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File: hong kong.jpg (88 KB, 574x360)
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I booked a flight to Hong Kong on a whim, what am I in for? I'm a white bong if it matters. I didn't realise it had quite such extensive territories around the city. Is it worth doing any hikes or will I die of heat stroke?
i'm heading to hong kong in december, so would also like to know similar info. especially regarding the country parks/large nature areas around the city, are they worth visiting? i'm planning on going to see that big buddha on lan tau (?) island
There are lots of good hikes around HK where you can climb up and see some great views of the city with barely anyone there to bother you. Just be warned cause it rains a lot the dirt ground often gets muddy so bring some good boots. Just take a look at hiking websites and they will give you lists of them and routes to take. HK that many little buses that will take you to most starting areas.
The buddha is pretty massive, well worth going up to see it.

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