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Are there any dangerous/difficult travel destinations that are worth it for the average traveler? For those of you who have traveled to unusual travel destinations (place like Haiti, Mali, etc) what made the risk worth it for you?
Iran, Russia (Chechnya especially) and Pakistan are probably one's best bets. Never been to any but they're undeniably unique and could be dangerous.
Also if you go to Syria or Iraq, you could be one of the last people to see some of the final remaining remnants of those cradles of civilization before they get blown up in WW3.
Wonder if anyone sees genuine interest in Myanmar right now, too
you ever hear of the mega-dog 2 hours from vegas or LA, its a 4000 reward(in casino chips) or 2000 cash if you finish it under 17mins its 4pounds of vienna hotdog and some topping and waffle chips
Iran is not dangerous at all and quite easy to travel (I guess less so with a US passport). Was there in 2018 amidst all the nuclear deal stuff and it was still relaxed.
Russia is probably chill as well but idk for sure.
I'd recommend Lebanon, Congo and Mauretania. Algeria is probably nice as well.
anywhere is difficult if you don't know the language. I liked myanmar, I want to go again. try going to mong la... what's the reward you seek? I want to get into the chinese government golden triangle gambling city because
I don't mean DRC that's suicide but ROC is quite nice

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