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Hi anons, I came here for the straight non bs advice.
Be brutally honest with me. Just wanna work a year or 16 months, save some 35-40k USD.
>don't drink
>don't smoke
>don't like to party o buy useless shit
>will eat rice and eggs all day long just to save a buck
>will live on a shared house to save rent
>will not stay, just there to make money and gtfo
Is it even possible while working construction, carpentry, hospitality, or any other low skill no degree job that I can find?
>will do manual labor
>will work +50 hours a week
>I'm 6,3 and 87 kg, not unfamiliar with breaking a sweat at work

I'm thinking a work and holiday visa, but no holiday at all, just grind all day long and maybe a pint after work.
I'm from Argentina, 29 years old, male, no kids or people to care for.
I don't know anything about the visa process, but I am a carpenter.

What skills do you have? you can definitely make decent money in the construction industry in Australia, especially if you can land a unionized job.

If you have any questions ask away, I know most things about construction.
I worked construction here as a kid, but I don't think we have similar construction techniques and specially not similar standards, Australia's being way higher than ours in the safety and quality areas. But I can carry a 20 kg bucket from point A to B and not bitch about it. Or lift a 45 kg board and not drop it.
I've just started carpentry a couple of months ago, pic related, dunno how you call that style of carpentry, I do mostly the lift work for the owner, and some screwing and installing, he doesn't let me touch any saw for now.

I worked bars and stores for years as well. If it matters. Done some other cargo beast work as well.
The only thing I care for is to get enough hours a day to save at least 25k at the end of 12 months of grinding.
Learning a trade would be a plus, but I'm not hoping to study hard, I just want to come back with enough cash to do my own thing.

Hope I'm not sounding desperate or something.
Wait im confused are you in Australia now? or looking to go to Australia?

Honestly it will be shit work but depending if you are in a city, try and get a labouring job for the unions you will be getting paid more than most non-union tradesman. Don't bother starting the trade unless you are actually going to stay forever as the pay is terrible
>looking to go to Australia
>the pay is terrible
Have any estimates? I heard the exact opposite from Argies living there. They claimed it pays better than hospitality.
1st year apprentice = $17-$25
4th year apprentice = $30-$35

In hindsight this is actually pretty decent desu, a decade ago I was on 13 as a first year. 2 & 3 year are anywhere inbetween.

It really depends who you work for, residential carpentry = shit pay, commercial carpentry = decent pay shit work, union carpentry = huge pay, shit work (and you have to be in a union)
I see, I guess I can make at least 190 AUS every day that way. Cheap shared room 450 AUS a month, food for 500-600 a month. It seems possible to save at least 2000 USD a month if spending on the very necessary.

Or am I daydreaming.
just fyi, australia is one of the most expensive countries in the world to live in. there's no way you can save that much.
The main issue for you will be cost of living, even share house it will be insanely expensive to live anywhere but bumfuck nowhere which will be a nonstarter anyway because bumfuck won't have any jobs. If you want to come to Australia for financial gain look into working in the mines. If you can tough it out you will make bank, mines jobs pay about double city jobs, but it is as close to hell on Earth as you can get. Hundreds of dudes packed into a makeshift city in the desert, working 12 hour days, 10 on, 4 off. If you're thinking you'll be able to work and save in a place like Sydney just stay home, you'll keep more at the end of the year in a third world country.
housing yes
utilities meh
food no
Food and utilities as well. I’ve been there a few times for business and it’s definitely noticeable
>exact description of the perfect mindless drone worker
Well OP, do I have the job for you! In Australia we have a thing called fifo or fly in fly out work where you fly into a mine, work 6 months and then fly out. It's almost entirely occupied by shit head drop kicks who thought they were going to be a sports legend and complain non fucking stop about how they're the backbone of the economy because they work half a year in any other countries equivalent of a dream job! It's mining but they need basically anyone so whatever qualifications you've got will do, manual labor, machinery, cooking, even fucking massaging. The salaries are fucking ridiculous and obviously depend on the job but entry level can be 100-140k a year, so if you're fine with sticking to your manual labour roots and moving some rocks for 6 months then fifo sounds like the job for you.
>>will live on a shared house to save rent

AHAHAHAHAHA anon most cunts here can't afford a sharehouse. You'll want to live with every other fucking immigrant in the city average rent here is $800+ or you'll work in a fruit picking farm for some scummy farmer cunt to rip you off.
I want to work and live in New Zealand for a few years. Not the working holiday visa tho, for i am 34. I'm American and have a college degree.

Not sure if you want to try this OP, but I'm thinking of showing up as a tourist, exploring LOTR nerd stuff, and then decking out and dropping my resume off at a bunch of restaurants, bars and seeing if anyone wants an experienced bartender, server or manager. I think its possible. But then again, i'm not from Argentina and im not sure if you have a college degree.
Did 3 years of WHV in 2019. I'd take what the Aussies in this thread are saying with a grain of salt.

You've got two things to think about. How easy is the job to get, and how well does it pay. You are guaranteed to find a farm job. With a bit of effort you can get one of the good ones that don't abuse you. But more effort you can get some really good pay if you can drive tractor or anything specialized like that.

City work your best bet is construction like the other anon said. Tree planting is also pretty easy to get into.

Every backpacker talks about the mine jobs. Can't say I've ever met a backpacker that got one. I imagine you need a connection or some real experience. Good pay so it's worth a shot, but don't hold out hope. It'll all be in WA too.

Fishing boats can be lucrative in-season. Hospitality is all right, keeps you in nice areas at least.

One year of work at a basic job you can expect around 40k aus (25k USD). Groceries are expensive, rent is worse. Working hostel might be 40 a night. Get a car you can sleep in if it works for you. You'll need wheels if you aren't in the city anyways. There's a lot of country to see, so maybe you're broke ass can enjoy it while driving between growing seasons or something. You're on the other side of the world, enjoy it.
I'm not sure how much money you'll save, but Australia is the perfect country to do what you're planning. Wages are quite high. Cost of being social is high (going to restaurants, pubs, nightclubs, drinking outside of your house), but if you just work really hard, live in a sharhouse 20 mins drive from the city, and don't go out and drink much, you'll save heaps of money.

Unfortunately though, we are full.
Casual construction labourers can earn $30-35/hour. Honestly you should just resell aliexpress jewelry at 10x the price at street markets.
Make sure and have their 9 holocoof vaccine requirement. Fuckers made that island hellscape a medical prison

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