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Do Japanese people just hate white people walking around with cameras recording everything and everyone?
No when white people behave like niggers they're just having fun bro it's alright bro like calm down sweetie you must be an incel if you don't ape out
Good. Those people are pests.
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Uh no...?
though it would be ironic if they did because they historically have shoved a camera into everything and everyone in stereotypical Japanese tourist fashsion..

They do have a stricter privacy laws that being said hence people will cover their faces/censor them in photos.
No, they only hate it when black people do that
Photography is a form of communication, so etiquette is essential.
I'm a white guy living in Japan longterm and yes, I hate tards like that.
Japan has a legal right to privacy and people can and will sue you for doing it if they want to and you will lose. Watch any news segment or reality tv show where scenes are done outside and faces are always blurred unless they're the focus of the shot and signed a release form. If somebody gets annoyed, they could have a cop demand you delete everything.
They just think it's gaijins doing crazy gaijin stuff
Yeah, I was thinking that too. It's probably the number one stereotype of Japanese tourists.
I've noticed that on the Internet, most Japanese stereotypes are at least several decades old.
>Japanese tourist cameras
Haven't been true in at least 15 years.
>Suicide meme
Rates have been going down for 20 years
>work culture
Has made significant improvements in the last 10 years or so.
I still see Asians obsessively photographing stupid shit but these days it's more like cell phones than cameras.
That would be literally everyone. Everywhere you go, most people are just taking pictures or videos with their phones.

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