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Not limited to five reasons of course. Check back in your ancestral tree to see if you have a claim for one.
I can’t. I’m screwed, as are 90% of gen z and millennial men in western countries.

Unless you have millions of dollars, or a dorkie remote job, you’re trapped her. My YouTube is cluttered with fucking loser men sitting in their cars in a Walmart parking lot, or rotting at their parents house, lamenting about their plight.

I don’t want to be one of these people but I basically am
Buy an ad faggot.
no you don't

unless you have a really really shitty one

banks WILL refuse you because of dual citizenship
especially EU banks
makes things like buying a house way more difficult

most countries that will readily give you a passport are political shithole tier

and if you are an EU citizen
Visa's are just money as literally no country will deny entry

if you really need a "second passport"
in reality your home country is probably going downhill and you need a new primary passport, not a second one
Is an American passport god tier in your opinion?
>American passport god tier
>for travel?
No. Because that's the only western passport that some countries won't let in easily (though not impossible)
It's still very very good

>for living?
obviously yes. When you are educated (read high HHI) there are very few countries that can compete with US standard of living and wages

you could trade high wages for better work life balance in the likes of Germany, France etc. or wages for more security in Japan, but that's about it
people in the US and Europe often forget how shitty the rest of the world is
You forgot the worst part of being a US citizen, ie the worldwide taxation. If you have already a digital business or have large capital income it's better to live in a low tax country and enjoy the US on a tourist visa. You can even own property in the US on a tourist visa.
>the worldwide taxation
a yes forgot this
not a US citizen myself

still, living in the US is much better than most of the world
and taxation is only a problem if you are a digital nomad

>large capital income
you can partly get around this by setting up an asset management company
Promote your faggot blog somewhere else.
>and taxation is only a problem if you are a digital nomad
Its only a problem if you're an expat, and in that case its usually not that much of a problem.

Digital Nomads are usually working for US companies and already pay US taxes

>Is an American passport god tier in your opinion
Just look at the visa requirements map.

Most of the western countries are pretty similar with only a few countries different, so it just depends if you want to go there. For travel, Singapore is probably the god tier, but it only enables you to live in one city
The god tier passports are wherever you would want to potentially live.

For travel, visas aren't too difficult to get especially in comparison to getting another citizenship. Any first world passport will make it so that immigration officials aren't suspicious of you illegally working
It's more than decent but nowhere near the top:
>good but not brillant visa-free options
>cucked from going to Cuba and North Korea by own government
>frequent target for butthurt actions (e.g. reciprocity fees, forced biometrics, hostage diplomacy)
>doesn't allow you to reside in other countries; living and working in the US as a foreigner is easy if you're skilled, sly or brown
>worldwide slave to the IRS, banks abroad will not deal with you unless you're a highroller

The only good points are that you can get them reissued quickly and that US consular assistance is sometimes not useless.
>in reality your home country is probably going downhill
well yea
If you want to vanlife in europe but you are american , you damn sure need a second passport
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I'm looking to dump my US citizenship partly due to the global taxation (there are ethical reasons because I don't want my hard work to support evil), but also because the US is going to implode when the US dollar is replaced as the global reserve currency. I am eligible to become a Japanese citizen, but I am not sure if it makes sense. Japan's economy and overall future seems even worse than the USA's. I work as a plumber so I live decently at the moment. Any advice for my situation?
though actually naturalizing / becoming a citizen and living in another country is something entirely different than wanting a second passport
and most of the hurdles connect to a second passport won't apply to yo

you are way more free to chose a country you actually like (assuming you can get an initial visa) rather than taking the easiest / cheapest option
honestly I wouldn't emigrate from the US just because you fear some "impending doom"

only do it if you see tangible benefits, or you're gonna be unhappy long term
because there WILL be trade offs!!

not sure why you fear anything with your profession, aren't you literally one the last people that will lose their job in a crisis?
>work as a plumber
blue color work is comparatively badly paid outside the USA

>I am eligible to become a Japanese citizen
assuming you have some cultural connection there
Japan would be the most logical option
have you researched the job market?
What's the situation there for being self-employed?
Do you know how to do and promote your business in Japan?

I could imagine Germany / Austria, BeNeLux or the Nordics fitting your requirements
as they are not too different from the US
but they all have their own pitfalls

again I'd only advise to emigrate if you actually see tangible, direct benefits (like culture, location, salary, work life balance, better family environment etc.)
>honestly I wouldn't emigrate from the US just because you fear some "impending doom"
Thank you for responding. I came to the conclusion that the US is in for some very hard times. It's the most indebted country in the world, it will reap what it sewed. In the near-term there is significant chance of political Balkanization. If this plays out we are looking at mass civil unrest. It's hard for me not to take action in light of this.

>I could imagine Germany / Austria, BeNeLux or the Nordics fitting your requirements
This is where I would prefer to live, but Japan seems like my only 1st world option. What I read online makes it seem like earning citizenship for EU countries is next to impossible without a niche job or money to buy. But I do see tangible benefits to EU countries especially with the work life balance. (siestas!) Is obtaining EU citizenship realistic?
not going to start a political discussion here
like I said, just make sure you ALSO have some immediate, tangible benefits
>EU countries especially with the work life balance
is a good one

If you prefer EU countries, then aim for EU countries

the good news
>it seem like earning citizenship for EU countries is next to impossible without a niche job
luckily, you have a wanted niche job!
almost every EU country will take you and you will have an easy time finding a job for a visa

also EU citizenships are pretty average difficulty on a global scale
I can only talk for Germany (my home) but they recently even lowered requirements to less language skills and only 5years of living here

now the bad news
>vocational training
i have absolutely no idea how you working experience translates here
especially Germany is REALLY degree focused and you have to get a 3,5y long vocational training to be a plumber here (plus a few more years for a "Meister" / master of your profession)
and training is really really badly paid here, so you 100% don't want to go through with this

also Plumbers in general are not super well paid, so you want to start your own company or take an old one over

good news again
you only need
>residence permit
to start your own company
and as US citizen it's really easy to get those!

It should be relatively easy to come and work in the EU as US citizen
This is very interesting, thank you again. The unemployment numbers in the EU and especially countries like Spain are so high, I assumed positions like plumbers would be filled. But your take is very encouraging, I will do my research.

Would you say there is a vibrant techno culture where you live? I read that Berlin has a great techno scene, but I'm curious if it's something that lots of people actually listen to, or if it's just a small sub-population of people like the US. I love trance so this draws me to the Netherlands as well. In the US the most popular music is hip-hop and country.

Here's a random song if you like techno.
>unemployment numbers in the EU and especially countries like Spain are so high
yeah southern europe is currently a bit... difficult
still, you shouldn't have any problems finding jobs in the larger cities

>vibrant techno culture
if you want Techno, Berlin is your top pick
>curious if it's something that lots of people actually listen to, or if it's just a small sub-population
I would say Techno is quite mainstream for clubs in Germany
but it's not like your average boomer will listen to Techno

>hip-hop and country
yeah and our equivalent is German Rap and Schlager
i'm afraid this style of music isn't restricted to a single country

most big cities will have a couple Techno clubs (like Cologne, Hamburg, Frankfurt)
isn't this mostly on festivals anyway?
the only other occasions for trance music I can think of are Raves
again big German cities (preferable with a lot of students) or Dutch cities should have (semi) regular raves (in summer)
>banks WILL refuse you because of dual citizenship
>especially EU banks
never heard of this in my life, where do you get this info?
The things you're saying were all posted here 10 years ago and... well?
It has to do with FACTA (google it) so banks that don't have a US presence will avoid US citizens (though not all banks do).
it's mostly US citizenship that will have problems
but also everyone from the European Union tax haven blacklist

basically anywhere banks have to additionally report something to somewhere, i.e extra work

you can easily google "us citizen refused bank account <country>" (maybe add a "reddit.com")
>never heard of this in my life, where do you get this info?
It's common knowledge among the expat community. US citizens have a hard time opening accounts.
Also a lot of the biggest crypto exchanges will refuse US customers or send them to a segregated exchange with no access to the global liquidity, as Binance does
So about that German rap...this is cancer...

Perhaps I misunderstand the trance scene, but I thought trance was most popular in the Netherlands. Trance clubs are a thing of the past?

Are you native German and do you hold multiple passports? What do you like about Germany?

I was financially impoverished until recently, so I never had a reason to browse /trv/. Sorry!
I have dual-citizenship (USA and an EU member country). I literally, unironically can not fathom that there are people in this world who do not have the freedom to just pick up and move to another country and settle down without having to deal with red tape or citizenship/residency bullshit. Like it's actually crazy to me that there are people who can live like that.
>liKe it’s acTualY crAzY

Shut the fuck up faggot I didn’t choose to be born to American parents
>about that German rap...this is cancer...
yeah, i know

>Trance clubs are a thing of the past?
i'm not super into the trance scene
there are clubs (e.g. in Berlin) but they are way rarer than Techno ones
Trance is played mostly at special events in clubs or at Raves
but every big German / Dutch city will have cool Raves during summer

>Are you native German and do you hold multiple passports
Yes and Yes (German and Swiss Passport)

>What do you like about Germany?
It's not one thing in particular
>work life balance, 35h/week with good pay (in my profession) and 32 days of vacation
>german directness
>(relatively) cheap cost of living in big cities
>good infrastructure (Germans love to complain about their trains, but honestly there are only like 5 countries that have better ones)
>free and good education (free pre-K depends a bit on the region though)
>insanely good domestic (or neighboring countries) tourism options
>insanely good culture offerings (music and art)

there are some drawbacks
taxes and social security are really high and the salary ceiling is way lower than in the US or even Switzerland
you won't find as spectacular nature as in the USA and being /out/ in general is quite different

but even after traveling / being a DN for ~6y,
the combination of these things is almost impossible to find anywhere else in the world - that's why I stayed in here
>good but not brillant visa-free options
Most any country that matters it's fine
>cucked from going to Cuba and North Korea by own government
Anyone from the US who doesn't know how to get to Cuba is a fucking brain dead retard who should not be traveling. NK is just a huge meme.
>frequent target for butthurt actions (e.g. reciprocity fees, forced biometrics, hostage diplomacy)
Yet you want to go to NK? lol
>doesn't allow you to reside in other countries
Singapore doesn't count?
>worldwide slave to the IRS, banks abroad will not deal with you unless you're a highroller
What does this even mean?
Lack of empathy is a symptom of autism, we already know that.
>worldwide slave to the IRS
>What does this even mean?
as US citizens you have to pay taxes on your global income - no matter where you live or where the income is originated

that IRS WILL tax you no matter where you live
that you HAVE to make a tax declaration every year

some countries have double taxation agreement with the US
but some don't, then you'll pay taxes twice

>banks abroad will not deal with you
read about FATCA

the US is really not a good passport to have unless you actually want to live / work there
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It's not expensive to live in a shitty little van.
The last four weeks of wandering around Michigan and camping in national/state forests cost me $614. I covered 1200 miles in that time.
Van ownership costs (purchase price, registration, insurance, maintenance, repairs) have averaged $175/month so far, and continue to decline.
And I cannot fathom why someone would have a USA passport when he also has a better one.
"us citizen refused bank account" isn't the same as "dual citizens refused bank account"
refusal of US citizen is just the most prominent

again you can get refused if the bank fears any increased workload / reporting for you (unless you are highroller)

tax haven blacklist (mostly small Island nations) citizenship will almost instantly gets your account canceled / denied
Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Bahrain, sometimes UAE, etc. can be difficult too due to terrorist financing laws (but more likely to go through)

I dont think the IRS has any power outside "america" anon. You really like sucking the government cock dont you. Bet you work for the government to eh? Fuck this nuevo "america" and anyone that works for it.

You only get taxed if you make a lot of money too. So if you move to a different country and work as a teacher or in hospitality, no one is going to come after you.
My grandmother's parents were Irish, could I get Irish citizenship?
I don't think the IRS is going to extradite a small time tax evader but they'll bust your ass the moment you try to come back. Most expats still want to be able to visit family or their own stomping grounds so they'll need to be paying the IRS off even if they don't set foot in the US for a year or more
Then what is the point of having a US passport if you don't plan to set foot in the US again?
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This fucking website didn't tell me a single bit as to how to get a 2nd passport besides if one of my parents have duel citizenship elsewhere in a land of blood country.

>Tax evader

We fought a revolutionary war over this i believe, a bunch of Anglo Saxons dressed up as indians and threw a bunch of tea into the Boston Harbor in protest to unfair taxation. I, and many other people don't believe in, and will not abide by taxation without representation, and taxation when we are not even in the fucking country.

Fuck this "american" government and anyone that supports it. The overreach and tyranny is overwhelming. Let it burn.
This website is for people over the age of 18.

You're an idiot, and you deserve the surveillance police state of this tyrannical government.
Imagine spending so much time watching incel dorktubers that your feed is solely populated by their shitty videos. Imagine watching an incel dorktuber video for more than two minutes.

Perma slave and perma victim mentality. At this point you might as well join the circle jerk and make some parking lot videos yourself.
Are you gonna do something about it or post here? That's why pajeet and niggers have taken over. They just walk outside, burn something down and get whatever they they're ant but white people seethe online.

Until you learn to start killing people, until EVERYONE learns to start killing people, you'll keep getting raped.

Stay home yanks
>My YouTube is cluttered with fucking loser men sitting in their cars in a Walmart parking lot, or rotting at their parents house, lamenting about their plight

Sounds like the remote job dorks have crafted an algorithm that successfully targets retarded losers really well, congrats to them and their new homes!
no. your grandparents are the furthest back it goes. unless they themselves were registered or counted as irish citizens, then you are out of luck.
>Unless at least one parent or an Irish-born grandparent was an Irish citizen at the time of your birth, you have no automatic right to Irish citizenship on the basis of extended previous ancestry (that is, ancestors other than your parents or grandparents).
your parent could claim it
Imagine a world where it is easier for people born into poverty in third world countries to get a passport in an OECD country than it is for someone born into relative wealth to get a passport in any country other than their country of birth.
You're living in this nightmare.
no, if you're born in OECD country it's easy to get a citizenship of another OECD country: just move there and live long enough
>just move there and live long enough
Oh ok, I'll just get an employer sponsored visa or retrain in a skill in shortage shall I?
Not all of us are 20
easiest way is just go to study, in most western european countries your time spent studying is counted towards permanent residence and citizenship
Again, easier said than done once you're past a certain age.
there is no upper limit for studying
what's your point? you just want another citizenship without work/study/marriage in that country??
>there is no upper limit for studying
I'm not sure many universities will take 40 years old international students unless they have outstanding careers or solid references. Yes there are technically no upper limits but universities are selecting on criteria that are also correlated to age.
your age, career or references don't matter
you fulfill the minimum requirements, pay the fee and you're in
low level "universities" may not even have tuition fees

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