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This is a version from 2022. Is there an updated version (more cantons, more detailed etc.)

Also, higher res is also required. Most of the islands are non existent on my version.
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This is the most recent version I have.
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fuck it posting my pathetic map
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This is the most recent map, and the highest resolution.
t. Norwegian map autist

Fuck it, this is now a Real Traveler's Map™ thread
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Mine is pathetic too. How goes it up in PA?
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planned for the next 12 months is Denmark, Galapagos then Iran and lastly Panama (although not finished planned

did an exchange year during university to Beijing and basically only traveled, that's why so much China
also I don't really remember the exact Itinerary for Botswana, Madagaskar nor Papua new guinea

no clue why I never had the idea to visit the Nordics (except Island) or more or SEA
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added a bunch of US states since the last thread

Guyana and Suriname planned for later this year, maybe Panama. May see more of South America if I can leverage work trips too.
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It's over
How come you traveled so much in Central Asia, not really a "prime" tourist destination.
And what was your itinerary?

Want to go there too sometimes in the next years

also a bit jealous of that Syria trip
I wish that I would have traveled there pre 2011
Turkmenistan got me interested in the region, so that was the primary reason to visit. Since it is so far and flights ended up being almost half the total cost of the trip I also decided to see a bit more of Central Asia at the same time.

Turkmenistan was mostly around Ashgabat and the Darvaza crater.
Uzbekistan I was in Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara.
Tajikistan was Dushanbe, Isaknderkul and Khujand
Kyrgyzstan was Bishkek, Osh and Karakol
Kazakhstan was just Almaty and Charyn Canyon

Would definitely recommend it, each country was very interesting and surprisingly different (though admittedly I did not have much knowledge before going there)

Syria was great, it was actually only a couple of years ago. I'd recommend visiting still - of course there is a bit more risk than most places if war starts up in the area but it's been mostly a ceasefire for a long time. Would have also loved to visit pre-war though.

Newfag here. Link?
>colours in the Channel Islands but not Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland
what the fuck
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Went to Ontario recently so got a new Canadian province checked off the map. Finally saw "normal" Canada.
Going on a cruise in November and going to see Belize, Honduras, and Mexico. I don't know when I can see Panama or Colombia. It may be late this year or early next year unfortunately.
I wanted to do a South America trip this year but money has been tighter and I've been busy with shit so I can't take all the vacations I want but at least the cruise is paid off so that's definitely the next trip.
It is pretty good. Just moved back from Colorado.
Link to what? He posted the image. You fill it out in MS Paint.
Zoomers/Gen Alpha probably don't even know what MS Paint is.
ye, must let me colour in all 3424 states of Moldova, quickly
Is there a web version of this map? it sucks filling this out in MS paint.
It should be that I mark I visited a country like "russia" and it fills out all of russia in the correct color.
But it's supposed to be a one-time project, where you spend an afternoon filling in the map, save it on your computer, update it when you travel and post it whenever these threads are up.
Belize looks dreamy
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Went to the Swedish countryside for midsommar last month and did some extra stops along the way. The Florida honeymoon is 90% planned, Romania is still a 'maybe' as it will depend on finances.

Damn impressive map, got any cool stories to share?
>Damn impressive map, got any cool stories to share?
I'm old kek
that's ~10y of traveling with a full time job + 1y China as student + 1y camping around Europe between school and University

>any cool stories
2 scary moments I strongly remember
most vacations just go really smooth

you know how wild camping is allowed in Scotland basically anywhere?
we camped on Calton Hill in Edinburgh for like a week because we though it was allowed
we packed our tent every morning and stored it throughout the day

turns out it isn't allowed
police came one morning and was absolutely not amused
we were just packing and tent was empty
police walks to car and 18y old stupid me gets flight reflex
we ran like 5 min, catched a random bus out of the city and never returned
no clue how the police didn't get to us

that's how we lost a 300€ tent over what would've been probably just a warning or a 10€ fine

DRC was really something else too
there in 2014; remember Ebola?
we were in Équateur (today split up in 4? provinces)
our boat broke down
and half the province got into a semi lock down were no other boats were coming
took us 3 full days to organize a seaplane with enough range to pick us up and another 4 days to get a charter out of the town the seaplane got us to

just imagine being stranded in a literal village with absolutely nothing around and you KNOW that not even 30km away (so barely a day by foot) from you someone died from Ebola
3 fucking days
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3 weeks until I'm in China for a year

>we camped on Calton Hill
I imagine this would have been a long time ago, because nowadays it is crawling with tourists all the time

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