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Attention to all World Citizens and RealTraveler™s of /trv/, according to my estimates from piecing together various vacation countdown screenshots, today, July 19th, 2024, marks the beginning of the infamous Security Guard Anon's retreat to Thailand. Let us celebrate in this thread by reminiscing on some of his great contributions to this board, and look forward to the next 6 months free of peckerposting, hatred for successful people, and dorker spam.
funny that it happened right as crowdstrike probably grounded his flight.
Good for him. I'm still justifying not going because my lease isn't up for another two months. Literally nothing holding me besides that. I can lift weights in Thailand. I'm just not there because I am settled in a city and hesitate to uproot my life yet again. I don't know.
>so just renew your lease and go to Thailand anyway
Then I'm wasting money on rent when I'm not even there and I'll be bitter about the wasted money.
I appreciate your following, but for the record, the countdown date was to my last day of work. I’m visiting my parents and then going to Thailand late august.
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Let us all be reminded that this thread was started by an OBSESSED schizophrenic cuck who can’t drive and rents a shed from his mother-in-law.

He has believed that his nemesis is the following:
An Indian moderator
A security guard
A successful Filipino YouTuber and his white wife and child.
And many other delusional bullshit.
He regularly ruins the /PTG/ with his mental illness.

Cuckshed believes he is more successful than the security guard because cuckshed works jeet jobs on Fiverrr from his cuckshed in the Philippines while the security guard works from the US.
lol based
That cuckshed picture is what started his mind broken mental illness.
He has never been able to get past it.
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>a security guard
Yea I’m real. Last day of work selfie.
So how does it feel to know you mind broke the cuckshed? Dude posts on here with a smug sense of superiority and you just destroy him every single time.
This thread may have actual been posted by someone who wishes me well, but if cuckshed really does ?live in a shack in PH near his in-laws? that’s pitiful and he should extricate himself from that situation.

I’m saving PH for when I am an actual boomer 50+
This is baller tier.
Enjoy your trip, KING!
I am not cuckshed, just someone who has been in the various SEA threads that you have shit up. After the coomer monger LARPer exile, the cuckshed insecurity guard fliptuber shit has been the both most entertaining and annoying part of this board. I am glad you will probably be too preoccupied with TTT to derail threads with schizo cuckshed shit and only jerking off on Fridays but I will kind of miss it. I wish you well.
90% of the time it is cuckshed, full schizo, arguing with himself.
Jesus you absolutely MOG cuckshed!
I have been watching the Security Guy vs Cuckshed thing for months now. Fascinating bit of board culture.
This can’t BE!
You don’t look Indian to ME?
WTF cuckshed?!
>this is what his hair transplant has amounted to
Holy shit this is rich.
Lmao at the subhuman currycel insecurity guard triggered by this thread and same fagging in it. Truly Pathetic. I've never seen someone so totally consumed by an inferiority complex towards White people, but every post of his just makes me glad I'm not a coping and seething subhuman like him. I know you're reading you sad little subhuman, I recommend you watch Codex: India on the flight and then kys.
He posted a picture of himself irl in his actual security guard uniform, and you're still having a schizo meltdown over him being an Indian? How fucking deranged can you get?
>subhuman currycel
Post picture showing I am unquestionably a white guy

There’s only so much I can do
>American mystery meat. White
Move the goalposts further schizo. You'd rather commit suicide then acknowledge you were wrong about one of your delusions. You are all like that btw.
>I’m visiting my parents
I thought your mom died and your dad might not even be biologically related.
>I am unquestionably a white guy
lol you've described your skin as olive before and your real dad might be shawarma-brown.
>when the skater boy has to take his hat off in class
Wow you guys are historical. Yea mom’s dead, visiting bro, dad, stepmom. And as far as my skin tone yea I’m Irish Italian maybe Levantine but unproven. Prison rules say I’m white
Watching that cuckshed rage over “whiteness” while having zero white offspring and living with a literal SEA monkey is beyond hilarious. The mental illness of this /pol/cel is comedy gold!
Vinny is that you?
Tard guard has talked loads about being brown. Brown hands took this pic. It's a pic of his colleague.
>Sar, can I taking a picture of you? My cousin Gupta is asking sar!
He must have thought you were so gay taking this pic kek
Literally flipping off the gay jeet
>This is baller tier.
>Enjoy your trip, KING!
>Jesus you absolutely MOG cuckshed!
>This can’t BE!
>You don’t look Indian to ME?
>WTF cuckshed?!
>Holy shit this is rich.
Imagine thinking these posts aren't tard guard samefag glazing himself. Only someone with an IQ low enough to be trapped in a wagie job would think these are convincing
It's not him. He's posting it because he knows we've found him. He's not going anywhere.
Hey security guard bro
Big fan!
Please make more threads so we can follow your chad lifestyle.
Ignore chudshed because he is a loser who can’t even drive a car.
That’s funny cuz I used to skate from like 11 years old to 20ish
rent free.
Please post a pic of yourself holding a sign that says "I hate niggers"
I think your descriptions of yourself as being DiCaprio-esque were a little generous
based af
Lol you are correct
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i imagine cuckshed is going to need another keyboard
You're definitely a subhuman currycel and a complete fucking loser with a permanent, raging inferiority complex towards White people. Every samefag post you make is a self-own, an unintended trolling of your own very pathetic life. Unironically kill yourself.
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All this rage is coming from a man child who can’t even drive a car.

You aren’t Neil Armstrong or Elon Musk. You are a white dork who never lost his virginity until he flew to SEA and payed a slum monkey to have sex with you.
sweet jesus, this fucking thread
is this what you fucknuts do instead of actually travelling?

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