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I've often heard London being reffered as as a lawless hellhole but now that I'm here on my first solo vacation im having a great time. Currently chilling in an underground bar with live jazz after busting my feet with 7 hours of walking.
London’s crime problems are youths on e scooters stealing phones from commuters in suits. Sometimes they hacksaw bike locks to steal those too. If you have any situational awareness it won’t happen to you. The knife and gun crime is mostly turf disputes amongst dealers which you can avoid by not selling drugs.

The main tourist sites can be too busy, or too corporate and soulless (people actually pay to go to Madame Tussaud’s) but apart from that it has something for everyone. If you like jazz go to Ronnie Scott’s, nothing beats getting as drunk as a lord listening to a trio.
>If you like jazz go to Ronnie Scott’s
I second this, and would also recommend the 606 club.
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Cheers for the recommendations lads. I'll be sure to check em out later!
British people are like shitty, moldy versions of white people and they have the same kinds of negative qualities as American blacks, especially when they’re drunk.

Fuck em
If you want to avoid British people then London is a great place to go
Londons problems are blow way out of proportion by /pol/ and other propaganda

It's a really cool city with a lot to offer
and an awesome city if you travel FAT

if you want a really London(ish) bar
try the connaught bar
dress up though!

+1 for Ronnies and 606

Pizza Express Jazz Club is cool too
because most people on here don't actually travel and just parrot the shit they read on /pol/
some people just like to shit on the uk in general anyway because they think they are joining in with "the bants" but they have no conception of what that actually means
then there are miscellaneous thirdies, eastern europeans etc who came to the uk at some point and failed to get anywhere and went back home with a massive grudge
there are also some british on here who are filled with post colonial self loathing which doesn't help matters
i think that just about covers it
every limey I met in London was a top lad I don't know where this stereotype comes from
Lived in London for a year; there is something indescribably flavorless and grey about the place.
Every time I read where someone says "/pol" I immediately know that the person they were referencing had a valid compliant and it touched a nerve. "Basement Dweller"' is another one. You read that reply and you know whatever was said was probably accurate.
London is a shithole but the UK is the most hated country in the world.
>All non-whites hate the British
>Euros hate the British because of Brexit
>Mutts hate the British because they think it's 1776, particularly trump supporters

London is the biggest city in Pakistan anyway
And how much are drinks at this bar exactly?
>London is a shithole but the UK is the most hated country in the world.
get off the internet and touch same grass retard
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It is though. Even in the minds of normies England is affiliated with shit, a country of colonizers. In Canada, normies celebrated the Queen's death. British tourists are seen as on par if not worse than Chinese tourists.
Recognisably London down to the fat, sullen boon on the right.
Welcome to town! The nightlife is fun and I'd be out in it myself tonight but I drank too much at the start of the week.
Have a look at the house of John Soane.
British Museum is must see and free.
I thought the Sherlock Holmes museum was a laugh. Make sure you read up on the relevant conspiracy theories BEFORE you visit. Bit expensive for what it is though.
Highgate Cemetery is also free and interesting if you want a reason to get away from the uber touristy bits.
You're doing it right walking a lot and hitting up pubs and bars. The Underground should be a last resort. Buses are cheaper and can be faster but the clientele is unfortunately even worse than the Tube.
Lots of cool shit to see around the place.

>London’s crime problems are youths on e scooters stealing phones from commuters in suits.
Not really commuters. They're looking for the softest targets; rich kids (lots of oblivious foreign rich kids about these days waving their iPhones around in public) and recent graduates who are "roughing it" and "not asking their parents for that much" to rent a place at the end of a tube line.
>Sometimes they hacksaw bike locks to steal those too. If you have any situational awareness it won’t happen to you.
Right. I commute in and out of London and regularly travel around the city and nobody has ever tried to mess with me and I'm not even a tough guy.
>The knife and gun crime is mostly turf disputes amongst dealers which you can avoid by not selling drugs.
Also correct.
The nig on nig violence can be annoying if, for example, the police are disrupting traffic having to clean one of them up, but it's not going to really touch anyone who isn't involved.
That said: if you try to live amongst the vibrant diversity the story is different. They will profile you and let their burglar/thief mates know if they think you're a good target. If they don't like you, vandalism is likely.
>delusional chang cope
>Euros hate the British
its just banter
You're going to get a myriad of /pol/fags answering but my general take on Bongistan has always been that it's just fucking boring. It's New York v0.5, most of what it offers I can have better in a shorter flight for about the same price. The thing about England is that its good parts are far away from its major cities, and given that you're in the UK you are just far better off going to Ireland or Scotland. If you're staying in London for a bit longer, go see Bath, York, the Cotswolds, Oxford, Ambleside and the lake district... There's a lot of better things to see and do than a shittier version of NYC.
No, when someone says /pol/ its usually correct. Dozens of India threads break down because /pol/tards cant help but go poo in the loo, very few actual constructive advice is said. Its the same thing in the current Paris thread, over half of it is just OMFG THERES NIGGAS IN PARIS THE WHOLE CITY IS RUINED. Yeah, its got issues, and yeah there's valid criticism to throw around (including that a good portion of the city has been ruined by mass immigration), but it's also not the hellhole /pol/ paints it as. For most major cities in Europe, the main problem isn't /pol/'s obsession with minorities, the main issue is that the smaller towns dotted around the country are always so much fucking better. It's never brought up either, because none of these /pol/fags ever actually travel to them. They can tell you a million reasons why paris sucks because of blacks, they don't ever tell you what parts of paris one should see quickly before exploring the rest of France because they whine about a non-white france as they ignore the almost exclusively white france all around them that they refuse to go to.
10 quid pints and non-whites everywhere.
Blacks are underrated at times, /pol/ will never admit that. Like, what is New Orleans without blacks? Its just North Carolina or a better example Montreal. The native black French are cool but the African "immigrants" suck ass so we need to make a distinction. Genuine blacks are the flavor of a city.
why do you post about /pol/ in every single post you make on here lmao. You're in every single fucking thread name dropping /pol/ and accusing everyone else in the thread of not travelling. Sad cunt lmao. Are you the covid vaxx shill from yesteryear?
They started taking it so personal after brexit
Some people..
I actually just read through the Paris thread. There were a lot of people in that thread offering alternative cities in France. I saved like 6 other French cities on my google map reading that thread from people who were hating on Paris hard.

As someone who lives in southern California, I read a lot of anti Los Angeles threads on this board. And to be honest, they're accurate. And the same kinds of problems people mention in Paris definitely do happen in LA. I warn people all the time not to stay there and to stay in Orange County instead. Inevitably, someone will jump in and say LA is fantastic and that the crime, immigrants and homelessness is exaggerated, which is a total lie. LA is fucking horrible compared to my neck of the woods in San Clemente. Did you grow up somewhere and you're just used to violence and drug addicts? Are you from Philly or something?
>a lot of people
its like 7/71 posts, and two of those are mine (especially when you realize the "go to marseille" posts are memes btw). That still leaves 6/7ths of the thread being pure /pol/, meaning my estimate of over half was actually quite generous by comparison.
>the complaints about LA are valid so it must be the same for a capital city of a different country on a different continent
Most of the crime is migrant v migrant, and they're not in the heartland of Paris (the tourist center) proper, but outskirt neighborhoods that tourists realistically dont frequent. You don't have a skid row, you've mererly got black neighborhoods that are easily avoided. You also don't have tons of psychotic homeless that should be institutionalized everywhere in Paris like you do in LA. The cities' problems manifest differently, you can, for instance, park your car in the Champs Elysees with the windows up and they very likely will not be smashed.
>did you grow up somewhere full of violence and drug addicts?
No, you just cant recognize that every city in the world is not the same level of shithole that LA is (literally given your street shitters).
You're not the only person in the world who ever visited Paris bro. It's one of the most visited cities in the world and this is a travel board. It's cool that you like it, but other people are entitled to an opinion. I don't like Paris either and really liked other parts of France. I also thought Paris was unfriendly, dirty, and had too many immigrants for me to feel safe. There were some shady motherfuckers around all the monuments and train stations. I also thought it was overpriced, especially compared to the rest of the country which was cheap. I wouldn't go back to Paris if the trip was free.
eh? i post on this board maybe two or three times a week
>Sad cunt lmao
said the person who thinks he can identify individual people on an anonymous message board
There’s a fat nigger right there in the picture.
No faggot hes right it’s definitely you
Lmao look at these cucks desperately defending the nigger hordes
>w-w-well you should look at these non-nigger cities instead of niggercity! That PROVES that niggercity is ACTUALLY HUSTLE AND BUSTLE OMG
Not hard to identify you sad cunt. Just go to 4plebs trv and search /pol/. Plague rat lmao
Visited London more times than I can count and periodically lived there for a while.

the problem with London is that it’s a dry, corporatie soulless hellhole, it’s sold itself up in the name of foreign investment and international business.

The old London working/middle class have been passively pushed out of the city. The city has been gutted of its every day, normal citizens. To the point where it honestly makes me fucking sick.

To me, there’s precisely nothing of value there. Everything that can be found in London can be found in abundance elsewhere, just a million times better.

I no longer live in Britain, but I vow never to visit London again unless it’s for the airport.

The best part of Britain is visiting the countryside. Luscious green grass everywhere, old country pubs and century old churches. The smell of damp soil amongst fresh roses and daisies.

I never used to appreciate this stuff whatsoever. Now I live somewhere where I don’t have that, it’s a genuine joy to come back and experience for a few days.
You got filtered extremely hard. London is the most diverse city in the world, and there's something for everyone. Every form of sport, entertainment, music, dance and show practically originated from the city, and still thrives there.

There's literally nothing which London has which is better by something elsewhere.
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London isn't even British anymore, what is the point of visiting? I could just as well go to any other multi-cultural city and experience the same decay.
Because London has multiple personalities, the bad sides need a few days to get noticed or can simply showed away/ignored by throwing money at it.

The typical London sucks experience is come to London as a middle class background student/low income young professional and weak up rock bottom poor. Live in some shitty suburb surrounded by Pajeets/Ngubus/Ahmeds, nobody even speaks English and you simply lack the money to make this shit disappear. Not even all the entertainment and possibilities are made for you as a simple not run down shit pub will filter you.

The tourist London sucks experience is from lower middle class Average Joe not that well traveled but doing a weekend city trip here and there with the misses seeing their small but usually enough budget for a okay city trip melt away and getting reduced to the backpacker tier they didn't expect to sign up for.

London is a by income filter on steroids.
This guy gets it

>/pol/tards cant help but go poo in the loo
Most of the India hate comes from Chinese and ABC incels as far as I can tell. They are on /pol/, yes, but so are trannies. We have been flooded with lots of brainless newfags since 2016 unfortunately, and a lot of them are very dedicated to their agendas.
This is accurate travel advice though.
>/pol/'s obsession with minorities
If you want to go to France, you want to see French shit right? Not Nafri shit, for example. And these 'people' are in fact not minorities but majorities in significant parts of many Western cities.
>none of these /pol/fags ever actually travel to them
I've done four separate trips to Europe from Bongland since Christmas. Just finished a big project in fact and am probably going to book a cheeky weekend in France myself in the coming days.
>they don't ever tell you what parts of paris one should see
Well just to prove you wrong, in gay Paree I liked Montmatre like the other anon was saying. Great view. The Louvre is worth looking at but it's expensive and when I was there, trying to see the Mona Lisa was like being at a concert and I got fed up with my okay view from a few rows back and left before I got to the front. The Napoleon sarcophagus is quite thought provoking.
Also, I had a surprisingly good time drinking with friends in the Latin Quarter. Obvious tourist trap, yes, but I made some American girls wet their knickers with my basic bitch French talking to waitresses and they joined our group. We were under the Eiffel tower drinking wine and all four of them were swooning at us, with the only question being who was taking who, but a pack of Arab scumbags riding tuktuks showed up and started growing. There was 20 of these third world fucks gawking at us and trying to sell us wine soon. Totally ruined the moment and we basically had to get the girls out of there and go back to some shitty bar.
>the person who thinks he can identify individual people on an anonymous message board
big kek - I just saw this
This happens all the time, you low information voter.
>has which is better by something elsewhere.
Check out the ESL on this brownoid, kek, no wonder he loves pakidon
>look at these cucks desperately defending the nigger hordes
Meanwhile, as you quote me, "there's valid criticism to go around (including a good portion of the city being ruined by mass migration)." Only a /pol/fag could read "they ruined entire chunks of the city" as a defense. This is because anything besides a lone issue answer is too complicated for their sub70 IQ to follow and comprehend.
>you should look at non-nigger cities instead of nigercity because hustle and bustle
I know that reality is hard for /pol/fags to cope with as they never leave the house, but the reality of the day is that if the capital is a nigger infested shithole you should absolutely ignore the capital and go to the white towns and cities with traces of the actual culture you traveled to see and where the soul of the country still remains. Turns out that you'll have a far better time doing that than going to London and hating every second of it because "muh blacks, muh arabs, no soul, and not leaving to go see the real UK".

You can cry about a Paris, London, Rome that has not existed for years now, or you can actually go enjoy the parts of these countries that still, in fact, exist without the decay caused by the brown hordes and are just as nice, if not nicer, than the capital itself. Visit Italy's Puglia region, for instance, and you'll find few tourists and even fewer nigs.
>we've been flooded by brainless newfags since 2016
I know, shame 8/pol/ died because that shit was so much better than the trash we have here today. Early exodus days were glorious. Ironically, modern /pol/ is no different to the European capitals of today with most being too dumb to see it.
>that is accurate travel advice
>you're wrong and i'm gonna prove you wrong because I liked montmartre and a few other things
So the whole city is not ruined then, proving me right.
>if you want go to France you want to see French shit right?
Yes and the best way to do that is by avoiding the major cities. Where do you see more French shit, Annecy and Chamonix or Lyon? Bordeaux or St. Emilion and Bergerac? The further you move out of the major cities where the brown horde moves to, the more French shit you see and the less foreigners and tourists come with you. You try to disagree yet make my point for me.
>I'm going to france for a weekend soon
Try some of the recs I put up on the Paris thread, you'll be glad you went there instead of Paris if you actually want to see French shit.
>the turd worlders trying to sell us shit ruined the moment
And if you go somewhere like Chamonix there will be no turd worlders to ruin the moment or scenery for you as you'll basically be surrounded by locals and well mannered tourists enjoying the same thing.
Only good part left in Paris imo.
Two wall of text posts moaning about /pol/ again. Jannie is this a travel board or a retarded mong meta seething about another board in every post journal?
>Just ignore all the major population centres and travel halfway across the world to sit in a bush.
No thank you. Better off going to parts of the world with excitement and culture (ASIA). Ironically, you anti-racist troons are the most racist mfers here as you will only consider white places as places worth visitng.
I hate to say the worst possible insult I can think of, but you are very Reddit in your approach to this: after provoking a bunch of people for no good reason, going on to digging in and attempting to get a win on every point - but the fact that we are in agreement on some points is not really something for you or I to gloat about like it's a win.
The point of contention I (and it seems others) had was you bringing up /pol/ out of nowhere and then talking in stupid generalisations which will piss people off to, I guess, try to shield the heckin niggerinos and donkey shaggerinos from well earned criticism in the context of European city travel. And I was pointing out that criticising the menace of these people is very relevant when talking about Paris, even giving the specific example of how these monkeys interfered with and degraded a trip of mine there a few years back.
There are countless other examples of how their uncivilised behaviour impacts people/tourists negatively, from pickpocketing, to hassling tourists trying to sell them shit to propagating the drugs trade to their stabbing propensity to their groping propensity to their raping propensity to hanging around in packs at night and making passersby in particular girls feel unsafe (a major issue in mainland European politics at the moment by the way).
You don't even seem to be disagreeing with the basic idea and acknowledge yourself
>Yes and the best way to do that is by avoiding the major cities.
>Only good part left in Paris imo.
So what's the problem? You don't like the terminology used or the accurate descriptions of reality which we are expected to vehemently deny in the homo-Marxist cult that passes for polite society these days? Chill out man and get a sense of humour, you're on 4chan. If you want thought/language policed 'debate', you have basically every other site on the Internet.
I was in Brussels 2 weeks ago and got my watch stolen by a habibi when drunk on the first night there. Best is to never let guard down and be overtly racist in threat management when you are in these enriched cities.
the /pol/bait retard used to post every day during covid and call everyone that discussed vaccine mandates and vaccine passports to travel plague rats, /pol/tards etc. Since nobody cares about covid anymore he has dropped it from his script but still can't let the /pol/ living rent free in his head drop.
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>board historically known to be plagued by pol fags
>this is not conjecture, debate or speculation - its a known fact
>pol fags will still try to dismiss the allegations
Lived in London for almost 30 years. Never been robbed, know 2-3 people who have had a phone stolen or left their bag unattended and it was taken. I guess nobody is trying to steal my fitbit.

This isn't Japan, so don't be a retard and you will be fine.
>on a layover at Heathrow
>go to london and talk with some dude sitting next to me
>having a good time telling stories that are obviously made up
>say "listen so there's this guy"
>he immediately says "don't tell me to listen" all angry
>don't talk the rest of the way there
What's with bri'ish people flipping over the word "listen"?
>be overtly racist in threat management
Based. I am like this too and they notice it, they know they deserve it and leave me alone. Except, as in the story above, when we had some girls turned on and those subhumans, outnumbering us 10 to 1 and in the dark, felt confident to try to get involved with the fun.

kek I remember the re-opened world general threads. That guy sperging about /pol/ back then was a real cocksucker. But he got his punishment: booster after booster. Meanwhile, I listened to Dr Chud and am stronger and fitter than ever. Didn't really think it might be the same guy. I suppose I was quite annoyed about being unable to travel back then so it felt different.
Kek, wrong, ouglia got swamped by tourists already thanks to jeetstagram spamming the cave houses and all that shit.
Whenever someone says /pol/ it's for a reason. It's quite obvious when people have never been to a country and are only repeating /pol/ memes about it. You simply don't understand how obvious you are. And clearly calling you a basement dwelling virgin from /pol/ touched a nerve, since the simple mention of it made you seething buttmad. Nothing makes /pol/ chuds seethe more than realizing they've been found out.
>there's only one poster in the world who calls out /pol/tards for their lies
Imagine being this delusional. Your kind is not welcomed on /trv/ because our boards are polar opposites. /trv/lers are adventurous, happy, helpful, and enjoy food and sex. /pol/cels never leave their home, are constantly angry, only try to derail threads, eat nothing but tendies, and have never seen a woman naked. The contrast couldn't be starker.
>covid vaxx shill
Lol. Proving the point clearly here. Absolutely nobody has cared about the vax in over 3 years. Except you, the virgin antivaxxers of /pol/, who screech about it daily because you made it your entire identity.

Now back on topic, tell us something about London. You've been there, right?
I've never been on /pol in my life. I'm married and 39 years old. I've spent a solid year of my life traveling through Europe, a month of which was in France in 2 trips. I've been to at least 20 French cities. My preference is for places like Annecy, Aix, Cassis and Chamonix because they don't have the crime problems that they do in Paris and the people were friendly. It's as simple as that. There's really nothing else to it. Not sure why that makes you so mad?
you still wear a watch?
Lol, dont believe anything you read hear, its full of people that have never been anywhere other than their one horse town.
People will only knick expensive watches not a fucking casio F91
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Yeah I’m rich so I just bought a new one yesterday to replace the hole in my collection. Never go to Brussels lads
wow, look at all those bricks!
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>he thinks he's hot shit and 'owning the libs' by buying a watch while being the retard that wore it while getting drunk on holiday
didn't ask + didn't read
what a weird outdated concept
>trying to flex by showing off a klm euro business boarding pass
lol tell me you're actually poor without telling me you're actually poor
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didn't ask + didn't read :)
lol you’re pathetic
not him but you sound like you're malding
People here hate London for the same reasons that they hate:
>India and the entirety of the Indian Subcontinent
>almost every country in sub-Saharan Africa
>almost every country in Latin America
>almost every country in the Middle-East
>any other place that isn't either an (a) quintessentially "white" country or (b) brimming with modestly unattractive Asian prostitutes

The very simple fact of the matter here is that London is one of the most-visited cities in the world precisely because it's an interesting place with good shopping, fantastic museums, and a fuck-ton of well-preserved historical sites. But, because you're on a board that was effectively ruined by /pol/tards in 2017 and LARPing teenagers in 2020, much of the "advice" you read and receive comes from angry kids who never been all that far from home.

I went to London some years ago and had a great time. It was expensive, but I was much younger (and poorer) then than I am now. I wouldn't mind going back again, and have actually been talking to my wife about traveling there later this year.
its 4chan, man.
incels projectings their misery onto the whole world, are you new here or something?
rent free
>sub-Saharan Africa
people here don't like sub Sahara Africa because it's expensive (if you want decent standards)
and budget trips will most likely suck

most of 4chan's demographic is too young to have that kind of disposable income

my all time favorite travel experience is Gorilla trekking in Rwanda or a walking safari in Tanzania
but these experiences are really really expensive
just for the 3 nights / 2 days Gorilla trekking I could have traveled SEA for like 3 months back when I was a student
>/pol/ seether now condescending samefag larping
Just stop m8. It’s over
Oh it makes sense, paying for the armed guards outside of your resort is really expensive.
nah countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, Namibia etc. are relatively safe (with normal precautions)
and Rwanda is just as safe as any European country

you absolutely don't need guards there

the kinds of vacations you can do there are relatively expensive
the big cities are kinda boring / not very well developed for tourism (with some exceptions like Nairobi)
rural tourism / backpacking is also not a thing (like e.g. in SEA)

so you are left with adventure / outdoor / safari (/ beach resort) stuff
and because of often badly developed infrastructure, it's very difficult to plan your own tours

essentially binding you to the Lodges / Hotels / Resorts
which often focus on luxury tourism anyway or even if not are pricey

you got mogged af lmao
>good shopping, fantastic museums, and a fuck-ton of well-preserved historical sites.
nigger. genuinely what are you talking about? you wanna go to a real european city with actual charm?? thats fucking paris lil nigga, you can get chlamydia by just touching a woman there and its still such a more soulful place than london
london is a shithole and the only thing to do is go clubbing. you go to a london club and feel like you are in the "bad part of town" in america
the museums suck cock compared to france too.
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very based
gif related, it's anon on the left and Redditors seething about /pol/ on the right
I love london

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