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7-9 days

Relatively cheap or moderate

No more than 1 day of travel time to reach the destination

Mix of good food, nice city, and nature.

Nowhere in western mainland Europe, Japan, China, or Central America (already been to these countries).
Somalia. Specifically Mogadishu.
Oh wait, you're not allowed thanks to UN treaties that all countries respect.
I wonder why?
Islands of Greece, do you research.
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Madeira and Azores, just be careful and don't rent a scooter
Eastern Turkey, especially around lake Van. Barely any foreigners, great food, amazing nature and culture and very friendly people. You can even hike up a 4000m high volcano (Süphan Dagi) where you have an amazing view over the lake.
Other highlights are Akdamar, Nemrut crater, Ararat, Ishak Pasha Palace and swimming in the lake of course.
If you have more time you can even explore more South around Mardin and the Syrian border (it's not sketchy at all).
It's definitely a bit of an adventure because most people won't speak much English and there's nothing catered to Western tourists. On the other hand it's still Turkey so culturally not too far away and people are quite civilised.

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