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File: sweaty anime girl.jpg (116 KB, 679x960)
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I want to go to Thailand for the winter to avoid very cold northern USA weather, it's really inexpensive, cheaper to go to Thailand for 2 months than Miami for 2 weeks, so I figure I might as well go for a long time to avoid practically the whole winter, but I'm worried, is it TOO hot? A lot of people say the weather in Thailand is very uncomfortable so I'm worried I'll get there and get super sweaty any time I leave my hotel for 5 minutes and end up just feeling stuck being there for 2 months. I'm normally a pretty sweaty guy, I've always lived in cold climates, but I went to Japan in the summer and it was 100 and humid and I could still walk around. Even if it is really hot, I still think it would be preferable to the bitter cold back home, so do you have any suggestions to beat the heat or cautionary advice?
I suggest you shut the hell up with all your yappin
it would ve better to winter in Costa Rica or Panama
If you can handle Japan's heat, then Thailand is fine.
You'll be fine dumbass, and you'll probably love it because thailand is based
The north region (chiang mai and whatnot) is pretty temperate in the winter if you can't enjoy Bangkok. You might even wear a sweater there in the morning and evening. But AC is everywhere so it's not a huge deal
I like cool asian cities tho

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