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why is it so hard to get a green card?

i just want to leave eastern europe and live in LA or NYC or somewhere cool, like in the GTA games or in the movies.
high demand.

Half of Asia would give their left nutsack for a US greencard, that's your competition.
Literally just walk in they can't stop you that's how my aunt did it
Neither NYC nor LA are cool anymore. You would quickly figure that out when you got here. In fact, Eastern Europe is the new cool spot.
>Half of Asia
>and all of Africa
>and all of LATAM
>and all of the middle east
>and realistically 25-50% of everywhere else
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Not for long
>want to leave eastern europe
>and live in LA or NYC
oh god no
try vacationing there first, the coolness wears off after 2 days max.

just take your Schengen Passport (assuming you got one) and move to a big EU city

Berlin would be easy mode
and you can feel like in the movies (just not an american movie kek)
if you want better weather and can get a job, the big Spanish or Italian cities, Lisbon or Athens are very cool too
Never happening, sorry.
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>i just want to leave eastern europe and live in LA or NYC
Nobody can afford to live there. They don't build enough housing to meet demand.

People are leaving there because nobody can afford it.
You're not going to get a US green card, just move to western Europe like a normal person.
>Lisbon or Athens
Sounds like he's trying to move out of a third world place not into one
>Lisbon or Athens
>third world place
what are you talking about?

I explicitly added "if you can get a job"
because if you are educated and get a good job, both cities are awesome

besides, even poorer suburbs in Lisbon, like Amadora, are fine
Athens has some sketchy sides, but again, you won't be going there, and these are not like no go zones, just not nice to look at

you never actually been to a real 3rd world country, did you anon?

>Sounds like he's trying to move out of a third world place
sounded more like he wants big city life to me

eastern Europe (unless we're talking about Russia / Ukraine etc.), especially the ones in the EU are very FAR from being 3rd world shitholes
it's not the 1990s any more!
Don't let the electric jew brainwash you anon
Never been to LA but I can tell you for a fact that NYC, Sanfagcisco and basically all the international big name US cities are shit places full of shit people.
Now red state cities are a different story. They are based. But unfortunately like everywhere else they are now flooded with poo, black, bean and rice.
>eastern europe
Just roll up into South Brooklyn and no one will notice

On municipal level, every city is controlled by liberals, every rural town is controlled by conservatives, and suburbs are battle ground. This is mostly true throughout the country.
Yes libtards are unfortunately in control of and destroying cities, as my post acknowledges.
Don't forget your booster.
marry me and u might get one
I lived in LA for a month and that was enough to last me the rest of my life. I came home one afternoon and the swat team was in my building with guns drawn raiding an apartment downstairs. Homeless people used to walk through out alley all night rummaging through our trash to search for cans to recycle. The gay motorcycle guy and his boyfriend in the next unit would have huge fights and he'd go into the alley and rev his motorcycle for an hour or two and wake up the whole building as revenge. My roommates car was side swiped the first day i moved in and the dude who hit him just left his car totaled in the street and fled. The schizoid across the hall would watch Rocky 4 at full volume for 8 hours a day. When he wasn't watching Rocky 4, he would listen to Desert Rose by Sting on repeat for the rest of the day. Only that song. 16 hours a day at full volume. Transvestite hookers used to stand on the corner every night from 8pm to 5am. I packed my shit at the end of the first month and moved back to Maryland.

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