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File: death.png (1001 KB, 1281x664)
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NEET here, I can't make enough money through the internet to pay for rent and living expenses in my country. I'm 30+ and still live with my aging parents, am balding and have no prior work experience or qualifications besides a vocational college degree in Computer science. What country could I realistically go to where rent and prices are low enough (somewhere below 500USD/month) that I could live on my own? (I should also add that im very frugal, i only eat one meal a day, and don't plan to do anything like eating out or partying, just living). It should be a country where I could stay long term with my qualifications (none) and eventually obtain a permanent residence. So far what I've found was Cambodia, Mexico, Thailand and the Philippines as possible destinations but not sure about the detail. I'm not even sure if its possible for anyone like me with zero qualifications can even do anything like moving to another country. All I really want is to peacefully live in a tiny box with an internet connection and be left alone until I pass away, it's just that its not possible to do that in the country that I'm in because rent and expenses are so ridiculously high im forced to live with elderly parents who are mental. My other option is to do physical labor , develop various health problems while living in a shared house with other workers and be miserable.
why cant you make more money?
This is a self help thread, not a /trv/ thread.
>ive never had a job in 30+ years of life
>wtf bros i cant believe my only options are to live with mommy and daddy or actually do work i deem shit and live a shit lifestyle
What the hell did you expect? You should absolutely get the fuck off your ass and start working ANYWHERE that will take you. If you maybe want to up your odds in life then you'll need to continue some sort of education and work on the side afterwards. You've got the CS degree but what do you have to show for it? Any relevant experience you can point to? Anything you've designed or coded? You need to get that shit done. Fluff up a resume with bullshit certifications from google or some ridiculous certification mill company.
>i want to move and obtain a permanent residence in a cheap place with no relevant work experience
Nearly impossible because almost every country on earth wants an immigrant to bring in some sort of useful skill, they don't want to add another useless neet to their ranks.
>i'll develop health problems from physical labor
Then maybe you should have done literally anything in the past 14+ years you've been able to apply for work and built up a resume. Start construction, they pay decently and there's ways to move up if you're smart about it. If you dont want to do it long term, then work on expanding your degree and apply to jobs relevant to CS often.

You've got a lot of dreams and delusions about your situation. Get ANY job you can find, live with mom and dad and save every single penny you can, eventually be ready to move out. Either you grow the fuck up and embrace the world, or go rot forever.
Convert to Judaism, move to Israel, get low interest loans, buy a couple of guns, move into a "frontier" home free of charge by kicking out a palestinian family from their home, if they resist use lethal force. Bam, no rent, no down payment, ezpz.
>where I could stay long term with my qualifications (none) and eventually obtain a permanent residence.

there's nowhere you can do that unless you marry a local. if you want to go live abroad and you speak english and can get a certification, then teaching english is a possibility. ther are some countries where you can stay if buy real estate at a certain mimium level (typically around $200K) but it doesn't sound like you have the funds.
Is that photo of an actual death on camera? What the fuck?
Cambodia has year-long multiple entry visas, for $300 a year. You can teach English and make an easy $1000. It's possible to live here for peanuts if all you need is a box with a bed and internet.
What makes you think that you will be able to live somewhere else if you still live with your parents? The typical syndrome of grass is always greener on the other side.
As if the location where you live was the problem.
Please don't move out before you gain some life skills because I can guarantee to you that in 2 week you will want to kill yourself.
>can't make enough money
>vocational college degree in Computer science
mate, search yourself a PROPER job
somewhere where you have an actual working contract and get paid monthly

if you can't
get into training for another Job that has better prospects
something blue collar and stable (like in something infrastructure) is probably best for you

>All I really want is to peacefully live in a tiny box with an internet connection and be left alone until I pass away
yeah no
ain't gonna happen

>emigrating Cambodia, Mexico, Thailand etc.
no country will give you permanent residency

>30+ years old
>forced to live with elderly parents
you have the PRIVILEGE to live with your parents retard

work in a stable job for 5 years until you have a financial buffer and maybe a down payment
then move out if you want to
the system is set up to fuck over patricually young males of low potential, from a genetic / society level up. Men are natures roll of the dice to get high genes propagated and scrap the rest.

Taxing males productive labour and transfering it to not you, only magnifies the problem.
>ll I really want is to peacefully live in a tiny box with an internet connection and be left alone until I pass away,

> every bit of land is owned on this planet, and resource calimed you have to fight every moment of your life agiasnt all to gain and then keep your bit and resources to live.
What's going on in the picture?
>So far what I've found was Cambodia, Mexico, Thailand and the Philippines
Shocking, a fucking loser names all the countries where you can get your pecker played with for a modest fee.
I’d reply but OP hasn’t replied to a single one so far. I guess he doesn’t actually want any.

NEETs don't want actual advice, they just need to vent in their perpetual wait for some kind of magic trick fixing their lives with zero effort
Not being a loser in this society is 100% dependent on whether or not your parents are worthless retards.
We don't live in a meritocratic society anymore. Young generations have to work 10x harder for 1/10 of the reward baby boomer assholes got. Boomers broke the social contract and sold off our future to megacorporations, globohomo and central bankers for an RV and a flat screen TV. The only way a young male will have a future in any western country these days is either by having good life RNG and have non-retarded rich parents or emigrating.
This won't be easy but the best way forward for you is probably enlist in the military for 4 years. There are a lot more 30+ guys there than you think. Even saw someone almost 40. Bootcamp is not easy but it's just 2 months. Just make sure to buy a shaver. Hopefully you can learn to have some life skills there and save some money.

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