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Post your motorcycle camping setup, post recommendations for dope motorcycle camping setups, or backpacking, as I'm sure there is crossover in camping styles, and post the best gear you know of for the best price. My bullshit is as follows:

I'm back to my old camp, but I'm working on updating it. I want to be able to travel sustainably and take my camp with me. I'm working on building a trailer for bike related, Im reckoning I want to swap out my tarp setup for a hammock. Money isn't the issue, I hate paying rent to live amongst the city dwelling degenerates, so I guess I'm looking for a hammock that won't hurt your back, I have electricity already, solar setup with deep cycle battery and 400w inverter, (let me guess, you need more?) I would like to be able to filter water reliably, or recommendations for a cheap method to distill water, probably need a backpacking stove again, although im not sure how expensive propane bottles are these days when you need to boil water for noodles and chicken breast 3 times a day.
I admire your lifestyle
Apologies for sideways photo, I'm phone posting.
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its fine anon.
I am interested in your camping coom process. Do you fuck forest animals? Do you fuck hobo prostitutes? or do you look at porn on your phone and shoot your load into the dirt?
Loads in the dirt. Many of them. Best way to kill time. I'm not a furry, and I never directly pay cash for sex
Nice. Thanks for the info
I think I've seen these threads on /out/ more than here 2bh
now that I have what could technically serve as a mountain bike (DRZ 400), I'm more inclined to try motorcycle camping. how do I get into this? I've never camped before. should I just do a night in a safe campground? do I need to buy those expensive saddlebags?
Nah just stuff as much shit as you can into a backpack and go somewhere. It's only one day, you'll survive. Just warm enough clothes and water and some food.
t. former DRZ owner
I became homeless not by choice, the motorcycle came second. Rain, or cold, and especially the combination, if not properly prepared for will kill you. Or at least make you wish you were dead. Pooping is more trouble than you would think. If male, peeing is actually much easier than ever, because basically walk away from where you sleep and that's where you pee. The more things you gather the worse, because now you got to move your solar panels and deep cycle battery. Sure, unlimited power for an electric scooter, or a hot plate, or really anything that doesn't require a lot of electricity will make you feel superior to your bill-cucked counter parts, but at what cost?
You can get cheap saddle bags on eBay, and they don't mess with your stability as much as a backpack, although really if wearing a backpack is gonna make you wreck you might not need a motorcycle anyways. I ratchet strapped a toolbox to my passenger seat, somewhere along the way the slack came loose because I'm a notoriously lazy strapper, went under the tire, and sank my rear suspension before popping a 600lbs strap like nothing. I'll never learn my lesson and will continue to be a lazy strapper.
What are you using for protection? Tell us about your load out
Ex /fit/izen, I'm 5'9" and 165 pounds of lean rage, so I got a machete, but the best way to stay alive is to avoid conflict. I'm deep in the woods, too far for the average crackhead to follow. I haven't owned a firearm in a while, used to have a 13 inch length of pump shotgun with no stock, held 5 12 gauge shells, but that was like 6 years ago. Confiscated by the police when I got arrested for DUI. But I'm wanting to get another one.

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