy my Indiana Jones syndrome?
idk i hate this fucking country
>world’s best value-for-money subway system
Now there is a reason to go
Just curious, what is sophisticated about it? There are some high end restaurants, the archeological museum... everything else is kind of not that sophisticated desu
>snatchers/pickpockets on the metro
Just take Uber or the chinese version, it's so cheap why bother with the metro, especially if you are a tourist. It's like a few bucks to get from one side of town to the other.

Listen you fucking plebs. I’ve been to 36 countries and mexico is easily the worst one. You can’t trust them. You can’t go on road trips. You can’t go hiking. You can but you risk being rapped and murdered any roaming gangs of drug dealers. There are entire swaths of territory completely controlled by criminal gangs. It’s a trash country filled with trash mixed race “latinos” who are so criminally inclined its rage. You can’t leave your stuff in the hotel room, mexians will steal it dude. I lived there for a year because I from California and I thought it would be fun. I was wrong. Fuck me*icans, and fuck “latinos” who the fuck gave these people the right to refer to themselves as Latin? What the fuck does some me*ican from some jungle in mesoamerica have anything to do with Latin Rome? I’m half Italian and I say fuck that and fuck them. Death to me*ico.

I saw a women get her car stolen at gun point with her children still inside. I was robbed by the cops twice. Two dudes tried to steal my cell phone at knife point. You can’t trust these “latinos” dude, they are a trash people. There is a reason they are fleeing their failed civilization to the the states with their tail between their legs, only to attack White America like we are the fucking problem.

It’s crazy, these people still think they are this “great people” while their country is literary controlled by drug dealers.
>I’m half Italian
>trash mixed race
Does that refer to you too?
>latinos” who are so criminally inclined
Part of their "culture", I don't know about other parts of latin America, but stealing is common in Mexico
I did the same thing and though I didn't have quite as bad of an experience, I feel largely the same about Mexico. I thought living in Mexico would make me appreciate life outside the US more but now I really want them to just build the damn wall and I appreciate how efficient, convenient, easy and peaceful the US (the white parts) are and yes that means an efficient system to drive everywhere and neighborhoods that don't have people operating businesses out of them and don't have 3rd worlders living there with their "habits" because that's a huge level up in life compared to waiting for hours on shitty public buses and having someone build a noisy establishment in your "mixed use" neighborhood or living next to neighbors with 12 kids and goats etc.

Anyway, despite what I said, yes, it is worth going to Mexico City because it's actually very interesting. It's a city with a huge amount of history and a lot of extreme contrasts. IDK if its really "sophisticated" but it does have some of that along with a lot of more lowbrow but enjoyable cultural things you'll find just exploring the place.

Also since this hasn't been mentioned here I've always heard to be really careful to check that your taxi is actually a legit taxi same with when you get a rideshare.
I liked the small cities in Mexico a lot more than Mexico City. Not to say it isn't worth visiting but think it is overhyped.
Will steal your shit if you take them to your hotel room. Other than that great!
mexico city is the paris of north america
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at least is the most european looking one, the average street looks like this
Is there a part of Mexico that isn't
>Puerto Vallarta
>Mexico City
>Quintana Roo
That is reasonably interesting and not too dangerous? Almost everyone only goes to these locations. I don't really hear much about other parts of Mexico.
South end of Baja
San Miguel de Allende
San Cristobal de Las Casas
Yeah because half the fucking country is a desert

Or jungle
The jungle fucking sucks, its like a poisionous swamp filled with bugs and animals that want to kill you
Mexico City seems like such a dump.
It's worth it but outside of Polanco/Roma/Condesa/Coyoacan/Lomas there isn't much to do besides maybe going to the pyramids or Xochimilco. I'm kind of bored of it now after visiting like 4 times.
>Is Mexico City of any value to visit.
Yes, for many reasons, not the least of which are the incredible museums, parks, and restaurants. But, you should NOT slum it. Stay somewhere with cars and drivers, and good security. No uber for you, no public transport. Don't look like you can't kick asses, or too anglo or have too much of an online persona. As a tall blonde, I haven't been since the '85 earthquake, but it wasn't hardly safe for me back then, but I had family around me. A guy on an airplane in first class next to me owned a kidnapping insurance agency and calculates risk (had 180 agents, woah) and confirmed to me the risk is very high still. He personally won't go there, nor Rio. They're worse than Iraq. :/

tl;dr Enjoy Costa Rica instead if you don't look like you fit in and utterly bilingual. If you can stay with an actual friend, like Polanco, you could make it work.
First of all there is nothing European about this photo. Second of all, that is not an average Mexico City street. Why do people constantly lie about Latin America?
I'm yet to know Lima, but for me CDMX is the third LatAm to know after Rio de Janeiro (if you don't try to be edgy) and Buenos Ares. From there you can make day-trips to Teotihuacán and Tula and top-tier museums like Antropologic Museum and Soumaya. Bonus for their street food (Montezuma's revenge aside).
op pic is not Mexico City

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