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Sup /trv/
Solo trip to Vienna coming up. Never been before.
Thinking touristy stuff during the day, bars in the evening.
Any advice?
i've been. it's quite pleasant. you need at least 2 whole days to see major attractions but preferably 3-4 days is best. bring cash. tower at st stephans only accepts cash. schonbrun has the best fountain i've ever seen, better than trevi or versaille. when walking be sure to stop at all crossings when the pedestrian light tells you, even if there is no traffic. austrians and bavarians are very strict with this rule so please dont be a nigger. obey the pedestrian signs. dont take the city express line from airport just use regular rail if you are flying in. all public transport tickets must be validated. there are no turnstiles at the subway which is ok. trams are just as good. i foun d google maps not to be 100% accurate with transit locations so be aware of that! it was two years ago it didn't know about a certain entrance to subway on favoritastrasse and pointed me to a tram stop for an underground train stop near the upper belvedre. there are many hidden gems and such but here are my fave places:

>upper belvedre
>secession museum
>welt museum
>st stephans
>st karlsplatz

there are many other small art museums and other attractions that have an appeal but those are the main ones. it really is fun to walk around the altstadt and explore the old city center.
Wow, thanks anon
And yeah I'm thinking 4 days so will aim to hit everything.
Decent hotels look cheaper than I thought they'd be too.
Let us know how the brothels are anon
I didn't know this was a thing and just Googled it.
So now I guess this is what everyone will think I was up to.
I went a few weeks ago and enjoyed staying just across from that church in the pic.
They don’t open the cafes early in Vienna, apparently. Hard to get coffee fix in the early a.m.
Still, I enjoyed Vienna.
I was in Vienna for a few days, didn't do a whole lot that was unique. Just a couple of tours and museums. Managed to hook up with my tour guide which might be my finest moment ever. Enjoyed riding the electric scooters/bikes. It's a good city for cycling. Their metro is good but it's more fun to rent a bike and use your phone as sat nav to get around.
Rent those gay electric scooters and ride around the city. It's a really good city for it. If you have extra time, take the train and do Budapest too.
Take a tram to Grinzing. Enjoy getting shitfaced on good wine while eating good buffet food.
Hi /trv/,

I'm not OP but am also going to Austria (Vienna and Salzburg) with my wife and her parents. We're arriving on October 5, which is the day before Oktoberfest and during the Wiener Wiesn festival. We're staying in the first district, near the opera house. Here are some of the things we plan to do. Are any of these not worth the time, and is there anything else that we should definitely do?

Concert at St. Anne's or St. Peter's church
Walking tour of the city with a tour guide (this was one of my favorite things we did in Paris last year and wish we did it first)
Heeresgeschichtliches Museum
Schönbrunn Palace
Belvedere Palace
Opera House tour

Are there any cultural things that we should not be doing? Stuff like
>when walking be sure to stop at all crossings when the pedestrian light tells you, even if there is no traffic. austrians and bavarians are very strict with this rule so please dont be a nigger.

is helpful information. I'm aware that it's not a good idea to do the Hitler salute.

Also, how does tipping work and what's the expectation there? I'm finding conflicting information online.

>military museum
Pass. More than 50% is in German. Iirc only wwi history has English translation. WWII is all German. The building is interesting but you’ll have seen better at all the other places. I didn’t go to the panzer hall because the museum was such a let down. Very few people there. Felt deserted. There is a very peculiar brown "Heil Hitler" pillow which I took a picture of. One of the germ speaking dads took exception to my fascination and told his son something in germ while looking right at me. lol

Anyway. If I were you I would avoid the area. There is even a park just to the north of it that felt very sketchy and vacant.

You left out the kunsthistorisches which is what you should do. Maybe the welt museum.

It is a conservative catholic country so figure out what that means. The anons claiming hook ups with tour guides and women at bars are almost 100% larping.

Compared to other major euro cities like time , Madrid and Barcelona, there is very little graffiti and blight. It feels almost 100% if you don’t notice that 10% of people are light skin Turks and 10% East Asian tourists. It really is what Paris should be.

Btw they tip in Austria
Thank you for the response. I'll add the Kunsthistorisches to the list.

>The anons claiming hook ups with tour guides and women at bars are almost 100% larping.
Not interested in that anyway.

>Btw they tip in Austria
Most of what I'm reading says the general etiquette is to round up 10-15% to the next round number and pay in cash.
>Are there any cultural things that we should not be doing? Stuff like
Just a few simple ones.
1. Use your indoor voice and tune it down to 50% volume at all times
2. If you use public transport step to the side, let people get off first and then board, the train/tram/bus won't leave you behind so there's no pressure to get on
3. You can drink from pretty much any fountain unless there's a sign "kein Trinkwasser" that means" no drinking water"
4. If you go to Grinzing(totally worth it) don't get wasted on the wine, those cups of Heurigen(young wine) you get are 0,25dl of 12%+ alcohol wine. They feel like small beers but if you get 3 of them you drunk a entire bottle of wine on your own so guess what happens
5. "Grüss Gott" is still a very common way to say "hello" and appreciated.
>those cups of Heurigen(young wine) you get are 0,25dl
*(young but fully fermented wine) you get are 0.25 Liter or 0.264 quart
Go to Bratislava, Slovakia for one night and get drunk there.
>Managed to hook up with my tour guide which might be my finest moment ever
good job anon
In addition to everything mentioned already, I'd recommend seeing two things:

Imperial treasury - has items (allegedly) from Charlemagne's tomb and a nice collection of Habsburg jewelry, including the crown of the Holy Roman Emperor.

Imperial crypt - I almost missed this since it's very rarely mentioned in travel guides, but it was a real highlight on my trip because I got to see ornamental coffins of many Austrian emperors from the last several hundred years. Each of them is a work of art and it's worth going just to see the absolute unit of Maria Theresa's coffin. I recommend going there near the end of your trip, because by then you'll learn who each of those people are. This way, instead of just seeing names and years, you'll be able to appreciate why certain coffins look a certain way and e.g. why there are items from Mexico next to Maximilian's coffin.
If you get tired of the Austrian food, there is a Five Guys near St. Stephen’s plaza

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